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I really don't want to go to his house today I think while walking down the street.

He somehow found my number and texted me his address.

I really just wanted to watch movies and eat food lots of it.

I look around at all of the houses. Rich people. Yephe he lives in that money money area.

I probably look homeless to them.

A laugh escapes my lips thinking about if some rich people saw a tan skin kid wearing black on black walking down there street.

I look back at the house numbers looking for his exactly.

My eyes catch a 2747.

His house is a big white mansion. With windows everywhere. But you can't see inside them it seems.

I walk across the street and up to his fancy gate.

I press the little red button on the intercom.

I think that's what you press.

Th gates open reveling the mansion.

I start walking up the drive way to the front door.

I knock and William is there with a shirt on.

Damn it's not like the books.

"Come in." He says and leaves the door open for me to enter.

I look around as I enter and see money, money. Why waste good money on stupid stuff.

"We'll just go up to my room and do all the work and things." William says.

"Okay." Is all I say.

I look down and see perfect white tiles.


"So what do you want the project to be about." He asks.

I'm sitting in his desk chair and he's on his bed.

"Maybe something space related is that good." I try to sound less airy about it but it doesn't work.

"You must think I'm dumb." He says he dark blue eyes flicking over to me.

"Honestly hell yeah. But at the same time no. Because you have to be smart to take the same classes as me so..." I say with a shrug to my shoulders.

He keeps looking at me and I start to fidget.

"Okay we can do space but it has to be four parts that intertwine to a basic idea." He says while jotting notes down in his notebook.

I roll my eyes, "Well let's just figure out the ideas for each section and a layout and then be done for the day."

He looks back at me, with a slight hope in his eyes. But it shuts off quickly.

"Yeah that's fine." He says softly while looking down.


It feels like a million hours later but we finally get done with everything.

I'm sitting on his bed, packing my stuff up while he's in the bathroom.

I tack my phone out of my pocket and see it's 5:23.


Just as I put my backpack on William walks back into the room, and my stomach growls.

"Hungry?" He asks sounding completely normal.

I walk past him and down the hall and to the staris with him following.

"Yes, but if it's fancy then no I'm not." I say because who the fuck wants caviar.

He looks at me like I'm dumb, "Who said I'm willing to make more than a sandwich?"

"Well no one but if you were going to give me fish eggs we would have had a problem." I say as we turn into the kitchen.

Sleek appliances, white marble, chandeliers, and the falling of the sun and rising of the moon. Is all I see.

"How many do you want?" He asks while opening the fridge.

He back muscles flex. How sexy.

I shake my head at my thoughts and reply by just saying one.

My phone makes a binging sound, so I pull it out of my pocket.

Finn- come to this fucking coffee shop know. Or I might just kill Michael and go to jail.

I laugh and reply with a hell no.

"Azrael." Someone says.

I look up to see William standing there with my sandwich.

I grab it with a thanks and take my bag.

"Next week." I ask. While walking towards the door.

"No, Saturday. I want to get this done as soon as possible." He says.

I just nod and open the door.

"Bye." I say with a little wave.

He lets out a little smile and copies my words and actions. Then he shuts the door and I start walking off.

I go to grab my earphones, but remember I left them on the bed.

I turn back around and walk back up the driveway, because I haven't left the gate yet.

I knock on the door but get no reply.


I really need my headphones.

I open the door and just walk in.

"William." I say. And get no reply.

I walk into the living room to see if he's there and he is.

But he's huddled in a corner, with tears rolling down his cheeks. And onto a fram he's holding.

He looks sad.

And broken.

A little longer. I decided to post this early. Idk I'm just really proud of these chapters so i want to share them.

Bye. ♡

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