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I heard something like yelling. I opened my eyes and saw myself back in William Kraven's bedroom. A black figure was arguing with one of the mannequins. The one at sentry, I think.

"Black Mist?" the girl asked when she saw me. She was black, had the same markings as me, a black and red dress with red lace up her legs, and red eyes. She looked familiar, but I couldn't place her.

I looked at her, but I didn't respond.

"It's Icess," she prodded. "Can you hear me at all?" She floated up to me. "Are you okay? Can you hear me?"

I wanted to say something, anything at all, but my mind wouldn't work. I couldn't form any words.

A sad expression came to her face. "Can't you hear me? Did...did something permanent happen?"

I couldn't form any words to comfort her, to tell her I was okay. All I could do was stare blankly at her. My throat tightened with unshed tears.

She started to shake me violently. "Answer me, damn you! Please, just say something!" She started crying uncontrollably. "Anything! Tell me how much of a failure I am! Even that! Just say something! Say something, Daddy!" She rested her head on my chest and cried. "Come on. Please, Daddy."

That word triggered something in my mind. I opened my mouth. "Don't..don't me 'Daddy' again," I croaked.

Icess looked up, and a smile appeared on her face. She laughed happily and practically choked me with her hug. "You're okay! Nothing bad happened!"

"Of course nothing bad happened." I brought up one hand and stroked her black hair. "Why would something bad happen?"

Icess continued to sob. "I-I thought you were dead! I thought you had brain damage or something!"

Unwanted tears filled my eyes. " didn't happen, Icess. I'm okay. I'm okay." I hugged her back, something I never would have done before this. "It's okay, Icess. Don't cry."

She finally let go. "They didn't destroy anything," she said, the tear stains running down her cheeks. "They didn't have enough energy. Their machine didn't work."

I smiled. "Good..." I started to close my eyes, but Icess wouldn't let me.

"No, you're not dying!" she screamed, shaking me.

"Relax, I'm just going to sleep. I won't die, I promise."

"Okay." She got into the bed with me and snuggled closer. "I'll stay here with you."

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