Chapter 3: The Fuzzy Moments

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When night hit, I decided to go out again. Leaving instructions for the statue saying not to let Icess get into trouble, I left old Kraven Manor for a while.

As I lurked around, unseen by anyone, I tried to find a way to make the place more interesting for me. I found nothing. Honestly, some times I could not pull a good prank on some people while they're asleep. I couldn't think of anything, so I went back.

I went back, and I saw the statue back on the pedestal, which meant that Icess was asleep. I sighed with relief.

"Thanks," I told the statue as I headed to the bedroom.

"No problem," the bronze statue said. "Rest now. You'll need it."

"As if you know how I function," I retorted, but I went to the bed anyways just because I was feeling tired.


Icess woke me up that night at midnight. She shook me until I woke up. She was dressed in a black tank top and red pajama pants with the batman sign on them. I still don't know where she got them.

"What?" I asked sleepily.

"I can't sleep. I keep hearing sttange creaking noises. Can I sleep with you? It's farthest from the noise."

I sighed and nodded. "Alright, but only for tonight."

Icess climbed in next to me. Since it was a huge bed and I had such a slender body, we could both fit on one bed. Icess wrapped the blanket around the both of us, and she snuggled closer to me. I then got a fuzzy kind of feeling. At that time, I didn't know what it was since I've never felt it before. Even though I didn't know what it was, that feeling caused me to put a protective arm around Icess and pull her close.


The next morning, I woke up to Icess missing. Now, I wasn't an idiot. I knew none of that shit was a dream. I got up, though not so fast like you'd think. I was in no rush to find Icess. She could take care of herself.

I got out of bed feeling refreshed. "Icess," I called.

Icess poked her head through the door. She grinned. "Good morning, sleepy head!" she sang.

"Yeah, good morning," I mumbled. "Are you going anywhere today?"

"Just a walk around."

I shrugged. I wasn't going to be that overprotective dad...or creator...or whatever. "Fine." I was pretty damn sure that it wasn't gonna be just a "walk." I smirked to myself.

"Where is she going?" the statue asked, getting down from its pedestal and entering Kraven's bedroom. Apparently, it didn't hear our words.

"On a 'walk'," I answered with a grin. "I know it's not gonna be a normal walk."

When she came back a few hours later, Icess was giggling like crazy. I heard her all the way down to the white room, where I was busy with the latest victim of old Kraven Manor.

"What's got you in a good mood?" I asked, helping the statue cut off the limbs and dipping them in bronze. I was wearing disposable gloves to prevent any more of my limbs from getting turned into metal.

"You should have seen their faces!" Icess laughed, cackling like crazy. She came down to the white room and leaned against one of the windows. "It was hilarious!"

"I'll be the judge of that," I muttered. "What did you do?" I took the bone saw and sliced off a leg. Then, I dipped it in the liquid bronze. The statue kept melting the bronze we had from the storage.

Icess spent the next few minutes telling us about how she spooked these people. Needless to say, I was unimpressed.

"You call that hilarious?" I scoffed. "I can do better than you."

Icess huffed. "You don't have to kill my mood."

I chuckled. I picked up the torso and dipped that into the liquid bronze. I took it out and hung it to dry with the other body parts. "Quit your whining and help us reassemble this guy when he's dry."

Icess huffed again and walked over with a sassy attitude. She was about to grab the dried arm, but I stopped her by grabbing her arm with a tentacle.

"Put on gloves first or else you'll get that bronze on your hands," I warned. "Here. The stuff can still get on your skin if it hasn't had one day to dry, and we need this semi dry to put it back together." I handed her some gloves.

"Okay." Icess took the gloves and took the arm while I took the torso.

"Someone else has come," the statue says. "I'll be back." It goes back to its pedestal before the person comes in.

We stayed in silence for a while. I grabbed the torso and look to Icess.

"If your gonna stay here, you're gonna hafta learn how to do this." I grabbed one arm and gave it to her.

I taught her how to reassemble the body into another statue. When we finished, I flicked its arm.

"It's not living yet," I told Icess. "That's the sentry statue's job. We just assemble the thing."

Just then, the sentry came back down all broken again. " He got away! Why do I always end up breaking?" it asks. Upon seeing the other statue done, it looked it over. "It is done. Well done."

"Pfft, I don't need praise from you," I said. I crossed my arms.

Icess copied my stance. "Yeah. We don't need your praise."

I looked over to her, and something bloomed in my chest. Call it pride, but I didn't understand it at that time.

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