Chapter 4: My Badass Spawn

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Now, I clearly forgot to mention the badass side of Icess. Woopsie. Well, she's one hell of a fighter. I figured this out when I went with a walk at night with her.

When we took the statue to theback room, I was still mulling over what that feeling was. All I knew was that it was toward Icess.

"Wanna take a walk?" Icess asked out of the blue. "Just to spend time together?"

I scoffed. "Does it look like I want to go?"

"Please," she pleaded.

I started to say "no," but when I turned to face her, she just had those big eyes that begged me to go. I suddenly didn't have the heart to tell her "Fuck no. Go by yourself." I huffed and looked away.

Icess got into my line of vision with those big eyes of hers. "Please?" she begged. "For tonight?" Her tone made my personal barrier melt.

"Fine," I huffed. "Just for tonight."

Icess jumped up and down with glee. "Yay! Let's go now!" She pulled my metal arm along and out the Manor.

"Geez, slow down!" I protested. "Watch the Manor while we're out!" I called to the statue. I saw it nod before the door closed.

Icess let go of my hand and started walking in front of me. "So, can you show me what something hilarious to you is?" she asked when we were far from the Manor.

I smirked and pushed past her. "Just watch the master."

I flew off into the shadows and waited for a vulnerable victim. When I found one, a grown man, I tailed him for a while, making wind-like sounds into his ear. Icess started giggling like crazy again. The man turned around abruptly, and I flew up to prevent from being seen. When he looked back, I made hissing noises. Noises that a venomous serpent would make. The man turned around again, and I flew up again. He started looking scared.

I started whispering things about his dead parents, who died of old age, and the look of horror that crossed his face was priceless. Everybody looked at him as he ran down the street, screaming about demons in his head. The police took him away in his car.

Icess busted out laughing. She couldn't even catch her breath.

"And that's how you do it," I said with a smirk. "Now, let's go back. I don't feel like doing any more."

Still laughing, Icess followed me back to the Manor, occasionally flicking my right arm. Not that I could feel it. It just annoyed the hell out of me. I didn't say anything, though; I wasn't gonna give her that satisfaction of thinking I get annoyed easily.

When we reached the Manor, I turned to Icess with a stern look, remembering an old enemy. "Icess, do you know anything about Barians?" I asked, wondering if any of my memories were passed on to her.

Icess finally stopped laughing and pondered the question. "No, I don't," she answered. "Why? Are they bad or something?"

We were cut off by a portal opening up in a dark alleyway. It wasn't just any portal, though. It was a portal to the Barian World. I got in front of Icess to shield her, but I didn't know why. She was a failure, why did I care so much about her?

"Black Mist!" a familiar voice said cheerily. "Long time no see, my old friend." Vector steps through with his cloak on in his Barian form.

"Vector, the guy who backstabbed me a while ago," I greeted back. "How're you holding up?"

"Oh, very well, actually. Got myself a place in our current plan." He crossed his arms.

"Really? Well, what kind of plan is it?" I copied his stance mockingly.

"It's a secret," Vector teased. "You'll be in it, though."

"Oh, really? In what way?" I asked.

Suddenly, Vector lunged at me. I was so startled, I didn't have time to counterattack. He tackled me and clamped some sort of thing to my wrist. I started feeling weaker.

"You're gonna power my machine with your own life," he hissed in my ear. "And with that, you'll be gone."

I struggled to push the Barian Emperor off, but I was becoming weaker by the second.

Just then, Icess tackled Vector, pinning the Barian Emperor down and beating the shit out of him. When she was done with her business with him, she tended to me. I was barely awake, but I would live. She took off the thing on my wrist, and I felt her picking me up and carrying me back to the Manor.

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