Chapter 6: Quality Time

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The next day, there were no humans came in at the morning. Good. That meant that humans were getting smarter. Either that, or they were just pussies. I guess the latter. I had nothing to do, the statue just stood there, and no one came in. Just one option: spending time with Icess. I really wasn't excited about spending time with Icess. She was not my favorite person.

I stayed in bed, trying to get more sleep because I got to sleep really late. Hey, I need sleep, too! I closed my eyes, but Icess pushed my side to the bed hard, causing me to snap awake.

"Icess!" I exclaimed angrily. "What the hell was that for!?"

Icess giggled. "It seemed fun to do that. Besides, it's really boring! I need someone to talk to and have fun with!"

I groaned tiredly and sat up. "Was that really necessary?"

The only response I got from Icess was a childish giggle. I sighed and flopped back down, only to have Icess jump onto my chest.

"Icess!" I choked out, having a hard time breathing. "Get the fuck off me!"

"No way!" Icess protested laughingly. "Not until you get your lazy butt up!"

I shoved Icess off of my chest, and I sighed in relief as she fell off with a girlish shriek. I rolled onto my side and closed my eyes.

"Come on!" she whined, shaking me roughly. "I'm bored!"

I covered my head with a pillow and tried to tune her out, failing miserably. Man, I thought Astral was a nuisance!

"Leave me alone," I groaned. Finally, I yanked the pillow off of my head. "What do I have to do to get you to leave me alone!?"

"Spend time with me?" Icess asked, though it didn't sound like a question. More like a nice demand.

I sighed, rubbing my temples. "Have to?"

"Have to."

I glared at Icess. "Fine, but only because you won't leave me alone." Deep inside, I knew this wasn't true. I cared about her, I just didn't know it. At least, it wasn't clear to me.

Icess squealed in delight. "Yay!"

I sighed. Yep, definately a failure. I got out of bed and followed the cheerful girl to the entrance hall.

"Let's go outside!" Icess suggested. "There must be awesome things to do out there!"

I sighed and followed her as she raced outside. "Such a nuisance," I kept muttering to myself. "Such a nuisance."

We went outside, and Icess took my wrist and dragged me to an alleyway. She really liked the alleyways. Such darkness. Such cool, cool darkness.

"What should we do?" Icess asked all excited. That brought back the fuzzy feeling again.

I thought for a while. "Well, I don't like being seen in the daylight, so I don't know," I responded. I sighed. "Sorry." I shrugged.

Icess giggled. "It's okay. We can just talk about things." She sat down, and she pulled me next to her. "So, tell me about you."

I drew my knees up. "Let's see...what can I tell you...?"

"Can you tell me a story about your past?" she asked hopefully.

"Okay. How about the time I first met those humans and Astral?"

"Who's Astral?"

"Someone. I'll tell you about him during the story." I sent Icess visuals while I told the tale. "I guess it all started when Yuma and Astral got my Number Card. He attempted to absorb my power, but I'm pure evil. One day, when Yuma and his fat friend were just going to fight again, I took Astral's body form and started a duel with the fat kid.

"I was on a role! I reduced his life points by huge chunks. Then, Yuma pretended to be in my control, giving me a false sense of premature victory.

"I believed that by destroying a spell he had, I would win. I should have stuck with my original plan to destroy his catapult." I sighed. "I lost that day. Astral placed me in a dark corner of the Emperor's Key, but I always managed to break the seal."

Icess remained silent. "...Wow...You must hate this Astral guy."

I chuckled. "Nah, I got over that. We're just mutual acquaintances now."

"Cool. Where is he now?"

"Back in our world. I just decided to stay here. It's fun to cause trouble here."

Icess leaned against the wall. "That's cool. So, now what?"

"Dunno." I stretched, yawning. "I still feel really tired because of you." I layed down on the floor. "Wake me when night arrives."

Icess giggled. "Okay." I felt her pick me up and take me back to the Manor. I couldn't open my eyes.

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