Chapter 10: The Confession and the Kendo Match

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"A training accident!? Aren't you supposed to protect me!?"


"Tch, I'm not your bodyguard, Baka-Hiro--I'm your tutor."

Hiro nursed his injured head as Reborn swung his Leon-hammer around.

"Baka-Hiro, get going. You're late for school."

Hiro cursed before rushing to put his uniform on, grabbing his school bag.


"What. Happened. To. The. Wall?"

"M-Maa, Kyoya, it's not Tsuna's fault..."

Everyone sweatdropped as they watched Kyoya glare at the missing piece of wall at the Namimori-Chuu entrance.

Tsuna sighed before patting the other on the shoulder.

*I can clean it up during lunch. Would that be alright with you?*

The demonic aura died down somewhat before the skylark nodded his head.

Tsuna sighed in relief before motioning for Hayato and Takeshi to head into the school.

Just as he was about to follow those two, Kyoya grabbed a Tsuna by the scruff of his uniform shirt.

"Omnivore...the cause of this destruction, and your injuries from before....was it that herbivorous brother of yours?"

The brunet sweatdropped and craned his head to look back at Kyoya.


Kyoya narrowed his eyes at Tsuna.

"Don't lie to me, Omnivore..."

When the two spotted students starting to arrive, Kyoya clicked his tongue before releasing Tsuna.

"I expect answers from you later on, Omnivore."

Tsuna sighed before slowly nodding his head.


"Did you guys hear!? Takahiro-sama is going to fight Mochida-sempai in a kendo match to win Sasagawa Kyoko's heart!"

"Eeeh?! How dreamy! I wish I was in Kyoko-chan's place!"

"I know, right!"

Tsuna sighed before frowning.

'Kyoko's being treated like a possession again...'


"Hey, Dame-Tsuna!"

The said brunet was kicked in the stomach.

'I could've dodged it and retaliated with a kick a thousand times more painful--but no, I'm being merciful! Baka-Hiro!'

Tsuna hid his sarcasm behind a mask of fear as he stared up at his big brother.

Hiro smirked and crossed his arms, lifting his chin arrogantly; Tsuna rolled his eyes mentally.

"I don't need to fight low-lives like Mochida, so you'll fight him for me!"

Tsuna resisted the urge to send the other flying out of the window.


"Kyaaa~! It's Takahiro-sempai~!"

Tsuna sighed.

'Are they blind? Baka-Hiro has shorter hair than me...'

The crowd parted way as Tsuna made his way through to see Kensuke.

Kensuke smirked arrogantly and droned on about how he was going to beat Tsuna to a pulp with his 'awesome kendo skills'.

Tsuna merely raised an unimpressed eyebrow before yawning slightly.

Kensuke growled at the brunet when he saw that before pointing his bokken--or wooden sword--at Kyoko, who flinched.

"If you lose, Kyoko will be mine!"

Suddenly, the area went a few degrees colder.

Tsuna's eyes were shadowed by his bangs as he stuffed one hand in his pocket.

In the crowd, Hayato, Takeshi and Ryohei were smirking.

Reborn was on the balcony, watching the scene with interest.

Tsuna held a hand out to the side, and everyone was surprised to see Takeshi, the baseball star, throw a bokken in the brunet's direction.

The Decimo caught the bokken with ease before swinging it at impossible speeds; his test-slashes caused bursts of air to blow against everyone.

Tsuna stopped and pointed the tip of the bokken at the ground, one hand still stuffed in his pocket.

He raised his head as his bangs shifted, covering one eye as the other glowed a bright orange.

"Do not...treat a possession, Mochida-sempai..."

Kensuke started to quake in his shoes as he stared at Tsuna with startled, wide eyes.

He fainted.

Tsuna blinked in surprise before scratching the back of his head.

'Ah. I might've overdid it...'

(O.D.D.- Gomen, Mina-san, if you wanted a fight scene. There will be more in the future! (ω))

The crowd burst into applause.

"Yeah, Takahiro! You're the man!"

"Kyaaa! You're so hot, Hiro-sama!"

"The results should've been so obvious!"


Everyone paused in their cheering and turned their heads to see Hiro at the gymnasium entrance; they all blinked in surprise and confusion, looking between the two.

Tsuna yawned and handed the bokken in his hand to Hiro as he walked past the older brunet; the Decimo smiled kindly to Kyoko before motioning to her to follow him out.

Tsuna had used his Sun flames to help his throat as he spoke to the ginger.

"Let's go Kyoko-chan--you too Kurokawa-san."

The mentioned ravenette blinked owlishly before following her ginger-haired friend out with Tsuna in the lead.

Hayato, Takeshi, and Ryohei also followed, glaring--for a brief second--at Hiro.

Right when those six left, in came the skylark of discipline.

"Herbivores....I'll bite all of you to death."

Let's just say that the rest of the students there got what they deserved.


"A-Arigatou, Tsuna-kun--ah! Is it alright for me to call you that?"

Tsuna smiled and nodded as Kyoko blushed slightly.

Hana crossed her arms before smirking.

"Not bad Sawada. You're not like those monkeys at the school--by the way, call me Hana without the '-san' or the '-chan' please."

The brunet nodded once more.

Just then, Kyoya came walking in; a satisfied smirk was on his face.

"The herbivores have been properly dealt with."

Tsuna sweatdropped and kneaded his palm into his forehead.

*Are they still alive?*

"Hn. I wouldn't want their deaths to sully Namimori-Chuu's name. May they die in a dark, abandoned alley."

Everyone sweatdropped this time.

'Hibari Kyoya knows no mercy...'

<<(At the Airport)>>

"Geez...I'm finally at Namimori..."

A child in a cow-suit hopped off of the plane, ignoring the coos of the women on how adorable he was.

Lambo yawned in his hand as he started to make his way out.

"Better go find Tsuna-nii." He smiled nostalgically. "I missed Maman's cooking. I can't wait to eat it again..."

<<(At Lancia's Famiglia HQ)>>

"We're not going to kill them, Mukuro-san, byon?"

"Kufufu~no, Ken. We'll simply knock them out."

"...But they're mafia, Mukuro-sama."

A certain indigonet simply smirked and looked outside of the window to see a tall, raven-haired man with two black tattoo lines on the side on his right cheek, talking with his boss.

"Kufufu...some mafia are apparently good, Chikusa. We'll leave them be."

The man outside seemed to notice the pair of eyes and turned to look at Mukuro before grinning brightly.

A pang of regret was felt in Mukuro, but he forced a smile back.

'Hm...I guess things would've turned out better for this man if I had simply opened my eyes...'

Mukuro looked away from the window as he shook his head.

"We must go now, Ken, Chikusa."

"Where to, Mukuro-san, byon?"

"Namimori, Japan."

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