Chapter 36: Gathering the Others

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"Lambo-san, I-pin-san, Haru-san, and Kyoko-san are in trouble!"

Tsuna, Hayato, and Takeshi shared a glance; the brunet spoke first.

"We'll go."

Giannini panicked slightly.

"B-But you might be--!"

Tsuna smiled warmly to the other.

"Maa, daijobu, Giannini-san." He headed for the door of the meeting room as Takeshi and Hayato followed him; the brunet waved over his shoulder at the mechanic. "We'll be fine."


Boom!  Crash, clang!

"Yare, yare...Tsuna-nii should be here already..."

Future-Lambo sent a bolt of green lightning at their pursuers--Tazaru and Nosaru.

Future-I-pin sent a kick at an old building, so it could crumble and possibly hit their enemies; she then looked at Lambo with slight confusion.

"What are you mumbling about, Lambo?"

The teen yawned into his hand and waved the other off.

"Nah, it's nothing."

Lambo quickly darted forwards and grabbed future-Haru and future-Kyoko by the waist, jumping away from a blade of Storm flames.

"Hahi!  Arigatou, Lambo-kun!/Arigatou gozaimasu, Lambo-kun."

The ravenet merely nodded as they hid behind a building; Nosaru laughed as he flitted his gaze around.

"Come on~!  There's no use in hiding~!"

His golden eyes then spotted the familiar cow-printed suit at the corner of his eye; Lambo tsked when he saw the roset smirk.

"Found ya'~!"

Nosaru and Tazaru were about to attack, but a sword clashed with their scythes; Lambo's one eye brightened up.


The said ravenet craned his head back and grinned at the teen.

"Yo, Lambo!  Help has arrived~!"

Tsuna flew in and kneed Tozaru in the back, sending the African-American blonde into a warehouse; the brunet waved over to the others.

"I leave the other one to you, Mina!"

"Hai, Tsuna/Hai, Tsuna-sama!"

Lambo then noticed that future-Kyoko was missing at the moment.


<<(With Tsuna)>>

'Hm?  Kyoko-chan's in here.'

The brunet walked through the man-sized hole Tazaru made when Tsuna smashed him through the warehouse wall.

Tsuna darted over to the slightly weak, Sun flames and immediately found Kyoko there.

The ginger looked up at Tsuna and visibly relaxed.


The said brunet smiled warmly and extended a hand out to the other.

"We need to go now."

Kyoko nodded in understanding and took Tsuna's slightly smaller hand since she was older.


Tsuna waved the smoke away and continued to hold Kyoko's hand, which he noted was now a bit smaller than his.


The brunet continued to smile, but he sighed mentally.

'Darn, I kinda miss 'Tsu-kun'.' "Hai~!  It's me, Kyoko-chan."

The ginger blinked in confusion and 'eep'ed silently when she saw Tazaru floating in the air with Storm flames at his feet.

Tsuna glanced back and smiled reassuringly to Kyoko.

"Be right back, neh?"

The brunet did a backflip into the air while putting his mittens on.

Tsuna went into HDW mode as his eyes glowed brighter than usual.

He propelled himself forwards before his feet could touch the ground; Tazaru scowled when the brunet wasn't giving him the chance to use the homing-discs.

Tsuna suddenly disappeared and reappeared next to the man's side, punching the other down to the ground.

Tazaru struggled to get up, but the brunet was standing right in front of him.

It was then that the man realized who the other was.

"Y-You!  You're V-Vongola Decimo!"

The brunet smiled brightly.

"Yep~!  It's me~!"

Tsuna chopped the other's neck, knocking the man out.

Before the man could go into unconsciousness, Tsuna murmured softly to the other.

"I know that you work for Byakuran because of your Princess."

Tazaru widened his eyes before they rolled back; he was out like a light.


Once Tsuna got outside with Kyoko, he saw that Takeshi, Lambo, I-pin and Haru finally switched with their past-selves.

Hayato used his Flame Arrow to take down Nosaru while Takeshi helped calm Haru and I-pin down; Lambo yawned lazily when I-pin and Haru weren't looking before putting his childish act on.

"Gyahahaha!  Lambo-sama took down the bad guys!"

Hayato rolled his eyes before stooping down to carry Lambo; Takeshi carried I-pin as Haru glanced around nervously.

Tsuna grinned before motioning to the others.

"We best get going now, Mina.  Isogu." (Hurry.)


"Hm.  Nice save, Dame-Tsuna.  You protected your family."

The said brunet pouted as he felt a weight settle onto his head; Kyoko, Haru and the kids were settling down somewhere else.  Tsuna was currently in the kitchen, sipping a cup of coffee.

The brunet sighed as he quickly made an espresso for the other.

"Mochiron, Reborn.  As you said--they are my family." (Of course, Reborn.)

Reborn smirked before jumping down onto the dining table as Tsuna set the mug of espresso down.

As the two relaxed, Tsuna felt a familiar Cloud flame brush against his senses; he smirked mentally.

'Looks like Kyoya's in town already.'

<<(With Kyoya)>>

The adult ravenet sighed softly as he walked through the trees surrounding Namimori.

He reached a hillside, where he could watch the small town from above.

"...I'm back, Namimori..."

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