Chapter 46: The Rain Arcobaleno

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"Kaa-san, tadaima~!" (Mom, I'm home~!)

Tsuna opened the door to the Sawada Household with a cheerful smile.

"Oi, Dame-Tsuna!  I thought you were gone for good!"

The brunet blinked and turned his head to see his twin, Hiro, fuming in the living room.

(O.D.D.- Haha, did you guys forget that he had a twin? σ(^_^; ))

Tsuna quirked an eyebrow and smiled amusedly.

"Missed you too, Hiro-kun."

The twin flushed in embarrassment and scowled, mumbling off to the side.

"What's with him and his smiles....?"

Tsuna merely grinned and walked past the living room.

Nana popped her head out of the kitchen and smiled brightly.

"Tsu-kun!  Okaerinasai." (Welcome home.)

Tsuna nodded and smiled softly at the woman.

"Do you need any help?"

Nana giggled and slowly shook her head.

"Iie, I'm fine, Tsu-kun.  I hope you had a fun sleepover at Takeshi-kun's...?"

Tsuna remembered his slight excuse and nodded, grinning brightly.

"Ah.  I had fun.  Everyone was crazy as ever, but we still had fun."

Nana nodded with approval; Tsuna chuckled softly.

"Maa, I'll be in my room if you need me, Kaa-san."

The brunette woman merely nodded.


Tsuna deadpanned the blonde man that also popped his head out of the kitchen.

Although Iemitsu was staying with the family was starting to irritate the Decimo.


Iemitsu sweatdropped at the disgruntled look on the brunet's face before crying comically at Nana, clutching her shoulders before bawling on one of them.

"Nana! Why does our little Tuna-Fish dooooo thaaaaat!?"

His wife merely giggled and started guiding him back into the kitchen.

"Dear, he still loves you. He's just showing it differently..."

Her voice trailed off as they both went into the kitchen; Tsuna chuckled slightly at his father's antics.

'At least he's making some improvements...'

The brunet headed up to his room.


Tsuna sat in his room, scrolling through the contents of his computer.

He then heard the window slide open further; he also felt a familiar weight settle on his head.

"Ciaossu, Mama."

The brunet sighed exasperatedly at the nickname and looked up from his laptop, peering through his bangs to see his smirking, baby tutor.

"Konichiwa, Chibi-chan."

Reborn crossed his legs and sat down on the nest of brown locks.

"The Rain Arcobaleno shall be coming by first.  I'm sure you know what his test is."

Tsuna nodded slightly, careful to not make Reborn slide off.

"Ah.  Colonello-san will be testing my combat skills, no?"

"Mm......and I want espresso."

Tsuna chuckled.

"Hai, hai..."

The brunet got up and headed downstairs.

//(Next Day)//

Tsuna sat on the rooftop with his Storm and Rain, eating lunch peacefully.


Tsuna rolled out of the way and closed his bento to avoid a bullet.  Of course the peace wouldn't last for long.

Tsuna lifted his gaze and saw baby-Lal perched on the elevated part of the roof.

The blue-haired spartan leveled her rifle at Tsuna again and fired.

This time, Takeshi intercepted them with his katana while Hayato tossed a lit dynamite stick at Lal.

The baby jumped and avoided the explosion and landed onto the ground below, aiming her rifle at Tsuna again.

Tsuna's eyes flickered to green, and a transparent shield defended the three teens from the bullets.

Finally, Lal stopped shooting.

She lifted a tiny hand to move her red goggles out of the way of her eyes; she smirked at the three.

"Huh, not bad. And that was quite a unique move, Sawada. A barrier of Lightning flames? I was told you only had Sky flames."

Tsuna smiled sheepishly.

"Some spies aren't the best I guess....?"

Lal scoffed before smirking.

"I suppose so...."

The blue-haired spartan brushed a few of her bangs back as she squinted her crimson eyes at him.

"Sawada, I am here to supervise the Arcobaleno Trials.  Each trial will be different--and don't expect all, of them to be easy, Sawada.  But with the skills you've shown, you might be able to get past the ones that involve fighting."

"Oi, kora! That looked like a pathetic performance to me, kora!

(O.D.D.- Kora, kora, kora, kora, kora, kora, kora......hahaha! (≧∇≦))
(Colonello- Oi, urusai, kora! (Ò^Ó))
(O.D.D.- Pfft, I couldn't help it. Gomenasai, Colonello-san. ε-('∀`; ))

A certain blonde baby was in the sky, being held up by Falco, his eagle partner.

Baby-Colonello grinned widely at them; his rifle was strapped to his back.

The blonde jabbed a finger at Tsuna.

"You, kora! Your reactions could've been faster than that, kora!"

Tsuna laughed sheepishly and rubbed the nape of his neck.

"'s nice to see you too, Colonello-san."

The blonde harrumphed crossing his arms.

"Mama, you've gotten weaker since the Battle of the Rings, kora!  Reborn must be slacking, kora!"

Tsuna twitched and rose an eyebrow.

".....What....did you call me?"

Colonello rose an eyebrow.

"'Mama', that's your name right? Reborn always calls you that."

Takeshi was stifling his laughter on the side, shoulders shaking. Hayato sweatdropped and coughed awkwardly.

Tsuna's expression was shadowed by his bangs.

The brunet suddenly sent a bright smile at Colonello as he patted a sweating Hayato on the shoulder.

"Neh~Colonello-san, I'm looking forward to your trial.  Hayato-kun, don't hold back, hm~?"

The silveret sweated bullets at Tsuna's smile.

"H-Hai, Tsuna-sama...."

Colonello merely inclined his head.

"Huh, kora...?"


Colonello yelped when a bullet whizzed past his face; he saw Lal there with her rifle aimed at him.

"Sawada's name is not 'Mama', it's Tsunayoshi!  Honestly, you were there to see the Ring Conflict battles, and you didn't know his name!?"

Colonello raised his tiny hands up in surrender.

"It's Reborn's fault, kora!  He told m--WOAH, KORA!"

Lal sent a rain of bullets at the blonde.

"You still need training, Baka!"


Tsuna sat on the ledge of a small cliff with Hayato, waiting for Colonello's appearance.

The brunet, without turning, spoke aloud.

"Reborn, you're dead to me.  I disown you."

Tsuna glowered at the baby hitman through his bangs when he felt a weight settle onto his head.

The ravenet chuckled and tugged at a few of Tsuna's brown locks.

"Maa, Mama, it's a part of my revenge.  You always call me 'Chibi-chan'.  Plus, Colonello's stupid enough to think that you're name is 'Mama'--not 'Tsunayoshi'."

Tsuna grumbled.

"You don't see me going around telling people to call you that."

"That's because you don't want to find any dead bodies."

"True, true....."

Tsuna broke into chuckles, which Reborn quirked a small smirk of amusement to.


Tsuna lifted his gaze to see Colonello in the air.

"Enough chitchat; let's get on with my trial, kora!  Reborn, I'll show you that mine will be much more difficult than yours, kora!"

Reborn nearly rolled his eyes before hopping off of Tsuna's head.

"Kick his a** for me, Mama."

Tsuna tugged on his gloves as he stood up; he smiled softly.

"No promises, Chibi-chan."

Colonello snorted before laughing hard; he had a few tears in his eyes before pointing at Reborn.

"BWAHAHAHAHAHA--Oh geez, kora!  Reborn, you let him call you that!?"

Reborn deadpanned the blonde baby, but he directed his words to his student.

"Mama, kick his a** for me."

Tsuna chuckled as a Sky flame ignited on his forehead.

"I already told you, no promises, Chibi-chan."

Colonello unstrapped his rifle from his back; he spoke loud and clear.

"Sawada, you won't be fighting me on your own, kora!  I want you to work with your Storm in this battle, kora!"

Hayato was already rolling a Box Weapon in his palm, gazing at Colonello lazily.


Colonello smirked.

"All you two need to do is defeat me.  We're starting now, and don't hold back, I'm not some normal baby."

And then a cheery voice was heard behind him.


Colonello blinked in surprise and let Falco spin him around; the blonde leveled his rifle at a brown and orange blur.


A blue flash appeared in the air, along with an explosion.

Colonello flew up higher into the air and watched the cloud of dust recede.

He blinked his blue eyes in surprise at the black bone shield in front of Tsuna; it was coated in Storm flames.

The brunet made a small salute to Hayato, who was on the ground, in thanks before darting away in a flash of orange once more.

Hayato hopped onto one of his shields to fly up and join the brunet in battle.

The silveret rummaged through his boxes as he flew up into the air.

"Let's see....which one to start with.....Rain...nah....Sun...maybe later.....ah, Cloud."

Hayato flipped the cartridge between his fingers before loading it into the Flame Arrow on his arm.

He leveled his arm at Colonello, who was watching the silveret with curiosity.

Hayato muttered to himself.

"Distance: 18.36m. Speed: 55.3 mph. Target locked."


Colonello squinted at the purple beam heading towards him.

"Straightforward attack, don't ya' th--OH SH**!"

Colonello flailed slightly as Falco flew him up higher into the air; the beam split up into branches.

The blonde watched as the beams passed by below him; he whistled in approval.

"Nice, kora! If I weren't like this, I could show you a few tricks of my own, kora. All I have is this, kora!"

Colonello aimed his rifle at Hayato.

"Maximum Burst!"

Rain flames in the form of a giant eagle shot out and soared towards Hayato.

However, there was a brown and green blur that intercepted the attack.

Tsuna had his hands up to create a barrier with Lightning flames; the Maximum Burst was deflected.

Once the threat was gone, Tsuna dropped the barrier.

Colonello harrumphed and reattached his rifle to his back.


The eagles crowed in response before releasing Colonello.

The blonde darted down from the sky and cocked a fist back.

Tsuna grinned as he crossed his arms.

Colonello's fist met one of the Decimo's forearms.

Tsuna grunted at the force and was sent crashing into the ground, kicking up dirt.

Hayato spared a brief, worried glance at the ground before turning a narrowed gaze at Colonello, twirling a new cartridge between his fingers.

Colonello was caught by Falco as Hayato finished loading his Flame Arrow.

The silveret leveled his arm at the blonde.


Colonello blinked in slight alarm at the Sun flame-covered bullets that darted towards him.

Falco maneuvered Colonello to dodge the bullets and to get closer to Hayato.

The Storm, noticing the rapidly closing distance, brought his bone shields up and retreated slightly.

Colonello rose an eyebrow as he unslung his rifle.

"Running away, kora!?"

Hayato didn't respond before tossing normal, lit dynamite sticks at Colonello.

The blonde huffed and easily shot the wicks off before they could reach their ends.

Hayato kept a stoic face as he reloaded his Flame Arrow; the silveret shifted his shields apart so he could take a shot.

Colonello quickly aimed his rifle at the small opening between the shields.

"Maximum Burst!"

Hayato tsked at the beam of blue darting towards him.

He jumped off of his bone shield and landed on the ground in a crouch, letting the Rain flames sail over his head.


Hayato lifted his gaze to see that Colonello had his rifle aimed at him.

The blonde baby smirked.

"You're out, kora."

Hayato lifted an eyebrow and slowly stood up; he raised his hands in surrender before looking at something past Colonello's head.

"Tsuna-sama, I do hope you're ready."

"Haha, yes, yes.  I'm good to go.  Thanks for stalling, neh?"

Colonello widened his eyes and spun around, leveling his rifle at a new target.

Tsuna grinned widely; his X-Burner was charged and ready.

'Man, charging this up without making a sound was such a pain in the a**.' "X-Bruner: Air."

Colonello narrowed his gaze in concentration.


The two attacks clashed.


Dust covered the area.

Hayato jogged over.

When the area cleared up, a stunned Colonello was sitting on the ground; his rifle was busted up.


A certain brunet walked slowly out of the cloud of smoke and dust.

Tsuna's eyes glowed brightly along with the flame on his forehead.

The brunet crouched down in front of Colonello and grinned brightly.

"Hehe.....ya' still wanna continue?"

Colonello blinked....and blinked again.

Slowly...he shook his head and smiled with amusement.

"'re a scary kid, Sawada, kora."

The brunet blinked in surprise at that.

"Hm?  How so?"

Colonello hopped to his feet and brushed his army uniform off slightly; the blonde smirked widely at Tsuna.

"I just can't read you, kora."

The blonde quirked a small smile at the brunet.

"......You're like Reborn, and that's pretty d*** scary, kora."

Tsuna blinked his eyes rapidly in surprise.

His HDW flame disappeared.

The brunet hummed and looked up at the sky.

Slowly....he smiled and looked back at Colonello.

"Maa, teachers have that affect on their students, don't ya' think?"

Colonello smirked.

"I guess so.....but I'm not a spartan like my teacher, kora."

Tsuna rose an eyebrow.

"I think you have some spartan in you, Colonello-san.  It's very small, but you certainly have it."

Colonello scowled playfully.

"Aw, shut up, kora!  Here, hold out your ring, kora!  You've passed my Combat Trial."

Tsuna chuckled and did as he was told, tugging one of his gloves off to reveal his Vongola Ring.

A small beam of blue light connected the ring and Colonello's pacifier together.

Tsuna smiled and nodded his head in thanks.

"Arigatou, Colonello-san."

The blonde smirked and saluted the brunet.

"Heh, no probl--AUGH!"

Tsuna sweatdropped when the Rain Arcobaleno was sent flying by a certain blue-haired spartan.

"Baka!  You were defeated by a kid!  What a disgrace!  You need more training!"

Each sentence was punctuated by a Lal Slap.

Reborn smirked widely.

"Ah.  Finally, some quality entertainment."

Tsuna shook his head and sighed softly.

'I hope Colonello-san get's out of this alive.'

The brunet then walked over to Hayato and held out a fist, smiling softly.

"Nice work today, Hayato-kun."

The silveret smiled and returned the fist-bump.

"Hai.  It's always an honor to work with you, Tsuna-sama."


Tsuna watched Lambo, I-pin and Fuuta play around with amusement.

The brunet then then jerked his head to the right and narrowed his gaze.


The Decimo lifted his eyes up to the sky.

'.....This energy signature.....'


The brunet turned his head and blinked in idle surprise; he saw Lambo frowning at him with concern.

"Are you alright?"

Tsuna quirked a small smile at the ravenet and ruffled the child's hair.

"I'm alright. Go and play with Fuuta-kun and I-pin-chan, neh?"

Lambo lingered for a bit before leaving, giving an obnoxious laugh as he charged towards his playmates.

Tsuna got up from the porch and walked back inside of the house.

"Kaa-san, I'm going out for a bit!"

"Are~? Okay, Tsu-kun, be safe."

The brunet walked out of the Sawada Household and into the street.


The moon was shinning overhead.

Tsuna gazed at it silently as he sat on the edge of an old training cliff.


The brunet lowered his gaze to the city lights below; he called over his shoulder to the newcomer.

"Greetings, Kawahira-san. I didn't expect you to come into to town so soon."

Moonlight glinted off of circular glasses.

Crimson eyes glowed softly in the darkness.

A man with white hair gazed at Tsuna with emotionless eyes.

Tsuna stood up and turned to look at Kawahira completely.

The brunet frowned slightly when there was no response.


A breeze passed by....

Suddenly, Kawahira drew out an illusion sword and darted towards Tsuna.

The brunet widened his eyes.





Blood sprayed into the air.

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