Chapter 49: The Storm Arcobaleno

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Tsuna frowned and turned away from the mirror, rubbing his eyes for a bit before looking back. His eyes were a warm sunset-orange once more. The brunet took a moment to process this, questions filling his head before he calmed down.

Tsuna looked at the mirror one last time before heading out of the bathroom

'.....I'll need to discuss this with Oji-san....'


"Otouto?  Are you alright?"

The said brunet blinked and turned to see Ryohei approaching, a backpack slung over one shoulder. To the silveret, his Sky seemed a little...skittish for some reason. Ryohei frowned when got closer, immediately placing a hand on Tsuna's forehead.

"...No fever. What's wrong, Otouto?"

Tsuna averted his eyes as Ryohei dropped his hand to his side. The brunet let out a frustrated sigh before looking back at his Sun.

"Ryohei-kun, when we get to Oji-san's house, I'll tell you. I wouldn't like to talk about it out in the open."

Ryohei slowly nodded and started to walk beside the brunet, heading towards a certain noodle shop in Namimori.


"Ah, Tsunayoshi-kun, Ryohei-kun. What might you two be doing here?"

Kawahira, looking a little tired, was at the backdoor of his small shop, smiling serenely at his visitors. Tsuna furrowed his eyebrows slightly at the exhausted expression on the Overseer's face before quirking a small smile at the other.

"We came to check up on you."

Ryohei bowed politely when Kawahira raised an eyebrow in surprise and confusion.

"EXTREME apologies, Kawahira-san, but Otouto's worries couldn't stay hidden for long, and the rest of our family soon found out. I'm here to take a medical checkup on you, Kawahira-san."

The Overseer absently moved his right hand to his left sleeve, gazing thoughtfully at his hidden hand before lifting his eyes to Ryohei, a tired smile on his lips.


"Did something happen the last time I saw you?" Tsuna quickly spoke up, eyes zeroing in on Kawahira's hidden, left hand. "Are you injured?"

The white-haired man laughed nervously and stepped back slightly, allowing the two entrance.

"Haha...ah...I can't hide anything from you, Tsunayoshi-kun. But let's head inside for now--and no...I'm not...exactly injured you would say."

Kawahira first went to the front door, sliding it open to place a 'We're Closed' sign up. He then stepped back inside and closed the door behind himself, turning his gaze to Ryohei and Tsuna, who closed the back door. The Overseer lead them to a separate room and sat down in front of a circular table, waving the two teens over to also take a seat. Ryohei sat on Kawahira's left, setting his bag down quickly. Tsuna sat down on the right of the Overseer, silently observing the two.

Ryohei went with a normal checkup, first checking the shrinking and dilation of Kawahira's eyes with a small flashlight.  The silveret went on to check the Overseer's arm--

Tsuna took a sharp intake of breath when he caught sight of Kawahira's left hand--well....what was left of it.  The white-haired man's fingers and half of his palm was missing, and the edges of the remaining part of his hand was shimmering.  Ryohei stared for a moment, bringing his hand up to brush thin air, where Kawahira's fingers should be.

"Oji-san...." Tsuna started calmly. "....What has happened in the past 28 hours, 13 minutes and 56.4 seconds?"

Ryohei couldn't help but send a deadpanned look to Tsuna.

".....Reborn-san has turned you into a human clock, Otouto."

The brunet shrugged, but he kept a stern gaze on Kawahira, who sighed tiredly in return.

"Tsunayoshi-kun.  I already told you that I'm....'dying'.  You probably thought I would be coughing up blood or something, but I'm actually going to fade away."

Tsuna grimaced as he stared at the fading limb before Kawahira hid it from view, tugging his sleeve past his wrist.  The Overseer sent a sad smile to the Decimo before sighing softly, shaking his head slightly.

"Tsunayoshi-kun, I believe this will be inevitable.  You can't fight fate."

Tsuna shut his eyes and took a deep breath, letting it go slowly.

"'ve lost your will to fight?"

"Well I--"

"I've told you already that I'll help you through this.  So can't you at least try along with me and our family?"

Kawahira raised his eyebrows, mildly surprised.  Slowly, his mouth formed a smile and he chuckled softly, reaching his good hand over to ruffle the brunet's hair.

"You're such an adorable child, Tsunayoshi-kun~!"

Tsuna huffed and batted lightly at the Overseer's hand, sending a small frown at the other.

"I'm not a child!  I.....oh wait...."

"Haha, I'm 432 years old, so yes, you'd be a child in my eyes."

While the two were chatting, Ryohei couldn't help but stare at Tsuna's hair, eyes slowly widening with each passing second.



"Why is your hair turning white?"

(O.D.D.- He was struck by Elsa!  Le gasp! ( ω ) I have no regrets. _(┐ε:)_)

Tsuna jolted and darted his hands up to his hair, sweatdropping.  Kawahira, on the other hand, looked calm and slightly surprised.





Kawahira looked at Tsuna's hair with curiosity.  He then looked at Tsuna's eyes and saw the flicker of muted-red in them.  Inclining his head slightly, Kawahira seemed to contemplate something before nodding to himself.

"These are certainly traits of an Overseer.  Usually I'd have to initiate the transfer, but the power has latched onto you already."

Tsuna tugged a few strands of white hair into view, studying how it blended easily with his brown hair.  The, now, two-toned brunet sighed and dropped the strands of hair back into place, looking over to Kawahira.

"...It's apparent that I can't do anything to get rid of this for now, eh?"

Kawahira merely smiled.

"Now, now, Tsunayoshi-kun, you still look rather dashing with white hair and red eyes."

Tsuna huffed and lightly poked at the other while Ryohei himself observed the white strands of hair with worry and curiosity.

"You're too kind, Oji-san," The Decimo muttered before turning his gaze to the side. "This shows that we have little time left."

The brunet got up onto his feet and bowed towards Kawahira, smiling weakly at the other.  Ryohei also got up as well, turning a stern look onto the Overseer.

"Please at least let me know how you're doing each time your condition worsens."

Kawahira merely smiled, standing up so he could see them off.

"Of course, Ryohei-kun."

He followed them to the back door, hands within his sleeves as he watched them calmly.  As Ryohei stepped out, Kawahira called out to Tsuna before he could follow his Sun.

" won't work." Tsuna froze. "You understand, don't you?  Your Hyper Intuition is saying the same were putting on an act for Ryohei-kun.  Earlier on the mountain, you were denying the truth."

A breeze blew buy, ruffling Tsuna's hair and clothes for a moment.  The brunet slowly turned to look at Kawahira.  Tsuna's face was a little solemn before he nodded curtly.  The Decimo sorted through his thoughts for a moment before speaking once more.

"Kawahira-san....even if I cannot save Hyper Intuition is telling me that you'll still be alright...." Tsuna furrowed his eyebrows. "That is what confuses me the most."

Kawahira merely smiled, a mysterious twinkle in his eyes.

"Time will tell, my dear nephew." Kawahira started to close the door, giving one last wave as a farewell. "Time will tell."

Tsuna watched as the door closed.  He stared at it for a moment, taking in the pealing paint and chips here and there before shutting his eyes, taking a deep breath.  Even though Kawahira was set for death...

Tsuna started to catch up with Ryohei.  The Decimo's hair was slowly becoming brown once more.

...Everything will be alright.


(O.D.D.- Bet you guys forgot about the existence of the twin again, huh? .....Yeah, *cries* I haven't updated this story in a good, long while because of school and slight writer's block. (ω))

Tsuna stood before Namimori-Chuu, Lambo, Haru and Kyoko following behind him.  He sensed that I-pin was trailing somewhere from behind.  Earlier, Reborn had found Tsuna--the baby hitman looked a little suspicious when the brunet had returned with Ryohei 'from the market to get groceries for mom'--and handed a note from Fon.  Apparently, the Storm Arcobaleno's trial was to catch him within the Namimori-Chuu grounds.  Tsuna decided to bring Kyoko and Haru along for some practice, and Lambo...well, it was pretty much for sh**s and giggles.


Tsuna perked up as he felt a weight on his head.  He saw a small, white tail sway in front of his face, causing him to smile when he recognized the appendage.

"Lichi-kun, it's nice to see you again." Tsuna reached up and felt the tiny monkey grab onto his fingers, hanging on until he climbed onto the brunet's palm.  The Decimo raised the small monkey in front of his face, smiling amusedly at the animal. " it possible that you could tell us where Fon is?"

Lichi seemed to deflate slightly, shaking his head.  Tsuna smiled reassuringly at the other.

"Hey, don't worry about it.  This is a trail for me.  It wouldn't be right to just cheat like that.  I was just interested if you would tell me."

Lichi lightly chittered before crawling along Tsuna's arm to settle on his shoulder, placing one small hand onto the brunet's neck to balance himself.  Tsuna smiled at the small monkey before turning to look at the people with him.

"Alright, everyone, we're catching a man that's cursed.  He looks like a baby, but that doesn't mean he's weak, innocent and harmless," The brunet looked pointedly at Haru, who looked a little reluctant before she steeled her resolve, nodding her head.  Tsuna turned to look at the others. "Fon is fast.  I'm sure he won't harm us, but it's always good to be ready for anything.  Remember, when you find him, don't engage him alone.  We're a team in this, yes?"

Kyoko and Haru nodded determinedly while Lambo, putting up an act, laughed obnoxiously.

"Hai/Yeah, yeah!  Lambo-sama will catch the Windy-guy by himself!  Gyahahaha!"

Tsuna chuckled softly, knowing well that the seemingly five year-old child would still follow his orders despite what he said aloud.  The brunet waved the his hand at his small group.

"Let's get going."

The three followed Tsuna towards the entrance of the school building.  A few seconds passed by before I-pin peeked her head past the gates of the school, a small frown on her face.  She was conflicted on what she should do before she quickly hurried after Tsuna and his group.



Kyoko had lashed out with a kick towards Fon, who had lept over with slight surprise on his face, curiosity lighting up his eyes.

'Interesting...I thought Reborn had said Sasagawa Kyoko was a civilian, but she clearly understands how to fight.' He inclined his head thoughtfully as he avoided a punch from the ginger. 'But her brother is a boxer after all...'

Fon perked up and hopped off of Kyoko's outstretched fist to avoid a pair of hands that tried to grab him from behind.

"Hahi!  He's really fast--just like what Tsuna-san said!"

Haru narrowed her eyes determinedly as she sent a barrage of kicks and punches in Fon's direction.  The World's Strongest Martial Artist easily deflected or dodged the attacks.  Fon took the moment to study Haru as he hopped off of a wall to land onto the ground safely, moving a sleeve-covered hand in front of his mouth.

'Hm...Miura Haru.  She was also labeled as a civilian, but she is much more less likely to know how to fight.' He glanced over his shoulder slightly to look at the ginger behind himself. 'How did she and Sasagawa Kyoko learn how to fight?'

Fon blinked in mild surprise when Kyoko and Haru began to double-team him.  Suddenly, something small and thin darted past his face.  The Storm Arcobaleno spared a glance behind himself to see...a senbon stuck in the ground, Sun flames dancing around the needle weapon.  At this, Fon widened his eyes, turning his gaze back to Kyoko, who had thrown the weapon.

'If she knows how to use Sun flames...then she is most certainly not a civilian.' The Storm then noticed that Haru had pulled out a fan coated in lightning flames. 'Neither is she.'

Fon had to mix his movements with his Storm flames now since the girls were getting serious.  It was apparent that Kyoko and Haru knew they were at a disadvantage, but they were trying their best in keeping Fon there.  Just then, a certain cow popped out around a corner, shouldering a bazooka.

"Gyahahaha!  Lambo-sama is here!"

Fon calmly turned his head in time to see a bazooka-bullet rocket towards him.  He took a deep breath, shutting his onyx eyes, shifting into a stance as he moved his hands in a circular motion.  He snapped his eyes open in time and moved his small hands to gently direct the bullet to the open window beside him, watching as it exploded outside thoughtfully.

'Rash fighting skills as always.  But...' Fon turned his gaze to the shell-shocked look that Lambo had. 'He's actually following Tsunayoshi-kun's orders.  He's working with the others instead of fighting me by himself.'

Lambo whined childishly as he reached into his afro, pulling out a bunch of grenades.  Kyoko and Haru looked a little worried, but they backed up so they could be out of range of the explosions.

"Waaah!  Windy-guy is so mean!"

The child moved his arms in a windmill like fashion, sending multiple grenades at Fon, who easily sent each one exploding outside with smooth motions of his hands and feet.  Lambo grumbled before grinning to himself. He narrowed his gaze in concentration as green lightning surrounded him.

"Elettrico Cornata!" 'It won't be as powerful when I use my red lightning, so I shouldn't be able to cause too much damage.'

Lambo charged at Fon, who seemed surprised by the fact that the young Lightning was intent on engaging the Storm Arcobaleno head on, literally. Fon leaped back a few steps as Lambo continued to charge towards him. Fon shut his eyes and took a deep breath, moving his hands slowly. He slowly opened his eyes, which were now glowing crimson.

"舞龍." (Dancing Dragon.)

A mini, red dragon flickered into existence, swirling around him as he gazed at Lambo steadily. Surprisingly, Lambo didn't back out; he grinned with excitement at the challenge, briefly dropping his act. When the attacks collided, green met red.

Lambo pretended to struggle for at least ten seconds before releasing his attack, making it look like he got overwhelmed. The ravenet child was sent back, landing in Haru's arms. Lambo whined, rubbing his forehead before grinning brightly at Kyoko and Haru to reassure them.

"Gyahaha! I almost got him! Did you see that!? Did you see that!?"

Haru giggled slightly and gently placed Lambo onto the ground, poking his nose playfully as she twirled her fan in her hand for a second.

"That was very good, Lambo-kun! But please be careful next time and don't rush in on your own!"

"Lambo-sama doesn't need to listen to you, but he will do it since it makes you happy! Gyahahaha!"

Fon then frowned, glancing around himself.  Tsuna was nowhere in sight as Kyoko, Haru and Lambo surrounded him once more in a classroom.

'Where is he?  He wouldn't leave his subordinates to capture me on their own, would he?' He frowned slightly, hiding his lips with his sleeve. 'If so...Tsunayoshi-kun isn't a young man worthy of my key--'

Fon widened his eyes when a small foot lashed out at his head.  He wasn't exactly surprised by the attack, but he was shocked to see who had performed it.


His student had a determined expression on her face as she bowed toward him, one fist against her open palm.

"Sifu!  Gēgē is a nice person, and I am willing to follow him!"

Fon watched with idle surprise as she backflipped through the air to land on the shoulder of one Sawada Tsunayoshi, who smiled sheepishly in the Storm Arcobaleno's direction.

"Ah...I had noticed that she was following us before.  I asked her if she didn't want to fight you.  I told her it would be alright if she said no...." The brunet rubbed the back of his head. "But...I guess that pushed her to make her final decision."

I-pin gazed back determinedly at her master.  Fon blinked in mild surprise once more before chuckling softly, shifting into a fighting stance as he eyed the rest of the group.

"You are a truly interesting individual, Tsunayoshi-kun."

Before anyone else could make a move, Tsuna froze and whipped his head to the side, eyes narrowed.  He carefully and quickly set I-pin down onto the ground.  The Decimo smiled tightly at Fon.

"Apologies, Fon-san.  It seems something has just come up.  At the moment, I do not care if I don't pass your trial.  I have a family member to save."

The Storm Arcobaleno could only blink in surprise before Tsuna jumped out through a nearby window, wind ruffling his hair as he landed on the ground outside, dashing around the school.  Fon blinked, baffled by Tsuna's sudden movements.  Suddenly, Lambo spoke up, voice still childish yet serious at the same time.

"Gyahaha!  Tsuna-nii looked really mad!"

The words sounded ominous to Fon, so he jumped out of the same window Tsuna went through, intent on following the brunet.


(O.D.D.- A Wild Plot appeared! (*゚▽゚*))

One Sawada Takahiro was having a bad day.  He was currently...being held up, literally, by a group of brutes.  Usually he'd spit curse words at them, but he was slowly becoming uncaring of the group.

"What do you want?" He said tiredly. "I need to head home."

The group of yakuza grinned darkly at the dark-haired brunet.  It wasn't the first time Hiro had run into them.  Once upon a time when he was at least twelve years old, Hiro walked in on a gang that was about to beat up Tsuna.  Hiro had managed to make Tsuna run away while he stayed with the yakuza, taking his little brother's beating.  From then on, Hiro would get beaten up discreetly by the yakuza group because little Tsuna had apparently messed up a drug deal between the yakuza and some sad, old, rich soul.

Things were never the same from then on.  Hiro would get secretly beaten.  Tsuna and Nana would be worried.  Hiro would lash out in frustration against them.  And then the cycle of hurt continued.

He**, the yakuza were the reason he started to learn to fight.  To protect his family, to protect his mother, to protect...his little, twin brother.  Hiro snorted mentally at the last one.

'Hah, well, I certainly accomplished that last goal.  Instead, I get angry at him for being weak.  What an awesome big bro I am, whoopie.'

"Hey, brat!"

A fist smashed into Hiro's jaw, and stars briefly crossed his vision.  The brunet gritted his teeth before snapping his gaze up.

"What?" He hissed. "I'm only being your God d**ned punching bag so ya' don't lay a hand on my family!"

The leader of the yakuza sneered.

"Really?  I heard you abuse your brother." Hiro flinched and froze. "I heard that your own mother is afraid of you!  Is your act really that good?  Or do you actually enjoy hurting them, huh?"

Hiro narrowed his gaze and spat out blood in the other's face.

"F**k you, a**hole!  If things were different, I would've been defending my little bro like I used too instead of leaving him to 'toughen up' against a bunch of bullies at my school!  I would've...!"

Sh**, Hiro's vision was getting blurry.  And he knew it wasn't because of the blow he received earlier when the yakuza boss laughed in his face.

"Aw, are you crying you brat!?  Hey, men!  Looks like we finally broke him!"

"Well, we should probably see if he's gonna cry more, boss!"

A bright voice suddenly entered the scene.

"Oh?  Is that so?"

Everyone whipped their heads around to see a certain brunet with sunset orange eyes.  Blinking back his tears, Hiro narrowed his gaze at the other.

"Wh-What the f**k are you doing here, Dame-Tsuna!  Get the he** out of here!" 'D**n it!  I stuttered!'

Tsuna smiled and merely saluted Hiro.

"Hey, Hiro, it's alright." Tsuna's voice was still cheery. "I heard everything.  So..."

Tsuna started to walk forward, hands stuffing themselves into his pockets.  The brunet shut his eyes, a smile still on his lips.

"Why don't you just relax and let your little Otouto show you what he can do now."

Tsuna snapped his eyes open, a hand blurring out to chop a nearby yakuza's windpipe.  The giant crumpled to the floor but not before receiving a vicious uppercut by the same hand.  The brunet then darted over to the yakuza boss and used a kick that sent the man flying.

Hiro dropped to the ground, but Tsuna was there to lower him softly.  The shorter brunet looked at the taller with an unreadable expression before he turned to look at his opponents.

"Say...I gotta head home soon with Hiro and apologize to a few friends for helping me.  So," Tsuna cracked his neck, eyes narrowing to slits as they glowed orange. "...I'll make this quick."

There was a flash of orange that blinded the yakuza.



After taking care of the yakuza--they were a pile of twitching limbs and groaning bodies once the Decimo was done with them--Tsuna hadn't actually went immediately home.  He sat beside his twin, who was keeping his gaze hidden and away from Tsuna.  Tsuna tilted his head at this, leaning back and propping his elbows onto his knees.

"....Back then, when the Dying Will bullet hit your hadn't actually wanted to kill me, right?"

Hiro stiffened and spoke up harshly.

"I tried to kill you?"

Tsuna blinked before chuckling awkwardly.

"Ah, that's right.  Shamal-san wiped your memories of that..."

Hiro clenched and unclenched his fingers.  Tsuna watched the other carefully.  The shorter brunet sighed and looked up at the sky, which was becoming a little orange at the moment.

"...Hiro...was everything...all an act?"

Hiro whipped his head around at that, a sneer on his lips as he glared at Tsuna.

"Of course not!  You're still a useless piece of sh**, Dame-Tsuna!  I don't get what you're saying anymore, you idiot!"

Tsuna didn't retaliate at all, but he softened his gaze.

"'re crying."

The taller brunet froze and flinched away from the Decimo, raising an arm to cover his face.

"Shut up!  Shut the f**k up! don't know what the he** you're talking about!'re just a weak idiot!  You easily give into others!  You always smile at them--at your bullies!  You forgive them too easily!  You forgive--!" He choked slightly. "You...forgive me too easily...!"

Hiro clutched his head as he barked out a watery, hysterical laugh.

"You....don't you think it's messed up?  For me, the older brother, to beat up his little brother because he can't handle the heat!  Ha!  What a great brother I'm being, huh!?"


"Don't you 'Hiro', me, Tsunayoshi!  I--!"  The dark-haired brunet clenched his hands tightly. "I...I was supposed to protect you--you and mom.  In the end, I end up scaring you guys because I can't f**king control my own emotions."

He laughed bitterly, uncontrollably.  Why was he even saying this anymore?  Why was he telling Tsuna?

"Hiro." Tsuna spoke up once more, voice firmer. "I forgive you because I'm your little brother." Hiro froze. "I've been down the same road, Hiro, where my emotions took a hold of me, and I ended up making irrational decisions.  Yet..."

Tsuna trailed off, voice becoming wistful.  Slowly, he shook his head and looked at Hiro, who managed to lift his gaze to look at the Decimo.  Tsuna smiled.

"I think you're still cool."

Hiro couldn't help the snort that tumbled from his lips.

"'Cool'?  S-Seriously?"

Tsuna widened his smile.

"Yes!  Also, don't worry about me and mom anymore!  Instead of protecting me, get stronger with me, Nii-san!  Those yakuza b*****ds won't be bothering us for a good long while."

Hiro blinked.  It seemed a little surreal.  The taller brunet chuckled weakly, smiling tiredly at the concrete below him.

"'re being stupid.  What do you hope in gaining for forgiving a monster like me?"

Tsuna's smile disappeared and his expression grew serious.  He placed a hand on Hiro's shoulder so he could get the other's attention. 

"My brother." Tsuna then smiled at the other's lost look. "Despite everything that's're still family.  Family sticks together even when they're complete jacka**es with each other, right?"

Hiro barked out a laugh at that.

"Pfft...fair point...I guess..." The elder twin wiped his eyes. "Heh...I bet your friends are gonna have a field day."

Tsuna inclined his head thoughtfully at that.

"That?  Ah.  Well, I'm sure they'll forgive you easily as well.  I mean, Mukuro-kun--he's the guy with the pineapple hairstyle--tried to kill me a bunch of times before becoming actual friends with me."

Hiro blinked at that and frowned.

"...He...tried to kill you?  When?"

Tsuna sweatdropped.

'In a past life.' "Er, a long time ago."

"What, when you were a brat?"


"...You suck at lying."

"Haha!  Can't argue with that!"

"And you admit that you were lying...idiot."

Despite the harsh words, Hiro was smiling.  On a tree, a certain Storm Arcobaleno was smiling gently at the scene before him.  Fon hopped out of the tree he was in and headed back to Namimori-Chuu.

(O.D.D.- I still love my sibling even though we argue.  I can never hate them for anything they do to me. ( ^ - ^ ))


"Eh?  I passed your test?"

Tsuna stared curiously at the Storm Arcobaleno before him.  Fon smiled as he stepped closer to Tsuna.

"Yes.  I have seen your worth as a leader.  Please, Tsunayoshi-kun, hold out your ring."

Tsuna inclined his head before doing as he was told, a crimson beam connecting his ring to the red pacifier for a moment.  Once the 'key' was given, Fon bowed to Tsuna.

"It has been great to spend time with you, but I must leave now."

Tsuna blinked in surprise before waving his hands in the air.

"Wait!  I, uh..." He blushed at the startled look that Fon gave him. "...I-pin wants to have dinner with you at my place.  She's a little unsure though, since she thinks you hate her for siding with me."

Fon blinked his eyes in surprise before he smiled, nodding his head.

"Of course.  I wouldn't like to make my student doubtful.  Please, lead the way."

Tsuna felt Fon leap up to land onto his shoulder; Lambo clambered onto the brunet's other shoulder.  The Decimo then turned to look at Kyoko, Haru and Lambo.

"Hey, why don't you two join us for dinner?" The brunet smiled at the two girls. "The more the merrier, really."

The two smiled and nodded, following the brunet off of the school grounds.  Everyone, except Fon and Tsuna, froze at the sight of Hiro at the gates.  Noticing the looks, Hiro looked away, guilt crawling on his skin before he felt a light punch on his shoulder.  He turned to see Tsuna there.

The Decimo smiled at the other, eyes gentle.

"C'mon, Nii-san.  Let's head home."

Hearing that come from Tsuna, Lambo seemed to let up on his intense staring, grinning widely.

"Yeah!  Let's go home, Hiro-nii!"

Hearing the change of his nickname, Hiro stared at the young Lightning with surprise before looking off to the side. 

"...Whatever, kid."

Lambo laughed, but is was more genuine.  Kyoko and Haru relaxed at this and gave their own smiles at the tall brunet.  As the group headed home, Tsuna nudged Hiro.

"Told ya' they wouldn't mind."

Hiro rolled his eyes slightly, huffing.


"No prob."



Said hitman was holding a glowing ball of Leon.  Tsuna recognized the form once he had stepped into his room to get new clothes.  Dinner had been...nice.  Nana seemed to notice the change in Hiro and her smiles were much brighter than before.  Reborn noticed the change too, but he merely smirked, sending an amused look to Tsuna, who shrugged.  Things had worked out, and that's all Tsuna could ever ask for.

But now...back to the glowing Leon.  Tsuna distinctly remembered the chameleon glowing like that before he presented his 27 mittens to him.  So that meant...

"Leon is making a new weapon?" The Decimo pondered aloud. "Interesting..."

Reborn shrugged before blinking in mild surprise when Leon glowed brighter.  After a blinding flash of light, something was ejected from Leon, flying straight to Tsuna, who caught the object, or objects, with ease.

Tsuna uncurled his fingers so he could catch sight of what he had caught.  Slowly, he smiled, amusement lighting his eyes.  A chuckle escaped his lips as he observed the objects on his palm.

"Haha, they're perfect..."

Reborn lifted an eyebrow at that.

"'Perfect'?  For who?"

Tsuna grinned widely at his baby tutor.

"Why, Hiro of course."

Balancing on his palm was a pair of sleek, black brass knuckles.  On a flat part where the palm would rest stood a silver 77.  Italian words were also written in silver around the holes for where the fingers would slip through. 

Il Fratello che difende il Cielo mentre nei pressi di oscurità. Il Crepuscolo.

The Brother that defends the Sky while near darkness.  The Twilight.

(O.D.D.- I know *sob* I haven't updated this story in forever.  But bear with me.  I thank you all for your continuous support. (ω))

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