Chapter 7: Reuniting with the True Sky Pt. 2

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" wish for me to test the Vongola Decimo, Sawada Takahiro?"

"Yes. Be there by Monday."

"Hai, Reborn-san!"

A certain silveret snapped his phone shut, staring at it thoughtfully.

'...Why isn't Tsuna-sama the Vongola Decimo?'


Sunset-orange eyes blinked open.

Tsuna sat up and stretched, hearing a few satisfying pops.

He yawned as he scratched his head, glancing at his digital clock.

'Huh, 4:00 AM. Earlier than usual...'

He got out of bed as he trudged to the bathroom.

'Maybe I could make some tiramisu to welcome Reborn.'



Tsuna blinked his sunset-orange eyes before sensing the familiar Sun flame outside of the door; he set the finished tiramisu on the dining table.

The Decimo pulled the oven mitts off of his hands as he glanced at the clock hanging above the oven.

'5:00 AM.' The brunet chuckled softly. 'Right on the dot.'

Tsuna set the mitts on the side as he silently walked over to the door; it became natural for the brunet to not make a sound when he walked--courtesy of Reborn's stealth training.

The brunet opened the door and immediately looked down.

There stood the number one hitman, Reborn.

"Ciaossu! You're Sawada Tsunayoshi, right?"

Tsuna smiled brightly and nodded before tilting his head, trying to act oblivious.

*Aren't you the child from before? Did you find a home to stay at?*

Reborn smirked slightly before hopping onto the other's shoulder.

"You can say that I'll be staying at your house from now on."

Tsuna made a fake surprised noise, widening his eyes for effect before smiling warmly.

*Then I welcome you in...*

"Reborn. You can call me Reborn."

*It's nice to meet you, Reborn-kun.*


Tsuna hummed softly as he gazed at the clear, blue sky on his way to school.

Reborn was 'introduced' to Takahiro--*cough*kicking the brat in the gut*cough*--before getting settled down at the Sawada Household.

Nana immediately accepted a Reborn into the family--although she studied the baby closely.

So, back to Tsuna.

After a few minutes of walking, he sensed a familiar Storm flame; he widened his eyes slightly before picking up the pace of his walk.


Standing before the Namimori-Chuu gates, Hayato gazed at the school with nostalgia.

He stuffed his hands in his pockets as he slowly walked up to the entrance.

Suddenly, he jerked his head to left when he sensed powerful Sky flames--familiar Sky flames.

He then turned his whole body to look to the side when he saw a familiar brunet dashing at him


Even though he was a great distance away, the said Decimo still caught the words and grinned brightly.


Tsuna barreled into the other, hugging the silveret tightly; he whispered softly to the other.

"É bello vedere ancora una volta, la mia Tempesta." (It's nice to see you again, my Storm.)

Hayato smiled before returning the hug.

"Ciao di nuovo, il mio Cielo." (Hello again, my Sky.)


"Uwah~! It's Hayato!"

"Urusai, Sword-freak!"

"Hahaha! How harsh!"

(O.D.D.- Eto....if there are 8056-lovers, I'm sorry to disappoint you. Everything in this story will be family-love. (-; ))

"It's EXTREMELY you, Tako-head!"

"You too, Turf-top! Urusai!"


"...Tch, as aloof as usual."


Tsuna smiled at his Guardians' antics.

His sunset-orange eyes looked up at the blue sky as he sighed softly.

'Just a bit longer...and I'll see all of them once more.'

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