Chapter 6 Starting School And Meeting A Friend

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Emilys pov

i woke up to my uncle and aunt telling me to wake up i really hate mornings i stood up and made my way to the bathroom and took a quick shower. after a few minutes i entered my room and opened my closet i changed i to my black and purple skinny jeans,black converse my black misfits shirt and a purple hoodie i was done with my makeup i grabbed my backpack it was all black it had jack skellington on it i also did my makeup and headed downstairs my uncle handed me a few pancakes he did along bacon and apple juice.

i asked my uncle well Nathan where was my aunt he told me that she had to go to work early and that today he was heading to boston so my aunt would pick me up after school great a few more hours stuck in school my uncle handed me a cell phone he brought for me i thank him and we made out way into the school.

****** nathan and i stood infront of the school "well here we are kiddo have a great day at school" he said starting to leave me " wait aren't you gonna walk with me inside" i asked already shaking from the cold and nervousness " i wish i can but my flight is in an hour" nathan said "good luck kid have a great day" he said as he drove away " great just great not im by myself clueless to where to go" i said to myself as i started walking inside the building it had 4 floors great it'll be more harder for me


**** ********

after an hour of being here i talked with the principal she told me some advise and in some after school activities which i was not interested at all so next i was with the counselor she gave me my schedule and she was guiding me to my classes getting to know the building where the gym is also the cafeteria i looked at my schedule and we had 2 hours for each class also for lunch i looked at the time it was 9:45,she guided me to my next class which was U.S history i looked through the small window and saw that the lights where put and that the kids in there were watching a documentary about the pilgrims as much as i can see " so is there any questions you would like to ask me?" mrs.kelley asked

" hmm what time does school ends?" i asked " at 2:17" she responded " umm can i come talk to you whenever i have any problems or questions?" i asked " of course you can you can just fill in your name on a sheet of paper thats in the 2nd office on the third floor thats where i can call you in class and tell your teachers that you wish to speak with me" she told me i nodded " so are you ready" she told me i took a deep breathe and she opened the door i still stood outside and i saw mrs. kelley open the door still holding it open " good morning mr.Harris sorry for interrupting your class" mrs. kelly said to the teacher " no problem kelley now what brings you here today?" said the teacher " well youve got a new student in your class this morning" she said smiling " great let her in" he said as he looked at me.

mrs.kelley signaled me to come in she took my hand as i entered. now i was standing inside the class in front of everybody i hate everyone looking at me haven't they seen a person before " why hello mrs. whats your name?" asked the teacher " umm my name is mackenzie valentine" i responded " nice to meet you mrs. valentine I'm mr. harris now would you like to tell me more about yourself to me and the class" he asked " umm I'm 15 almost 16, i like to draw,read and i just moved here" i said to him nothing else came from my mouth " well its good to meet you mrs.valentine im sure you'll make friends at this school please sit at the back" he told me i nodded and mrs. kelley waved to me goodbye "no please dont go"i whispered and she left the class with mr.harris behind her maybe they were gonna talk about me good thing that the principal told me to take it easy. then i got tons of stares from some class mates " okay mackenzie so today we are watching a documentary About the indians and pilgrims so please take it easy for today" he said i nodded

. mr. harris turned off the lights and proceeded with the film i was looking around the class and i couldn't help but stare at a boy who was 2 seats away from me i was on the back and he has on the right side he had short black hair a ring piercing on his nose he was covered in black clothing he looks cute i thought i then proceeded to watch the film i looked by the corner of my eye that he was looking at me i tried to not look back after a few minutes i looked again and he was still staring oh my god im getting uncomfortable the the bell rang amd everyone stood and left the class running like maniacs i mean whats the point of running when you always get early to classes i sighed i was making my way towards the door when mr. harris wishes me luck on my first day i thanksd him and left the class the bell already rang and my next class was art i went sown the stairs to the 3rd floor i had my schedule in hand and tried to find the class and the i went running and bumped into someone and we fell "oww that hurt" i said as i grabbed my head

"oh my god im so sorry let me help you" said a voice i saw a hand and grabbed it i stood up i looked at the person and saw that it was that guy from earlier that was staring at me " thanks" i said as i blushed a bit,man he's even cuter closer, " no problem mackenzie is it?" i nodded " I'm frank iero" he said as we walked together " nice to meet you frank do you where art class is?" i said as i handed him my schedule "what a coincidence we have the exact same classes" he said smiling as he handed me the schedule " cool" i said

as we reached the class " by the way i like your shirt" he said "thanks" we reached the class the class was divided in 3 section frank and i were in the 2nd " mr.iero why do you always have to be late?" said the teacher "sorry mr.Santana i was showing kenzie around" frank said pointing at me "hi" i said politely as i gave a small wave "why hello what is your name?" he asked " im Mackenzie valentine" i said

"of course your a new student well welcome to belleville high please take a seat next to frank he'll be your partner for the rest of the year" he said "thank you mr..Santana" i made my way to frank he was sitting at the back with two black papers and colored pencils or pastel whatever there are i looked at the huge window it was raining and really windy mr.Santana was busy on his desk explaining us what to do we had to make a huge cupcake it had to be colorful and we had to paint it with the pastel colors he put on music which i was happy cause if not i would be a bit bores without music " okay so what do we have to do" frank asked " umm we have to make a huge cupcake and paint it didnt you heard mr.santana?" i asked him he "no i didn't" he answered i groaned " okay ill draw the cupcake first then you" i said he nodded

i was looking for a pencil i saw frank had one so i took it cause he was playing with it i began drawing it it was so easy im sure that ill pass the class with a 100 i finished the drawing and it looked so real and i put a cherry on top " voila my masterpiece" i said "now you draw it" i said handing him the pencil he began to draw it frank was annoying me a bit i have a feeling that he'll be a pain in the ass and he will be hard head to deal with but of course i would stutter a bit cause ive never talked to a guy before well if that includes nathan but still its really hard for me to talk to guys and i really want to talk to him more cause i want to be friends with him so i decided to speak " hey frank how old are you?" i asked "16 almost 17 why?" he said still drawing on the paper " oh no reason hey frank have you been in this school for a long time

" i asked " yeah you can say that i mean i started 9th grade here but then i repeated the school year so my mom decided to put me on another school which was catholic school and then she took me put of there" he said " well why" " cause one day i was like really bored and i decided to say the teachers there that their classes sucked i stood in front of the class and showed them the finger then i wrote graffiti on the lockers so they decided to take me put of the school they said they didnt wanted to have to devil in there" i laughed "so your like the bad boy in that school". he shrugged " you can say that,so first time in jersey?" he asked.

something like that i mean my parents decided to send me to jersey cause they are a bunch of idiots who didnt have time for me so they send me here with joey and now i live with my uncles so its not the first time in jersey infact i was born here my parents decided to raise me in a different place saying that jersey wasnt good for me which was totally crazy i mean i love jersey" i explained to frank " thats cool so why didnt your parents spend time with you?"

" oh well my parents had me when they were like 17 so they were too busy with their jobs so i wouldnt even spend the holidays with them and i had to grow up fast in order for me of myself" i said to frank as he listened. " i know how you feel i mean my parents are there for me but ive lived with my mom almost all my life i would visit my dad from time to time but it wouldn't be the same i used to get sick a lot when i was younger and then when i got a bit older they got a divorce i mean i love my mom and all but she can really be a pain you know?" i nodded

" im so sorry frank" "yeah but i cant blame you you've had it worse childhood than me" i sighed " youre right thats why when im older and have kids i wont be like my parents" i said he smiled "well good luck on finding a good husband" he said


frank and i walked put of class now we had lunch we decided to eat on the stairs we went to the 4th floor so we could talk without a lot of noise around "hey frank dont you wanna eat pizza with me?" he shook his head " nah im fine besides I'm a vegetarian" "youre a vegan?" i asked surprised " well yeah have you seen how people torture those poor animals" i shook my head " no and i dont wanna see" i said it quickly " hey kenzie whose joey?" he asked " oh joey he's my pet dog i really love dogs" "really i love dogs too i have one dog right now his name is pansy"

" aww so cute,so frank what are your hobbies?" i asked him "hmm well i love singing playing guitar although my dad told me to play drums but im so hard to deal with i decided for guitar" i laughed at him and kept listening to him while eating " lets see what else i love teading i love the harry potter books my favorite bands are smashing pumpkins,misfits,black flag,motor head,and green day billie joe has really inspired me on guitar and i love horror movies"

"cool i also adore horror movies my parents were scared of me cause i would see a lot of horror films hmm i love the misfits,blink 182,green day,motor head,metallica,the ramones,umm i could go on,umm i love drawing and reading as you know i also am a fan of harry potter i know how to play piano,violin and i want to learn how to play guitar and i also sing" i confessed" wait you sing?" i nodded " sing for me" what! no!" "why not" cause were in school" and?"

" and i dont wanna i promise that ill sing for you later" frank sighed ok "he started eating a bunch of junk food he brought " so since we know a lot about each other does this means were friends" frank asked "well......

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