Takuya Aurora Sky Pokémon Adventures!

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❌ Another Pokémon Story ❌


See as the story starts of as Takuya Aurora Sky a 5-year-old girl, and her mother goes on a vacation in the Kanto Region; Orange Islands known as Kumquat Island. But during that vacation a sudden storm blows in, Takuya gets washed away out into sea with her new Pokémon friends, what will happen?

After years of training till Takuya is 10, what happened when the Pokémon League Officals changed the rules to 13 years old till you can get their official Pokémon Trainers licence, due to the fact of many injuries has happened fore kids being careless at a young age.

So what would Takuya do during those 3 years before becoming an Official Pokémon Trainer, what else expect travel to see different places and maybe capture a few Pokémon's on the way too, making new friends as well.

Follow Takuya Aurora Sky, watch as she travel around the amazing Pokémon World to achieve her Dream as a Pokémon Master and much more, meeting new Pokémon's, People, Rivals and Enemies through; Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Unova, Kalos Regions.

Different: Main Character OC Female, Aura Guardian, Smart, Strong, Strong/ High Level Pokémon's, PokéSpeech a lot.

Following the Anime Story but with a couple of Twist and Pokémon from Lots of Pokémon from Different Regions added including Rare/ Odd/ Shiny/ Legendaries Pokémon's as well. Maybe some Mega Evolutions but not till Unova Region.

Also, there are no Misty or Brock on this Journey. Just Takuya and her Pokémons.

The Adventure of Takuya is Beginning... Don't miss out!


P.S: It's like Luna Mew Light Journey Series Book! Some parts are going to be the same expect that its only her and no-one else and her Pokémon will be talking or PokéSpeech.



Chapter 1: Arrived and Lost!

A five-year-old girl who has elbow length black-blue hair and with deep sky-blue mixed of dodger-blue eyes fill with excitement. She was wearing royal blue dress with white flower pattern at the bottom, a red vest over the top, a pair of red sandals and a white straw hat with long pink ribbon wrapped around it. She was on a boat enjoying the breeze of the ocean blowing, soon the boat arrived at a island.

The little girl name is Takuya Aurora Sky or Dai or short, her father Judai Red Sky named her, he thought that it would be unique for a girl to have a boy's name.

Takuya and her mother Aerith Sky stepping off the boat and onto one of the Orange Islands called Kumquat Island. Daisuke's mother had won a ticket to one of their luxurious hotels. Aerith thought that it would be delightful to have a vacation once in a while.


Takuya had loved the boat ride over to the island, she saw many unique water Pokémon and even had a young adventures Lapras that had played ball with her from the ocean for a day, then it had to leave when its pod came and got it.

Takuya saw many tropical birds and some Pidgey and Pidgeot when they got close to the island, and she promise herself to catch and train a Pidgey into one of the magnificent birds so they could fly together seeing the world from sky view.


Takuya held her mothers hand as they walked into the lobby of their hotel, she loved around while her mother talked to the manager of the hotel, she spotted a humanoid-like structure Pokémon and large mustache. Its snout is long and thin, and it has long, ear-like spikes extending from the back of its head. It has brown armor-like sections over its chest, shoulders, forearms and knees, which cover its yellow skeletal body. There are three toes on each foot, each of which has a white claw and it wields a silver spoon in each hand.

Alakazam was floating sitting indian style with it's eyes closed nearby and Takuya titled her head at it curious, she let go of her mothers hand and walked towards the Pokémon.

"Aura dear, don't go to far okay?" Aerith said.

"Okay mum." Takuya replied.

She looked up at the floating Pokémon, "How are you doing that?" She asked.

One of the Pokémon eyes peeked opened and looks at her, then smiles at the child. "It's because I'm a Alakazam a psychic type. I am able to move things with my mind, young one." He said telepathy.

Takuya eyes widen, when she heard him talk. "Woah, thats so cool buddy. Its nice to meet you Alakazam, I'm Takuya Sky." She introduced then she heard her mum calling her. "I gotta go, I hope we meet again. While I'm here that is, bye." Takuya waved and jogged away and took her mothers hand again, whiling waving to the Psi Pokémon.

Takuya soon had all her clothes put away, she and her mother went straight to the beach, which she dove into the water with her mother stayed on shore on a beach towel reading a novel, that Takuya didn't like because it was a romance novel.

Throughout the day Takuya played with many of the water Pokémon that came close to the shore, mainly the two odd colour Magikarp; shiny and black, a white Feebas, some Krabby, Shellder, Qwilfish, Corsola and Remoraid, even some Horses joined in.

Magikarp is a medium-sized fish Pokémon with large, heavy golden-yellow scales. It has large, vacant eyes and yellow lips. Its pectoral and tail fins are white, but it has a stiff, three-peaked fin on its back and stomach that are both yellow. It also has long tan barbels, indicating that its a male.

Magikarp is a medium-sized fish Pokémon with large, heavy blackish scales. It has large, vacant eyes and grey lips. Its pectoral and tail fins are white, but it has a stiff, three-peaked fin on its back and stomach that are both yellow. It also has long white barbels, indicating that it's a female.

Feebas was quite unique if compared to its kind, it was slightly smaller than the normal Feebas and its odd colouring was unquie, instead of usual brown scale and blue fins, the colour of this Feebas was mix colours of the rainbow and its fins were pitch white.

Krabby is a crab-like Pokémon. Its upper half is red, containing two small spikes facing upwards on the top of its head. Its lower body is light tan and doubles as its jaw with two fangs overlapping its upper body. Its hips are visible on the lower front of its body connected to its long and thin legs, featuring small, claw-like feet. The main feature of Krabby's body is its large, red pincers.

Shellder is a black pearl-like Pokémon encased within a spiky, blue-violet bivalve shell. It has two round white eyes with tiny black pupils. It has an enormously long red tongue.

Corsola is a small, pink, roundish Pokémon with branch-like growths on its back, which are similar to coral. There is a smaller, blunt horn on its forehead, and it has black, oval eyes. It has a white underside, which speckles towards the sides. Its four legs and two arms are blunt and stubby.

Qwilfish is a sea dwelling Pokémon with a spherical body and a flat, paddle-shaped tail. The upper-half of its body is dark teal and the lower half is very light yellow. Its tail is tall and thin with a dark teal outline, light yellow inside, and two dark teal dots in the center. Its eyes are even with its body, and are always seen slanted angrily. Below its eyes are its puffy pink lips. All around its body are sharp, conical spikes.

Remoraid is a light blue, fish-like Pokémon with saucer-like eyes, two darker blue stripes on its back, and a mouth with four pointed teeth. It has a single pelvic fin positioned like a revolver's trigger, two small pectoral fins, and a dorsal fin near its mouth resembling a gun's front sight. In addition, it has two caudal fins, the bottom of which resembling the butt of a gun and the top resembling the hammer. All of its fins except for the dorsal fin are white.

Horsea is a small, blue, seahorse-like Pokémon with a single dorsal fin and a tightly curled tail. Its eyes are red and its ridged belly and dorsal fin are cream-colored. It has a long, tubular mouth and three spike-like projections on either side of its head.

One of the Magikarp would let her hold onto it's crown and they would pull Takuya along the shore not to far away from the beach.

All and all Takuya had a great time that day and to think that she is staying here for two weeks, it was going to be great, Daisuke and her mother had lunch in a beach side restaurant, that was on the water. It was a favourite place especially for water type trainers.

Takuya enjoyed the lunch with the Pokémon around and secretly sent some bread to the two Magikarp and Feebas, that she befriends with.

After lunch Takuya went back to the beach to play with her water type friends as much as she could for that week, while also exploring and helping some Pokémon she found in the city.

The second week was nearly the same, Takuya made a habit to help the family of Pokémon she found and playing with the two Magikarp and Feebas that stayed with her.

But on the thirteen day of their vacation Takuya was playing with her two Margikarp and Feebas, her friends had pulled her further out than before in their games, when a storm hit the island Takuya and her friends tried to swim back to the shore where Takuya's mother was but the ocean drew her out into the sea with her two friends.


When the storm was over the next day Aerith was panicking and worrying she went straight to the police station and got everyone she could to search for her daughter, boats were sent out to look.

Aerith called Professor Oak, and he came with to be with the distressed mother, on the day they met a a pink, feline Pokémon with a stumpy body and four short legs. On its face is a cream-colored, crescent-shaped marking. It has slit-like eyes and tufted ears with purple interiors. Its slender tail has a bulky pink section at the end, terminated by three pin-like structures with yellow ball-like tips.

It was Skitty that Aerith had seen and spotted many times playing with Takuya, it was walking around, it seems to be searching for something.

The search party came back and gave their reports, saying that they still have found her yet and they left to continue the search.

Aerith felt something tugging on her dress, it was the Skitty, it was trying to pull her somewhere.

"Meh meh!" It meowed and took off into the ally, just before it entered, "Meh, meh!" It called again and the rushed into the ally.

Aerith and Professor Oak following it nearly losing the kitten a few times, then coming to a large area surrounded by buildings were the met a fox-like, quadruped Pokémon is covered with a thick, luxurious golden-white fur. It has nine, long tails, each of which is tipped with pale orange. There is a fluffy crest atop its head, and a small mane around its neck. It has gleaming red eyes, ears are pointed, and it has long, slender legs with three-toed paws

Another small Pokémon was beside it, a slate gray, fox-like Pokémon with red and black accents. Its ears are triangular with dark insides, and it has a large tuft of fur tipped with red on top of its head. It has greenish blue eyes with red eyelids. There are circular, red markings above the eyes that resemble eyebrows. Its muzzle is short and tapered with two small fangs seen in the upper jaw when its mouth is open. It possesses a ruff of black fur around its neck and four short limbs tipped with red. Its tail is short and bushy.

"Raf raf!" Zorua said.

"Its a Zorua. What is it doing here?" The old Professor said in surprised, Zorua was quite rare in the Pokémon regions, then he gulped when he heard the large cat growled.

"Who are you human?" A female voice growled, "Where is Aurora?"

"Meh, meh, meh, mehmeh, meh!" Skitty said worriedly.

"Missing?" The large cat turned to the two people, "You... Humans tell me where Aurora is?" The female voice asked again.

Professor Oak thought for a moment, "Telepathy?" He said.

"Yes I can communicate with telepathy. Now, answer my question!" The Ninetails roared at them growling more.

"W-we don't know where Aurora is." Aerith answered sobbing, "She was playing in the ocean when that big storm hit yesterday."

"The ocean huh?" Ninetails thought out loud, then looked at her fox and kitten, "Zorua, Skitty you two will go with these two humans until I return. Understood?" The fox and kitten nodded, they walked to the two people. "And you two will look after them until I return."

The Ninetails turns into the ally and begins to walk away.


The mother Ninetails was gone, they had no choice but to do as she said, they took at the fox and kitten with them back to the hotel to wait for the news to move.

One Hour and Thirty minutes later a booming shrill sound echoed across the island, making everyone cover their eyes at the screeching, it lasted for fives minutes before silence, but it was a brief silence, many people ran outside and looked up at the large swarm of bird Pokémon coming from the mountain island and they flew past the city with great speed, spreading out above the sea.

Only one of the birds Pokémon stopped by the city, it was an avian Pokémon with large wings, sharp talons, and a short, hooked beak. Its glossy plumage is mostly brown with cream-colored underparts and flight feathers. Its head is decorated with a red and yellow crest that is nearly as long as its body. The fan-like feathers of its tail are red. Its beak and legs are pink, and there are angular black markings around its eyes.

"Pidg!" It said.

It was a Pidgeot, it flew down to Aerith and Professor Oak, hovering for the moment to let off Ninetails before it followed the others faster than any had seen a Pidgeot fly before.

"Takuya will be found." Was all the mother Ninetails said before walking to her fox and kitten to wait.


Right now where, Takuya and her three water Pokémons were. Takuya kicked again in the water holding onto her three friends as much as she could before she had to go back up for air, and resting, she was getting tired, really tried, the two Magikarp and Feebas could tell and they panic, they knew swimming during that storm had exhausted out their young friend and were worried.

Takuya was able to continue for another hour before she passed out from exhaustion and started to sink, the two Magikarp and Feebas saw their friend and tried to keep her up floating but they were two small to do so for too long and were getting tired as well.

A large wave took Takuya away from the fish Pokémon, they swarm after her sinking body fast, all the sudden all three body were glowing.

Close to where the Magikarps and Feebas were the large Pidgeot was searching with some Pidgeotto, looking at the water with their sharp eyes.

A large splash alerted them to three beautiful water serpent Pokémons; Two Gyarados and a White Milotic.

The first Gyarados is a serpentine Chinese dragon-like Pokémon. It is mostly red, with a yellow underbelly and yellow spots along its body. It has a three-pointed, dark red crest on its head and four white fins down its back. Its mouth is very large and gaping, bearing four canine teeth. It has one barbel on each side of its face.

The second Gyarados a serpentine Chinese dragon-like Pokémon as well but sightly smaller than the red one. It was mostly aqua blue, with a white underbelly and white spots along its body. It had a three-pointed, blue crest on its head and four white fins down its back. Its mouth was very large and gaping, bearing four canine teeth. It had one barbell on each side of its face.

The last Pokémon, instead of the usual body of a Milotic, this Milotic's entire body was covered with the color of the rainbow as coloration of her body; her eyes were glimmering like silver, her tail was covered with lavender and pink like scales, with striations of white and an uncharacteristic eight large scales on the tip of her tail, and long, thin white 'eyebrows' extending from above its eyes and thicker, also white-colored hair-like fins draping from the sides of her head. She was also larger than the normal Milotic, roughly three feet larger.

One words would describe all three Pokémons was beautiful or breathtaking.

The two Gyarados roared in worry, on the red Gyerados back played the girl they were searching for, she was coughing up water, but soon fell still in exhaustion.

Milotic spotted the Pidgeot and called out for help, it was immediately given.


No one heard anything from the search party and Aerith was close to crying again.

Another loud shrill screech sounded from the ocean, which made the mother Ninetails looked up from playing with her fox and kitten, she walked outside.

"They found her!" Ninetails stated.

Aerith and Professor Oak followed quickly, Ninetails led them to a peer the boats docked at and waited many figures could see three in the water and many flying.

What they saw shocked them, two rare colour Gyarados and a rare colour Miotic were swimming quickly towards them looking worried, the large Pidgeot flew ahead and reported to the mother Ninetails.

"It seems Aurora has mad some friends for life." Ninetails said out loud, with cause some humans to be frightened.

Soon the Gyarados were beside the peer, the red one moves so that its body was right next to the end, giving the humans a soft sounds, which made the Professor had never heard it before. The aqua blue Gyarados moved closer with Milotic and picked up something carefully.

Professor Oak and Aerith watched as the serpent picked it's head up and reveal Takuya, gently enclosed in its mouth and place Takuya onto the deck before gently rumbling in worry.

Aerith gave a cry at the sight of her daughter and raced to her, she picked her up checking her over from head to toe.


Aerith was sitting and having finally calm down after having Takuya checked over by the doctor on the island. Nintails and her fox and kitten, where in the room and the two  Gyarados and Milotic were looking into the room every now and again from the pool outside, which scared some of the patience until they saw and heard how gentle they were then they calmed down.

The next day Takuya woke up from a sneeze dew to Skitty tickling her nose, she got bear hugs from her mother and the Gyarados and Milotic who she was told by Ninetails, they were her friends Magikarp and Feebas, she remembered the three evolving while she was drowning but was tired to move at the time.

Takuya hugged them just as hard as they hugged her. It was time to leave Kumquat Island, Takuya was sad until her mother handed her six Pokéballs.

"They're coming home with us. Through I don't know where we'll put your Gyarados and Milotic but we'll find a place." Aerith said.

Takuya was happy as can be, she could train them a bit and play.


Well what do you think??

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