Chapter 1

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Dad looked over my shoulder at my diary entry. In the blink of an eye, he had read through it at least five times.

"What? I like to remember things!" I said defensivly. He gave me a cheeky smirk and walked over to the controls of the TARDIS, his hands in his pockets. "So if you are a Time Lord named the Doctor, and I am now technically your daughter, that makes me what? Time Princess Diamond Doctor?" I asked. Dad laughed.

"I guess. So, Di. Can I call you Di? Diamond's a mouth full." The Doctor asked. I shrugged and he continued. "Right. So, Di, where do you want to go first?" He asked. I crossed my arms.

"Don't forget when. How about you just throw some random coordinates in there and see where the TARDIS takes us?" I suggested. Dad smiled and gave me a high-five.

"Brilliant! You are a girl after my own heart! Well, hearts, but still." He said. He pressed a bunch of buttons on the controls and pulled a few levers, twisted a couple switches, then motioned for me to press down one of the nobs. Then, with a sound that filled me with joy straight to the soul, the TARDIS landed at it's destination. The Doctor wriggled his eyebrows at me before grabbing my hand and running to the door. Before he opened it, though, he stopped.

"Wait a minute," he said, reaching into his pocket, "take this. It's a key to the TARDIS. If we get separated or if I think things are too dangerous, you are to come back here immediately, understood?" He asked, pressing a small key into the palm of my hand. I nodded sincerely, looping the key onto my necklace. The Doctor smiled. "Here we go." He said. Then we walked through the doors. I gasped. We were in a different place! I could see planets and stars outside the window. We were in space! But what got most of my attention were the things standing in front of us. "Random coordinates! Really? Well, that's my luck. One out of what? A billion gazillion chances? Oh, Diamond I am so sorry." Dad said. His grip tightened on my hand and he tensed to run back into the TARDIS. The things got in our way. We were surrounded.

"Dad," I began, "what are these things?" The Doctor looked at me, distraught. I squeezed his hand in what I hoped was an reassuring way. The robot things began to move again. They were coming closer, looking angry. Well, as angry as a robot can get.

"It's the Doctor! And his companion!" One of them shouted. Dad stood up straight.

"Hello, again." He said. I was surprised at how calm he sounded. How in charge he sounded. "Just passing through. A bit of trouble with the TARDIS. We'll be going now if you don't mind." He said. We moved to go but the robots got in the way.

"The Doctor will not go anywhere! You will stay!" Another shouted.

"Why?" I piped up, surprised at how even my voice was. "What do you want with us? We're of no use to you! Just let us go!"

"Silence! Silence! You will not talk!" Two or three shouted. I gulped, looking at the Doctor. His eyes were filled with rage.

"You all never change." He muttered.

"Silence! Silence! Or you will be exterminated!" One shouted. They all picked up the call. I took Dad's hand, half hiding behind him. He squeezed my hand and I looked up at him. He nodded slightly. He had a plan. Whatever that plan was, he had better act quick. The robots were going crazy, it seemed like. The lights on their head were flashing, their little eye-scope things were going up and down and up and down. They kept saying the same thing over and over and over again. It made my ears hurt. It filled me with fear. The same word.


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