Chapter 2

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"You are writing! Explain! Explain!" The Dalek ordered. I took a step back, but Dad raised his hands in a calming gesture.

"Cool it. She just writes stuff down so she can remember it. Like, a computer chip or something." Dad said.

"Daleks do not need computer chips to remember!" The Dalek declared.

"We didn't say that you did." I grumbled. The Dalek turned on me. I made myself stand tall and looked it straight in the eyes. "What do you want with us? Why are you keeping us locked up?" I asked. The Dalek looked at me for a second before it said anything.

"The Doctor will pay for what he did." It said. I looked at Dad who's face was stone cold with hatred towards the robot on the other side of the bars. I need to keep it talking. I thought to myself.

"But that's not fair! He could say the same thing about you!" I said. The Doctor looked at me and I made the talking motion with my hand behind my back. A blink of an eye told me he understood.

"She's right. And you know it. You are just as guilty as I am. Maybe even more so, because you don't regret it." Dad said. I began inching towards the wall of the cell, Dad's sonic screwdriver in hand. I took deep breaths. If I was caught, then I would probably die.

"If I am just as guilty, Doctor, then why are you the one in the cage? You can't kill us. How many times have you tried? We just keep coming back. I am not in that cell because the Daleks are the superior race! Never will we be caged! Daleks reign supreme! All others will be exterminated! Starting with you, Doctor! Exter..." It didn't get to finish. I dropped down on it's head from the ventilation system and pulled up hard on it's eye stalk thingy. I don't know what it's called! Anyway, I pulled it up hard, shoving the sonic screwdriver into the gap. With a buzz and a loud crack, the scope came out.

"CAN'T SEE! CAN'T SEE!" It chanted.

"Good. You will never exterminate my Dad." I spat. I then pulled hard on it's gun and sonic-ed that as well. It came out with a scream from the Dalek.

"DEFENSELESS! DEFENSELESS! DON'T KILL ME! DON'T KILL!" It cried. I almost felt sorry for it. I put my hand on the side of it's head and it stopped spinning around like crazy.

"Shh! It's okay. I'm not going to kill you. Are you okay? Are you hurt?" I asked it.

"Diamond..." Dad warned from inside the cell. I unlocked the door and he came out. "Come on." He said. I shook my head, still looking at the Dalek.

"Not yet. Hey, are you okay?" I asked the Dalek again. The metal under my hand was getting hot, but I didn't take my hand off.

"I can't see. Is this normal?" It asked. Was this a trick? I picked up the scope and sonic-ed it back into place. It moved up and down. Then it focused on me. "You saved me! Thank you! Thank you!" It said. I looked at the Doctor. He looked confused, angry. He didn't trust the Dalek. Neither did I. But something about the way it was trying to give me a hug, asking if seeing was normal, thanking me when I was the one who pulled out it's eye. Was it good? Had I wiped it's memory?

"No." The Doctor said. "There is no way. I have seen this before it is just pretending! Di, come on. We have to go." I stood up straight but I kept my hand on the Dalek.

"We have to be sure. We have to give it a chance!" I said. Dad rubbed his face with one of his hands, obviously exasperated. He studied me closely. I shook the Dalek's laser gun in my hand, reminding him that the Dalek was defensless. Dad sighed.

"Fine. We'll take it in the TARDIS. We'll hook it up and check it's memory." He said. I smiled and threw my arms around him.

"Thank you thank you thank you thank you!" I said. He patted my back but didn't say anything. "Come on!" I said to the Dalek. It looked at me and followed us as we ran back to the TARDIS. We got to the door and were about to go in when another Dalek stopped us.

"Where are you going?" It demanded. I gulped. Dad stood up to address the Dalek when the one I had attacked spoke up.

"They are to roam free with me as their protector." It said. A Dalek that lies? Sweet! The armed Dalek hesitated a second before turning around and, I don't know, walking? Whatever. Walking away. We then entered the TARDIS. I gave Dad a high-five and gave the Dalek a small hug.

"That was brilliant!" I praised him. It looked up at me.

"Did I do well?" It asked. I nodded.

"Yes! You did amazing!" I declared. The Dalek's lights glowed brightly in happiness.

"It's not that amazing." The Doctor grumbled. I glared daggers at him then led my new friend over to the TARDIS's control panel. Dad set his jaw and hooked the Dalek up to the scanner. The Dalek began shaking slightly. I put my hand on it and it seemed to calm down a bit. After a minute or two, the results popped up on the screen. "No way." Dad said.

"What?" I asked. I raced around the Dalek to look at the screen. "I don't understand what's wrong." Dad was shaking his head, running around the TARDIS like if he stayed still for too long he would drop dead.

"But it doesn't make sense! It remembers everything! Me, you, it's history, the Time War, everything! It is exactly like a Dalek! It hates and everything! So why is it defending us?" He asked the air. I shrugged. He ran over to the Dalek and looked it in it's eye. "Do you know who I am?" Dad demanded.

"Yes. You are the Doctor. You are a Time Lord, the last of your kind. You are our greatest enemy. I want to exterminate you." It said. The Doctor looked at it. I bit my lip.

"So why don't you?" The Doctor asked. "Is it because you don't have your gun?"

"I will never exterminate you, Doctor, because your daughter told me not to."

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