Diary Entry 1

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Dear Diary,
Sooooooo yeah! Pretty eventful day! I broke out of the orphanage again, but this time I ran into something interesting. There was this blue police box, right? And the door was open slightly. So I was like, "what the hey" and slipped inside. But here's the catch. It's a bit bigger on the inside. And by a bit I mean, like, huge! I ran in and hid in one of the crevices of the main room. A man walked in the doors and they shut behind him. Dad said I'm not allowed to give you details on his face or what the ship looks like. Turns out, there are people tracking his every movement and playing it on TV. He's okay with it as long as everyone thinks it's fake. Anyway, he started messing around with buttons and switches and things on this panel thingy. Then he froze, like he sensed something. He snapped his fingers and I was pushed from my hiding spot by part of the ship!!! I mean, it's not every day inanimate objects rat you out! Well I was completely freaking out, but the man smiled at me sadly. "You're from that orphanage," he said. I told him that yes I was. Then I sort of dared him to take me back. He just looked at me. "You all alone? No more family? You got friends?" He asked. I told him that I was in fact alone. That I had no family and that all the others thought I was weird. He opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by four knocks on the door. Fear had lit his gaze for a second before he blinked once and went to open the door. I followed him quietly. It was the orphanage manager. He began yelling at the man, telling him that he could get arrested for stealing one of the orphans. He shouted that he was going to take me back by force if nessecary. I knew what was in store for me when I got back. A beating. And a good one at that. I took a step backwards, farther into the box. The man looked at me for a second. He crouched down next to me. "Please don't make me go back! He'll beat me! I've already had five lashings today! Not to mention a cuff sentence in the closet!" I whispered to him. Anger filled the mysterious man's face. "Lashings? Like a whip? Cuff sentence in the closet?" He whispered back, sounding outraged. I nodded. "Whip lashings. And a cuff sentence is when he hand cuffs you and then chains you in the closet. It's so dark in there..." I couldn't finish. I showed him my wrists which were red and rubbed from the handcuffs. The man studied my face. "Do you want to come with me? It'll be very dangerous. There is a good chance you'll die. But I will protect you. My companions are usually much older, but then again, I could just adopt you." He said, taking my hand in his. I nodded, tears starting to fall down my cheeks. "Please! I don't care how dangerous it is! I won't get in your way! I'll promise not to talk too much! I'll behave! I could just hide in the back corner! You won't even know I'm there!" I said. The man smiled. "It's been a long time since I had a child's voice ring in my ears. It would be an honor to have you aboard. No matter how much you talk. I never could resist a child crying." He said. I smiled and wiped my tears away. The man stood up and addressed the manager. "I would like to adopt this girl. Don't think I need to sign anything, considering how you've been treating her, but just incase..." The man said. He showed the manager a slip of paper in a wallet. The manager opened his mouth to speak, but the man leaned in and whispered something in his ear. The manager's face got pale then he glared at me and stormed off. I couldn't help but let out a little laugh of joy. The man motioned me back inside the blue box. "What's your name?" He asked. "Diamond." I replied. He smiled. "That's a nice name. Mine's the Doctor. Just the Doctor. But you can call me Dad." He said. I smiled, my heart swelling. "Allright, Dad. What do you do that's so dangerous?" I asked him. He smirked. "I'm a Time Lord. I travel through space and time. And this is my TARDIS. That stands for Time and Relative Dimension in Space." He said. I nodded. He looked rather surprised, like he didn't expect for me to take it so well. Well, at the moment, if you told me the sky was magenta, I would believe you. Cause I have never been more happy.


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