Diary Entry 2

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Dear Diary,

Soooo yeah. Daleks. They kinda suck. Dad's plan? Not the best. But I have faith that he will get us through! ....ah who am I kiding. I am completely freaking out! I mean, my first trip in the TARDIS and I get to meet the Doctors biggest enemy! Wohoo! Points to random coordinates! Dad says we should be thankful that they didn't kill us on the spot. That taking prisoners is not something they usually do. Dad doesn't like to sit still. He walks back and forth and back and forth. "Why don't we just sonic the lock and make a break for the TARDIS?" I asked. Dad shook his head. "Shh! Brain thinking think time...." He said. Yep. A mad man with a box. Then he froze in his tracks. They were coming. Dad grabbed my hand and backed me away from the bars of the cell. Two Daleks made their way down the hallway. One kept going, the other stopped at our cell, it's blue eye seeming to stare straight into my soul. I'll try to sketch one in. I gulped, tightening my grip on Dad's hand. So much for me being brave, right? The Dalek just keeps watching us. It's kinda freaky. Like a wild animal stalking it's prey. Wow. That analogy though. It watches me even as I write this entry. I feel as if it reading my thoughts. Yeah. I think I'll stop writing now.

Completely wigged out,


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