Blue 'Coldy' Topaz

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Nickname: Coldy
Gem: Blue Topaz
Age: ???
Diamond: Turquoise
Powers: Ice
Ability: Freezes other Gems; Gives frostbite to those she pokes if not cold fit
Relationship: Taken by Ice Quartz (Amethyst_Wereraven)

Past relationship: Another Blue Topaz (He's gone)
Allies: Anyone who doesn't freeze?
Personality: Sometimes mischievous, mostly quiet.

Found by Turquoise Diamond back before they ended up stranded on another planet. Her gem was frozen in solid ice and was freed by Turquoise Pearl. Cody gets her name from the fact she's well-attuned to the cold and can control it freely. She's also immune to the cold; Her winter wear is for aesthetics and hides her torn clothing underneath. 

Coldy's past is a mystery, and it's not known why she controls ice. No one knows why she was frozen. If she stays in the cold too long, she transforms into a saber-toothed tiger-like creature with icy defenses. Oddly, she doesn't know why she has the form but it can traverse icy landscapes easily.

Her first love was shattered by her Diamond long ago, and she only recently warmed up enough to find another one to love.

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