13. On Such A Timeless Flight

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I'm having the time of my life. And I owe it all to the most important people in my life. The bond Uncle Elton and I have always shared, only seems to be growing stronger with this film about his extraordinary life. Just seeing it all come to life before me, gave me a bigger appreciation for him and just how hard he fought to be here today. But the beautiful thing about Uncle Elton? Is that he doesn't think of himself as better than anyone. He doesn't think of himself as perfect. Because no one is. He's humble, willing to help anyone in need, sweet and generous. Talented as can be. And raised me. Him and Uncle David are my hero's. Even if they don't fully realize that, they are. But with Betty back, it feels like I'm stuck in this void. I want so badly to have her back in my life. But I'm terrified. What if she leaves again because she can't stand to be near me? What if it brought back all these memories of our past?

"Hello darling. Are you okay?" I slowly looked up to Uncle Elton with a small smile on my lips, softly sketching away a picture of Taron in the Dodgers outfit he would be using today for the remaining Rocketman scenes. I knew he'd knock this scene out of the park.

"Yeah, I'm okay Uncle Elton. Betty asked me to come over for dinner." His eyes widened from my sudden words, still surprising myself honestly. It was all happening so fast. She wanted me to meet her sons and husband, get to know me better. And learn everything she's missed. But Uncle Elton and her have been talking more lately. They were such good friends at one point. They helped each other get through a horrible time in their lives. And Uncle Elton is not the kind of person to give up on you. He only wanted what was best for her. He always has.

"I'm just..... really nervous. She's changed so much. She seems..... happier. But without me. That's the problem. What if adding me back makes it worse and she pushes me away again?" My eyes were welling up just thinking it. And I hated it more and more each time I did. She made this whole life without me. Was I the problem?

"Honey don't say that. You could never make anything worse. She was sick. And only wanted you to have the best life possible. She does love you. She's just always had a hard time expressing that love." I always wanted her love. Even after all these years, it would be amazing to have her back. And as I sighed, softly closing my sketch book to prepare myself for filming with Taron, I looked to Uncle Elton again, before I stood and tightly hugged him to me.

"But at least I'll always have you and Uncle David. And my nuggets. And Taron. And...." I was cut off by Taron's little laugh greeting me from his trailer door, scanning him from head to toe in the Dodgers outfit with a huge smile coming to my lips upon releasing Uncle Elton.

"So see love? You've got plenty of people who love and admire you. You're so easy to love. If only you could see that yourself." His words had my cheeks burning. But I couldn't stop looking at him. He looked so incredible.

"Wow Tar....." Uncle Elton and I both were gawking at him and I died laughing from the look Taron was giving us. He just can't help how good he always looks. People have to stare.

"Close that mouth of yours beautiful. Save that for later." Taron winked at me, causing my eyes to go wide with my cheeks going red yet again, knowing Uncle Elton was enjoying this way too much. These two will be the death of me someday.

"Taron David Egerton! You naughty, naughty boy." Uncle Elton winked at him, before kissing us both on the cheeks and leaving Taron's trailer, the place I've practically been living in for quite some time.

"And just for that little comment of yours Egerton, you have to come to dinner with me at my moms tonight." His eyes seemed to widen in surprise. I wanted him to go anyhow. I figured it would help me get through it easier. Keep me calm.

"You know I would have come anyway love. I know how important this is to you." I softly hugged him, before leaving the worlds biggest kiss on his lips, smiling through it from the emotions flowing through me. How is it possible to love one person so much?

"And that's why I love you Elton Jr." And with this, I couldn't wait to meet his family. I loved them already from just talking to them when Taron phones them. His mom is the best. And his sisters are adorable. They are crazy about Taron. It's so sweet. But today? We were going to have so much fun shooting scenes. I hated that production was to be over soon. But I was so incredibly thankful for this opportunity. It's been the best one I'll ever have. That much I know. I've grown a whole new family. And I'm growing more and more each day with it. Now, it was time to play a little baseball with one Elton Jr. Surely we won't drive Dex crazy.
"You think anyone will notice if I'm in this scene with you Taron? Noooooo." We both laughed like a couple of idiots on the platform we were using to swing at baseballs, having way too much fun with it.

"You two I swear...... I've got the shot of you hitting the ball Taron. Now? We just need to do the actual rocket scene. Just imagine the room completely packed with adoring and screaming fans. It's complete chaos. I can hear it now...." I couldn't help but smile at the mere thought of it all. The vague sound of an actual crowd in the distance, chanting Uncle Elton's name left and right, singing his beautiful songs and having a good time.

"You ready to explode Elton Jr.?" He grinned at me, taking my hand as we jumped down from our spot. They got some pictures of Taron swinging the bat earlier and they were so good! They were going to use some of the Dodgers pictures for promotion of the film. And the finished product was going to look incredible.

"You had no idea I could fly, did you love?" I giggled like a little school girl from his comment, him being the only person in existence to make such a sound leave my mouth. Angie was right. I'm in so deep.

"And you had no idea I'm secretly undercover for a secret spy organization, did you Egerton? Don't tell anyone...." I mocked a serious look, seeing the eye roll he gave me that finally broke my stance and had me laughing.

"Smartass...." I laughed even harder, loving messing with him. He just makes it so fun! Just, watching him perform this scene, seeing just how serious he was taking it and wanting it to be just right, his singing, his stance, the way he talked and walked, the way he held himself in general, was unbelievable. But the moment that really captured me, was when he would be brought out from just being at the hospital, feeling terrible and completely unhappy, just to be swept into his outfit and go on stage with this incredibly huge smile as if nothing had just happened to him mere hours ago. That's what Uncle Elton did for so long. He never wanted to let anyone down. Just, seeing this glimpse into this part of his life, made me realize just how fortunate I am to have him in my life. He's a fighter. He conquered so much. And never gave up. 'The Dwight Family Temper' is something we've talked about numerous times. Because if you want me to be honest, I have a terrible one sometimes. You'd honestly think I was his daughter by blood most times. I'd lash out about something that was bothering me and he would look at me with this odd look in his eyes and say, "you are reflecting me darling. And I don't think I like it." But to be honest, he had so much to be angry about. He was in love with this man who was terrible to him. His parents treated him horrible as well. But yet, Uncle Elton won't say one bad word about any of them. So when I say he's the best role model, I mean it. He's fabulous.

"Now if you really take off flying, we got to have an important conversation later about why you didn't tell me, that you were Superman the whole time." Taron winked at me with a little smirk, making me chuckle. Freakin goofball.

"Katie! Have you seen this?" Jamie suddenly came up to me with a huge smile out of nowhere, hugging me so tightly. He looked completely excited about something. I was just happy to see him! He hangs out with Taron and I a lot on down time anymore. We usually are always found together. Then Richard and Angie show and that's when the real party begins.

"What a minute.... is that my design in The Guardian?!" I practically jumped up and down from what I was seeing. One of my random sketches of Taron..... in The Guardian for everyone to see.

"See? I told you your sketch's were amazing little sister. But noooooo, you didn't believe me." I rolled my eyes with a little chuckle leaving my mouth, just as my phone suddenly buzzed in my pocket, looking to see that I had a text from Betty.

"Hey honey! What did you think of being in The Guardian? I hope you didn't mind. I was gushing to my friends about you and the topic came up of what you do. They all adored this one of Taron. I figured you wouldn't mind. I can't wait to see you tonight love. 😘"

My eyes widened, re reading her text several times, noting Jamie looking over my shoulder at the text himself. She did this? For me? I had texted her this one sketch when I finished it because she wanted to see some of my work. But I had no idea she'd do something as amazing as this.

"Maybe she's not so bad after all." I looked up at Jamie with a little smile, really hoping he's right. I mean, she could have potentially boosted my career further with this. Of course I'm so beyond thankful. But of course I'm still reserved to her. I'm still getting used to the fact that she's even back.

"I hope so brother bear. We'll find out I suppose." And when my eyes finally landed on Taron, seeing him and Dex talking and going over scenes, watching him finish out the Rocketman scene in the most iconic concert of my Uncles career, his eyes met mine and I couldn't keep the smile off of my face, knowing that something I drew of him was out there for everyone to see. A little teaser I suppose for the film and what's to come. It was of him in the devil/angel outfit. One of my favorite ones I've drawn of him. This man right here, has done more for me than I could ever really express. I've been running from the little girl who was pained for so long, that held so many sad memories that I just wanted to forget, along with her. But she was yelling at me, telling me she's still here. And I should love her. She was coming back all over again with Betty showing up. And Taron? Was helping me. Like he's the therapy I needed all along. I just had to stop running, being afraid of the worst. I had to learn to take risks. No matter the outcome.
Hey everyone!!! Another long chapter. But I'm telling you, once I get going on this story, I never can stop. I'm enjoying it so much. And I really hope you are as well. I appreciate you all reading so so much. I can't say it enough. I love you guys with all of my heart. So please, stay safe and healthy. 😘

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