19. Thank You For All Your Loving

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Today was the day that the world was finally going to see the masterpiece that is Rocketman. I hadn't seen the finished product myself, just what we've filmed. But not after editing and everything that goes into making films. And to say I was nervous, was beyond true. I was in this. Me. Of all people. Considering mere months ago I was this shy girl who preferred to work behind the scenes with her sketch book practically glued to her hands, hidden from the worlds view, it was unbelievable that I was in it. But what I was most excited for? Was to see Taron in all his glory, doing what he does best. He could sing like no other and his acting skills are phenomenal. So the world surly was going to enjoy this immensely.

"Look at us, getting all dolled up for a movie premiere. And our very first one!" I grinned from ear to ear at Angie's excitement, getting ourselves dressed and ready for our big day. I was so unbelievably nervous. But so excited all at the same time.

"Well, we definitely aren't in Kansas anymore, are we?" She chuckled as we got the finishing touches done to our fabulous makeup. Our dresses were gorgeous. I felt like a princess, waiting for her prince to sweep her away on his horse and into the sunset.

Katie's dress and accessories: ⬇️

"Look at you two! Are we going to a ball or something?" Jamie's joking tone from the doorway, had me grinning like mad. I missed this one. He's practically my big brother. And the best one a girl could ask for at that. And my tight hug to him only confirmed that.

"Belly! Looking as dashing as ever. I honestly feel amazing. But it's odd to even think I'm going to a movie premiere." He chuckled with a tight hug back to me, smiling from ear to ear.

"You'll love it Magnificent Katie. Believe me. You'll be the life of the party. And we can cause all kinds of trouble together." I thumbs upped that notion, knowing with all four of us being there, it would surly be fun, mixed with a little bit of chaos.

"You're on sir Bell." Him and Angie got to talking, just as my hair was finished up and I was completely ready for the night. Looking at myself in the mirror, was completely surreal. My reflection threw me off guard from just how different I looked and felt. This was me... who I was always so afraid to be.

"Hello my lovely. You look absolutely beautiful." Taron softly wrapped his arms around my waist, kissing my neck so softly, but still leaving the more than pleasant sensations coursing through me. He looked so incredibly handsome in his tux. But when did he not?

"And you look absolutely handsome. You always manage to take my breath away Egerton." His signature smile and wink had me practically swooning, as usual from his mere touch on my skin. He drove me crazy in all the best ways.

"That's my line love. I thought we had that sorted out." Our goofy grins at one another had me laughing, just relishing in this perfect moment. It was truly like a fairytale that I was lucky enough to be staring in. And Uncle Elton was the mastermind of it all. Him and Uncle David led me to this magical world I'm in now. And they have no idea just how much it means to me that they've always had such faith in me, knowing that I was more than capable of having the life I've always dreamed of. I just needed to soar and never doubt myself. And that's exactly what I did. That's what put me here today, in this moment with the most incredible boyfriend known to man.

"Alright alright. I'll give you that one I suppose. You little diva...." He put a sloppy kiss to my cheek out of nowhere, causing the big smile on my lips to only brighten more so. And then the crew was finally together with Richard joining in on the party. The guys looked so incredibly handsome. And Angie and I felt like queens.

"Rich! Look at you good sir. You guys look fabulous." I hugged him so tightly, feeling so thankful to have them three in my life for the long haul. I had my mom back with her amazing family, my other family, I had the best uncles known to man, Zachary and Elijah were the light of my world. And Taron.... he had the ability to make me feel so special. Like I was the only girl in the world. He was romantic, funny, kind, sweet, so lovely and incredibly handsome. I was lucky. Very lucky.
"There are so many people here!! Can you believe this?!" My excitement had Taron practically beaming with pride and happiness. He was truly excited for this. And to top it off, Uncle Elton was going to see the film for the first time. He tried his best not to see any of it while filming was in progress. He wanted to be surprised. And I honestly just have this massive feeling that he'll love the final product. He'll be so proud of Taron.

"Darling, you were meant to be out here. Look at you. Our little girl, all grown up. And as beautiful as ever. We're so proud of you sweetheart." Uncle Elton and Uncle David's words rung in my ears like the sweetest music in the world. I wanted nothing more than to make them proud. But I knew, that no matter what I did, they would be. They're the most amazing parents you could ever ask for. They love their kids with all their hearts. And just want us to be happy, doing what we love in this beautiful world for us to see and travel. I felt like I had finally lifted off and reached the stars. What I thought was impossible, finally happened.

"You guys are the reason I'm standing here today. You believed in me my entire life. You showed me that I was more than what I was willing to admit and find out. You gave me my wings. And I love you both so much for that. More than words could ever express." I tightly hugged them to me, feeling the tears brimming in my eyes. Happy tears. I was so incredibly overjoyed, just being in this moment with the most important people in my life.

"And I just know you're going to love the film Uncle Elton. Taron is a gem. He did fabulous." My eyes locked with Taron's upon the words leaving my lips, seeing his handsome as ever smile sparkling for the many camera's going off, everyone wanting a picture of the insanely talented man himself.

"I completely believe it. He's so talented. And he's got my little girl taken with him. You got lucky. Because I was going to take him myself." Uncle Elton winked with a humored smile directed at Uncle David, seeing the little smile on his face, knowing this was going to be hilarious. They always have so much fun together. And that's why, I always hoped I would find a love like they have. And to be honest? I think I have.

"Uncle Bernie! Am I so glad to see you. I have missed you like mad." He chuckled as we hugged with so much love. This man right here as been like another dad to me my entire life. He's such a sweetheart, like Uncle Elton and Uncle David. And believed in me since day one. He meant the world to me.

"You look so beautiful honey. Now don't go making me cry okay? You're all grown up and it's hard to believe. I swear you were just a little girl yesterday." We both laughed, remembering all the fun times we've all had over the years, leading up to this Incredible day full of magical moments to come. It was complete and utter bliss.

"Hey Katie! You look so pretty." I turned to see Kit smiling up at me, hugging him so tightly to me with a huge smile on my face. Kit Conner played my uncle when he was a child. And he looked so adorable in the roll! He did fantastic. He's a cutie.

"And you look so handsome Kit! Can you believe all this? We're in the big leagues now huh?" He softly laughed with a look around at everyone, just as Taron and Richard came over with big smiles on their faces, having talked to numerous people before we were to go inside for the premiere.

"I'd say. It's mental. So many people are here to see it. I can't wait!" I gave him another tight hug, feeling just as excited as he looked. It was such an incredible feeling being here.

"You are beaming love. Having a good time?" Taron softly hugged me as I planted a kiss to his cheek, not the least bit worried about everyone watching us. I loved this man. It was hard to keep away from him.

"Completely! It's so.... insane." I looked around at everyone, smiling and mingling with one another, just having a smashing time. And my smile wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.

"There's the happy couple! You both look so good!" Bryce and I hugged one another so tightly, a sort of tradition with the Rocketman cast. We see one another and we latch on for dear life. Not that I'm objecting. I loved them so incredibly much.

"And look at you! All gorgeous in red. You look absolutely beautiful." We exchanged more words, laughing on about stuff we did during filming together. Bryce is such an incredible woman. She's incredibly fun to work with.

"My girl! We are killing it out here." Angie, Miss life of the party, was having the time of her life out here, talking to everyone she could see in sight. And she was beaming from head to toe. I could honestly relate. We were both on cloud nine at this point.

"Right?! The vibe is incredible Ang. This is.... I can't even tell you what it is. But it's definitely on the epic to legendary scale." She chuckled with her arm looping with mine, kissing my cheek so softly with a happy smile.

"Little sister, how's it going? I don't think I've seen you not smile since we've been here." I chuckled from Jamie hugging Angie and I both in a bear hug, hearing the snaps of the cameras going off all around us.

"Are you kidding?! This is amazing!" Dex waved at us all from the side, talking to some people about the film. I loved working with Dex. He's such a sweet man and so talented. He was born to do what he does.

"Katie! What was it like taking a glimpse into your uncles life?" A smiling woman with a gorgeous gown on and a microphone, looked so keen on talking to me. I was honestly flattered. And felt so out of place. Someone wanting to interview me? Incredible.

"It was such a thrilling experience seeing my uncles life and just what he went through. He's such a strong willed man and has endured so much in his life. And everyone will see in the film just how much of a sweetheart and amazing person he truly is through it all." The lady smiled so brightly at me, when my eyes connected with Taron's in adoration from his gaze, feeling my cheeks flaring up.

"I honestly can't wait to see the film. Now, you and Taron here are hot and heavy huh?" I couldn't help but laugh from her sudden question, seeing that she was beyond ready to ask me this. And I liked her. She was passionate for her job.

"He lit a flame in me from the moment we met. He's incredible. And a gift to this world." And as our eyes met yet again, seeing the handsome smile on his face, I meant every word. He was my world.

"This beauty right here is so passionate and driven in her work. She's has such a beautiful heart and soul. And I knew from the moment she knocked on my trailer door, that it was far from over." The lady looked on with such a happy smile on her face upon seeing my blush rising from what Taron said.

"And I can't wait to see more of you two! Thank you so much for talking with me. And have fun in there." We waved as she walked away, when I looked up at Taron with that same blush still showing.

"You've completely knocked me off my tiny dancer feet Tar...." I've never been so crazy about someone. I've never wanted more and more with each passing day. I've never wanted someone so much.

"That was my plan all along." I chuckled from his little trademark wink he does, that cloud nine feeling far from over.

Are you ready to go in love? It's beginning soon." Taron's soft smile down at me, had me smiling even more so than I already was. I was so nervous. But I couldn't wait to see it.

"Let's do this handsome. I'm ready to see you work your Pinball Wizard magic up on that screen." He chuckled in humor, before firmly taking my hand in his, feeling content. More content than I ever have in my life. I was so incredibly excited to see this magical experience happen in front of me, to see everyone's reactions. But in my heart, I already knew it was going to be a hit. And all because of Taron and this incredible cast.

The film had come to an end. And I was speechless. It was so.... beautiful. So magical and incredible. It told Uncle Elton's story beautifully! And the reaction that came from the audience was unlike anything I'd ever seen. A standing ovation was heard all throughout the room, people absolutely loved it! And my tears were running freely. This happened. And I was apart of it. I looked over to Uncle Elton and just saw the tears rolling down his face, causing even more tears to leave my eyes. It was so mental, all of this. It's such a magical moment that I'll never forget.

"Oh Taron.... that was.... that was...." All I could do was throw my arms around his shoulders, hugging him so tightly to me upon hearing his tears of happiness leaving his eyes. It was so emotional. Everyone loved it. The applause was outstanding and the reactions were incredible. Everyone loved Taron.

"You did this Tar.... you did this. You were so phenomenal. Just bloody brilliant! I'm so proud of you handsome....." We softly pulled apart, before our lips met in the middle in a sweet as can be kiss, practically knocking me off my feet. The emotions coursing through me were so unbelievably amazing. We did this. We all did this. The film is so..... perfect. And I'm thankful every day that I was lucky enough to be apart of it.
Hey guys! I hope you enjoy this chapter. The next one will be about the after party. And I'm so excited to write it. I had a blast writing this chapter. So as always, thank you to everyone reading and voting. I can't even begin to explain just how much it means to me. You all are truly amazing. 🤗💛😘

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