3. Tiny Dancer

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Beautiful skies. Talented people. Wonderful music. How can you ask for a better job? I walked around, looking at the whole setup for The Bitch Is Back, everyone dressed to the nines to perform this elaborate routine leading into my uncles childhood, and it really sunk in for the first time that I was a part of this.

"Well look at you all smiling and beautiful darling. Having a good time?" I grinned from ear to ear upon Uncle Elton coming up beside me, examining the scene as well, a pair of his trademark glasses sitting ever so perfectly on his handsome, smiling face. It was just so crazy looking out at Taron talking to the director, then back to my uncle. It was like a time machine.

"The best. Thank you for pushing me to do this. You believed in me when I couldn't believe in myself." He softly smiled, taking me into his warm embrace, leaving a soft kiss on my forehead. This man has been my rock my whole life. He took me in and practically raised me. I just wish I could be more like him. I'm so shy and scared to do things I love. I love to sing and dance. But can't do it in front of anyone without freezing up.

"You'll do wonderful. Just remember, believe in yourself. Don't give up." I placed a soft kiss to his cheek, feeling so thankful to have him in my life. When I was first asked to do this, I was over the moon excited. But super nervous. But I knew it would be a wonderful experience. And something I'll never forget. And I'll learn new things about my uncle. He always says not to put him on a high pedestal. He's no better than anyone. He made so many mistakes, that he's surprised he's still here to even tell the tale. But that's why he's such a magnificent man. He's amazing. And he's the sweetest.

"Thanks Uncle Elton. I really like Taron. He's sweet." He suddenly winked at me, making me go wide eyed from his sudden laugh, before walking away to talk to some other people he knew. But I'm just going to be a good little girl and stay where I'm needed. I swear I'm going to be the best damn assistant there is.

"Hey! You're Katie right?" I was popular today or something. But when I looked up at Jamie Bell, I couldn't help but smile. Taron's other half for the movie. I honestly thought he was perfect for Bernie. He looked so good. Long hair and everything.

"Yeah, that's me. The magnificent Katie. And Jamie! I'm glad I'm finally getting to meet you." He grinned from me already knowing his name. I can tell I'm going to make life long relationships during this film.

"Magnificent Katie. You should seriously think about making that your stage name." I laughed from his joking tone, already having so much fun today. I finally sat down in my own chair with the Rocketman logo on the back, and my name on the front. I couldn't believe I had my own chair! Bedazzled and everything. That was Uncle Elton's doing. And I fell in love with it. Taron and i's chairs matched. Just so they'd know i was basically with him. It was hilarious. Under my name, it said Tiny Dancer. And his said Elton Jr.

"I'll hold you to that Jamie. And when it becomes official, I'll have you to thank." We both doubled over in laughter like a couple of goofballs, just having a good time. I don't know what it is about these guys, but they're so charming! Just being around them feels like I've known them all my life. Richard is so sweet. Jamie is so fun. And Taron? He's all of the above. And more. He's got my complete and utter attention.

"Having fun love?" Taron suddenly came up behind me, scaring me slightly. And just seeing him in this outfit was doing wonders. He honestly looked so darn cute. A devil with angel wings.

"Honestly? The most I've ever had. Thank you Taron. For this. For all of it. You don't know how much it means to me." His genuine smile sent a big one to my lips, just staring at one another again. Like earlier. I could just get lost in his eyes to be honest. They're so dreamy.

"The pleasure is all mine. You'll be able to help me quite a lot actually. Elton is your uncle after all." Another fact about my life that sometimes is so hard to believe is true. And because of him, I've met some incredible people. But I think Taron takes the lead on that one. I can see us becoming close. Just one glance from him and I forget everything around me. Like it's just him and I standing here.

"If you two stare any harder, you'll have massive holes in your heads." I practically jumped from the sudden voice of Richard behind me, wondering why everyone is sneaking up on me today. Am I just easy game?

"I can't help it her face is nice to look at." I laughed from Taron's sudden admiration of my face, feeling flattered. But just so random.

"Well get a room then you two. My goodness." Richard sounded so dramatic. Their bickering was like a married couple and I couldn't get enough of it. It was hilarious. If everyday on set is going to be like this, I'm there for it.

"Go for it Taron! She's a beauty." Jamie piped in and I thought I was going to die from embarrassment. Three incredibly cute guys, talking about little ole me like I'm something special. Please. Compared to the girls they normally work with, there's no way.

"Taron! We need you! We're almost done with this scene." He grinned from them calling him, fixing the glasses on his face, looking as handsome as ever.

"I guess that is my cue lady and gentlemen." He winked at me, yet again. And to be honest, I don't know if I can handle his winking. It's getting to me in places that's not normal.

"He's smitten. Completely and utterly smitten, Tiny Dancer." Jamie laughed from the name on my chair, making me shake my head as I looked down at the papers placed on my clipboard Meredith had given me for the day. And I had been doing my own sketching of Taron as my uncle. Another thing I love doing.

"Whatever you say Belly." I hid my smile behind the clipboard, seeing him eyeing me in clear humor. Perfect nick name. I couldn't help myself.

"I don't think I've ever seen you smile this much sweetheart." Uncle David suddenly leaned over from behind me, leaving a kiss to my cheek, the same exact spot Uncle Elton did.

"Katie!!" I grinned from ear to ear hearing Zachary and Elijah calling my name across the set, before they bounded over, making me jump up out of my seat and meet them halfway, my arms folding around their tiny frames. They've got the cutest kids in the world!

"Hey my little nuggets! Well isn't this a surprise yeah? All my favorite people in the world here on my first day." They giggled from my little sloppy kisses left to their heads, tickling both of them like crazy.

"Woooooah...." Elijah's awed expression made me turn to see exactly what he was looking at. Taron. Looking just like his daddy. I instantly picked him up with my other hand holding Zachary's walking over in the direction, hearing the music softly playing around us. It was crazy.

"This guys, is Taron Egerton. He's playing your daddy in the movie. And he's brilliant." His cute smile made my heart swoon. Honestly, I've never been this way in my life. And I still don't know if I like it or not.

"Hello guys! Whatcha think? Big wings yeah?" They both laughed, touching them like they were made of gold. I couldn't help but smile at the scene unfolding in front of me. I know Taron has little sisters. So he's amazing with kids. And they clearly love him. But his eyes came to meet mine, his smile never wavering. And I felt as if I was transported into a whole other world.

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