5. Follow The Yellow Brick Road

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This yellow brick road of a journey, seriously feels like I did drop in on Oz to this magical, beautiful world, full of everything I could possibly think of. Never in a million years did I think I would get the chance to work on a film, recounting the journey my uncle went on to lead to where he is today. An amazing husband, father. One of the most iconic stars in the world. One of the sweetest, most kindest men you could ever meet in your life. He's a gem. A true gem.

"How is he this bloody talented?!" I laughed from Jamie sitting next to me as our eyes were both stuck to Taron in the recording booth, singing away, doing what he does best. Performing. He was recording Honky Cat with Richard today and these two? They were meant to work together. They are amazing!

"I honestly wish I knew his secret because I would love to have just an ounce of that talent." Jamie grinned, throwing his arm around my shoulder as I continued to doodle in my journal I'm using to document the process of the film, drawing out different sketches of Taron in my uncles flashy attire. And there wasn't a thing he couldn't pull off, just like my uncle.

"You know, you're really good at drawing. And singing! So I think you have more talent than you are letting on little missy." I looked up to see his humored smile, rolling my eyes in my own humor. I'm just not a open person. I'm more shy than anything. So I have a hard time expressing my creative views. But since I've been working around Taron, I've opened up a lot more. Even both of my uncles have noticed it and thought I was abducted by aliens. But they were happy. Happy to see me flourishing on my new path.

"You can thank Taron for that. He's got some voodoo spell on me, I'm telling you." We both laughed, as my eyes landed back on Taron in the booth with his headphones on, the cutest smile on his face ever, having the best time of his life.

"Well, let's see if you have dance skills as well because I can't stand sitting anymore. I need to move these legs to this beat or I'll go insane." I chuckled from his funny tone, jumping up out of my seat and softly placing my journal on the chair I was sitting in, grinning from ear to ear at Taron as he saw us getting up to dance to him and Richard's singing of this amazing song. It was seriously going to be one of my favorites on the album.

"Don't have too much fun without me out there yeah guys? It's not fair." I giggled from Taron's puppy dog eyed look. I never giggle. Even Jamie mocked me for it. And he'll never let me live it down. He's like that big brother that constantly reminds you when you embarrass yourself. I've gained a brother in this and the most amazing people I've ever met in my life.

"Never Egerton! It's not even remotely possible." I winked at him as he continued his singing once again, seeing Richard elbowing him in humor. I love those two!

"Come on little miss! Dance time only. No working today. And if they say something to you, I will kick their asses personally." I yelped in surprise from Jamie twirling me around, the biggest smile ever coming to my lips as Honky Cat played perfectly in the background. This was seriously the best time of my life. Meeting these incredible people to create such an iconic work of art, was brilliant. How did I get this lucky?

"Look at you four, looking like you belong in this studio. It's like watching us." Jamie and I turned to see Uncle Elton and Bernie standing there, sending another wave of happiness through me, rushing over to hug them both so tightly!

"Two of my favorite uncles! Could today get any better?" They both grinned, patting my back as they got comfortable watching Taron and Richard in the booth, almost done recording the song. It sounded utterly incredible.

"Elton told me you were working with Taron for the film. So I had to come down and see you. And see, well, myself." His joke with Jamie was hilarious. They do this every time they see each other. I love it.

"Honestly? This has been the best experience I've ever had so far. Uncle Elton, your life was a rollercoaster. And I honestly want to give you all the hugs in the world for it." He chuckled slightly as he enveloped me into one of his amazing hugs, making me smile so big. I'm thankful every day that he raised me. This amazing man. He took me in when I had no where else to go. When my parents gave up on me. He saved me. David saved me. Bernie saved me. And Taron? Is bringing me fully to life and out of my shy shell I developed over the years.

"I heard about your number with Taron on set yesterday. That was my niece singing in front of a crowd of people and I missed the whole show. So! You're doing it again. I have to see it live. Because darling, it was amazing." I blushed under everyone's stare, completely baffled that anyone even liked it that much. I just got so lost in the moment with Taron. The way he was looking at me, the way he made me feel. It was like I was the only girl in the world in that one moment. And it meant everything.

"Oh I'll get her to sing again Elt. Don't you even worry." I jumped from Taron suddenly wrapping his arm around me, placing a soft kiss to my cheek out of nowhere. Now I can say I'm redder than I've ever been in my life.

"You've got me doing all kinds of things I normally wouldn't." Everyone's eyes went wide from my statement, making me mentally slap myself from what they were clearly thinking. Me and this damn mouth of mine!

"Too much information." Jamie cringed in humor, a goofy smile showing on his face and everyone laughed. But Taron looked at me with a wink when no one was looking. He's a tease isn't he?

"Well I figured us two troublemakers could make this proper and actually go out and get to know each other outside of the film yeah?" My eyes went wide from Taron's question, completely surprised.

"If you don't go, I will. I'm just saying darling." Uncle Elton nudged me playfully, his happy smile showing in full force. He wants me to get out there and have a good time. Embrace the lifestyle I so badly want. The lifestyle I technically grew up in. Walk the yellow brick road to my beautiful destiny.

"I would love that actually. What's the fun in all work and no play?" Taron nodded in agreement, hugging me closer to him with a happy smile on his lips that I said yes. Like I would have said no. Are you kidding me??

"Have her back home by 10 sharp. I will be waiting in the living room, in my robe for bed, tapping my fingers impatiently." I died laughing from Jamie's dramatic tone. What am I going to do with these guys?

"So Katie here is going out with hot shot Taron Egerton? What did I miss being in that booth?" Richard nudged Taron, sending me a wink in encouragement. Honestly, I was a nervous wreck to tell the truth. I never thought it would go further than work. The film. All of it. Why me? But I felt so incredibly lucky.

"Taron is a good man. Sweet, caring and kind, full of drive and passion for everything he does. He's funny, always up for a good time. So very talented. He's the whole bloody package." The words sprung from my mouth before I could stop myself. It was all the truth. He was amazing. I still didn't fully get what he was doing to me. But it was a whole experience. I was learning about my uncles life every day, things I didn't know. Him breaking free from his chains and embracing the life he was rightfully deserved. The life that has made him a happy man. And at the same time, I was learning about myself. With the help of one Taron Egerton.

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