6. Hoppin and Boppin

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"So tiny dancer, tell me about yourself. Other than you're my niece." I chuckled slightly as Taron and I walked side by side, our disguises actually quite hilarious. I ended up wearing a hot pink jumper with a long, blonde wig, big as hell sunglasses and stilettos. And Taron was wearing one of his longer Elton wigs with a mustache, tinted glasses, a puffy shirt and flowing pants with platforms. We looked completely outrageous. But it was so damn funny.

"Well uncle of mine, I am as shy as they come. I'm the most boring person on earth. Although I love singing, drawing, dancing. And my family. More than anything. Uncle Elton and Uncle David basically rescued me when I was 10. My parents.... they were terrible. I don't remember a whole lot. Just some things. I basically blocked it out. Then, Zachary and Elijah came along. The best kids in the world." My smile was so big at this point, just thinking of those two cuties. I finally looked up at Taron, seeing his eyes on me with that cute grin of his, listening to every word I had said. I honestly don't talk that much to anyone. I just told him my whole biography.

"Maybe the shy part is being fixed." We looked at one another with our smiles never wavering, a feeling coursing through me that I've never experienced before. An unknown feeling. Like I could tell this man anything and he won't judge me or make me feel so useless.

"Well, I might have to agree because before today, I never would have stepped outside looking like a flamingo on a date with a disco ball." He died laughing from my comment, making me smile even more so, if that was even possible. I'm glad I took Taron up on his offer to go out today. It shouldn't just be about work. And since I am his assistant, it would be fitting for us to know each other better.

"We're looking like true Elton's darling. He would be proud." He winked at me with his trademark smile that has grown on me since the day I met him as we continued our little journey on the outside world with so many eyes on us. We looked like we stepped out of a time machine. And some girls? Instantly knew Taron. We got stopped several times and it was the sweetest thing. He was so nice to everyone. No wonder people love him.

"Well Mr. hot shot, I think we're wanted back on set. Dex just texted me wondering where his star is?" I grinned a little up at his humored look, when he suddenly took my hand in his, making my eyes go completely wide.

"I guess we shouldn't keep him waiting yeah?" He nudged me, playfully with a little wink. I swear he will be the death of me.
"Oh thank goodness you two are back! Taron, let's get you dressed. And Katie? I have a proposition for you that I want to run by you, just to see if you're interested." Taron grinned down at me, hugging me slightly, before leaving to get dressed in the outfit that I couldn't even wait to see him in! Dex Fletcher was the one to greet us as we came back onto the Troubadour set, his beaming smile and bright personality making me smile instantly. He's a brilliant director. And him and Taron? Are really making this film amazing.

"Do you know how to ride a unicycle?" My eyes went wide from his sudden question, not expecting that to be what he wanted to ask me at all. He simply laughed as he patted my shoulder in humor.

"It's okay if you don't. We just need to help you balance on one is all. Which shouldn't be hard. You'll have people surrounding you on both sides. You'll be up front towards the stage. And with a little bit of film magic, you all will be floating!" I practically stopped breathing from the words ringing in my ears. Upfront? Riding a unicycle? Surrounded by people? What is going on?!

"Uh.... Dex? What are you going on about? Did I miss something?" He chuckled from my nervous look, doing everything he could to ease me. If he was about to ask me to do what I think he is, I was going to hurl.

"We need one more person for the Crocodile Rock scene. And that person, is you." Yup. There it is. What I knew he would say. But didn't want to believe it. I was going to be in the bloody movie?! Me....? What if I look stupid among all the amazing people they already have for the scene?! What if I fall and die? That will be a greaaaat way to go out. "Girl falls off of unicycle on set of Rocketman, dying from embarrassment instantly."

"Uh.... I mean... sure. Why... why not..?" He grinned from ear to ear, clapping his hands together, happy that this was at least solved. I'm going to be in the movie.... I will have a part of this film.... me. So much is happening. More than I could have ever asked for.

"You'll do fine. Don't worry so much okay? It'll be fun!" I finally grinned for the first time since he told me of what would be happening. It honestly will be. I just need to shove my nerves away. I can do that... I can do that....
"I'm going to die on the unicycle Tar! I have no bloody clue what I'm doing. But I couldn't tell him no! He's so nice and I would have felt bad all day.... and..." Taron's laughter from behind the divider he was changing behind, finally shut me up for the first time since I came in here. He wanted me to look him over once he was all dressed, just to make sure he looked fine. Which, he never not looks fine. He makes anything look good.

"Breathe Katie. Just breathe. How about this? I'll do it with you. We can learn together. Just for the fun of it." His handsome, smiling face greeted me as I looked up from what he said, awe struck by seeing him in this outfit. The star shirt and the dungarees looked so incredible on him! And those platforms! The outfit definitely compliments him. My goodness.

"Well, seeing you dressed like that doesn't help matters Egerton." He laughed with a sudden twirl, showing off everything and I couldn't help but laugh. Ever the show man. He looked so good! It's unbelievable.

"It does make my ass look bigger doesn't it?" He suddenly smacked his own ass and I was done. I was crying, I was laughing so hard. My nerves had gone out the window, completely forgotten in this moment.

"You're too much!" I was holding my stomach at this point. I have never laughed so hard than I have making this film. It almost made me forget the whole adventure ahead of me. Almost.

"I hear laughing! Which can only mean good things. Is everyone decent??" Taron and I looked at one another like little school girls, covering our mouths like we had just been caught doing something crazy.

"Either way, we're coming in!" We both laughed from Jamie and Richard's voices yelling at us through the door, when they opened it and saw our red faces from laughing. Jamie looked from Taron to I in question, wiggling his eyebrows. Richard was hiding a smile in his getup for the scene we were all about to film soon. His character is such an asshole. But Richard? He's the sweetest.

"I probably don't want to know what was going on. But Taron? You look perfect!" He twirled around again for everyone, making me lose it in another fit of laughter. He's become a diva. What have we done?

"Alright Elton Jr." I rolled my eyes in humor, seeing his little smile at me. We're having too much fun. So much, that nothing will ever get done. The dream team is at it again, playing around in a dressing room. This is the life.

"So, Magnificent Katie, I heard you are going to be in the film today.... how they grow up so fast!" Jamie threw his head back so dramatic like, fake crying into Richard's shoulder all of sudden like a parent watching their kid go off to college.

"It's okay dad. I had to spread my wings at some point." Richard rolled his eyes with a soft smile directed at me, when I saw Taron in the corner of my eye sneaking up closer to me.

"Tiny Dancer can't become big dancer now! It's just not right love." Taron looped his arm suddenly around my waist with a big grin, the glasses on his face taking over so much that it was adorable.

"Alright mom and dad! Geez..." I kissed Taron's cheek with a grin right back at him, before Margret suddenly appeared in the doorway with a look of humor on her face. We all get along so splendidly. It just makes the job more fun!

"Miss Katie, wardrobe is requesting you dear." I looked to Taron with the jitters taking over me so quickly. It was actually happening.

"It's alright love. You got this!" Taron's encouraging words sent a little smile to my face, before I hugged all three of them, leaving the room with Margret to get changed for the film. For the scene. For my first ever movie. It's mental to even think that!

"You certainly are adapting well sweetheart. Dex is so happy you agreed. He adores you." I grinned from ear to ear, seeing the man himself getting everything and everyone in place that was ready to go. Everyone was riding around on these unicycles like pros. It was honestly a brilliant way to film the scene. It'll look like we're actually floating for the film!

"He's amazing. I just love what he's doing for this film. And so does uncle Elton. It's going to be huge." We both looked around at all the excitement, setting in just how amazing this all is. It's just this magical experience through and through.

"Amy will be helping you with anything wardrobe related. Her taste is immaculate. So your outfit will be stunning." And as we entered the room, my eyes went wide at all the possible outfits I could wear. It was a 70s wonderland in here. It's seriously like I'm stepping into my uncles world, seeing what he saw, feeling what he felt, learning what he did.

"And I think I already have the perfect outfit for this beauty!" I blushed under their stares, seeing the outfit Amy was holding towards the mirror for me. And I just wanted to scream in excitement. A literal musical dress! Music notes and hearts. With the cutest platforms to match!

"Amy.... have I mentioned how much I love you already? Because I do." She chuckled as she placed the dress in my hands to look over myself in the mirror, instantly falling in love with it. It was just so cute! The wardrobe department for this movie is insane! So colorful and bright. So beautiful. Like my uncle and his world. I belonged here. It felt like home.

"Well I'm glad to hear it, because you will look stunning in this dress!" I instantly hugged her, taking her by complete surprise. I just met her. But she made my day! She's helping my dreams come true even more.

"Sorry. I just... you have no idea how much this means to me." She hugged be back in a warm embrace, before pulling away with a smile to let me get ready for this moment. And once the dress and platforms were on, I looked myself over in the mirror and looked like a totally different person.

"Honey. This dress was made for you." We looked it over in the mirror as she adjusted it perfectly around my body. And I fell in love all over again.

"Perfect..." And all that was left, was hair and makeup. And then would come the moment I never thought would happen.
Stepping back onto set after getting made up, felt like I had stepped into a whole other world. Everyone just looked so perfect for the scene to come. Everyone was reading lines and practicing, preparing for their big moments. And here I was, hyperventilating. They curled my hair so perfectly over my shoulders, giving me a dark pink lipstick to match the hearts on the dress. The platforms felt so badass on my feet, and I was like a fish out of water. This was new territory for me. It was thrilling, but terrifying at the same time.

"Look at you...." I jumped from the sudden voice of Taron coming down from the stage, seeing he was practicing by the piano and how they wanted Taron to float up into the air with Dex directing him perfectly like he does, going over what they were going to do. The whole process is pretty fascinating. 

"Look at me.... completely different feeling and loving it." I couldn't hold my smile anymore. I was over the moon excited, mixed with nervous as hell. But the feeling was addicting. But the way he was looking me over, his eyes scanning every feature, his smile so damn cute as usual, made the feeling even more amazing.

"Well Tiny Dancer, how about we get on those unicycles and show them who's boss yeah?" I chuckled, letting him lead me through a ton of people, when we reached two lone ones sitting against the stage, ready for use by us goofs.

"If I die... please come to my funeral dressed just like you are now." He rolled his eyes with a humored chuckle, beginning to help me up on to this and balancing. I wobbled so much at first. But the more time that passed, the easier it got, until I was rolling circles around Taron.

"Show off huh? Well we'll see love." His challenging smirk made me laugh even more as I took off, honestly impressed with how quick I caught on. I can balance pretty easily. I just have to pace myself. But seeing Taron getting on one, was so funny. Both of us wearing these huge platforms, rolling around like we own the place. We both about crashed into each other way too many times. But it was hilarious.

"Aaaaaaand.... the pinball wizard wins! The crowd goes wild!" I rolled my eyes with a slight laugh from Taron's yell to everyone imaginable, when our hands caught one another, stopping us both. We balanced on each other with smiles as bright as this room.

"Show off..." He winked with a little squeeze to my hands, making me grin even more so than i already was.

"You love it. Now.... you think you're ready? Because I do." The jitters rose in my stomach once more. But the adrenaline pumping through me pushed it aside enough for me to nod with so much excitement.

"Let's do this." We high fived with little screams leaving us both from almost falling off. Goodness.

"Okay everyone! Places please! Aaaaaand..... action." Everyone started to chatter amongst themselves while the lights dimmed for the scene. Balancing had become so much easier to be honest. It felt so natural doing it. Even in a dress and platforms! But at least I wasn't on it for that long to be honest. Just the floating scene.

"And now, ladies and gentlemen, a rising star in rock and roll. Please welcome, all the way from London, England, Elton John!" But, I wasn't really focused on it. I was more focused on Taron walking out onto the stage, the look on his face one that I knew my uncle probably felt. Nervous. Which is so odd to even think seeing him today.

"Iiiiiiiiii.... remember..... when rock was young." He started to sing and all eyes were locked on Taron. Especially mine. I was hypnotized.

"Me and Susie had.... so much fun." My grin couldn't be hidden at this point. His voice was magical. The air in the room was electric. And the feeling was beautiful. Magical. Like I was in my uncles life. He got so into it, even putting his foot on the piano like my uncle and I lost it with clapping and hooting. I didn't care if I looked so stupid. It was just incredible.

But when we got to when he floats off the ground, it was like the heavens had raised the angels, seeing his feet leave the ground. We all started to sing in the crowd, our smiles instantly huge from the moment and what we were feeling once we got atop our unicycles. The jitters I previously felt were completely gone, replaced with this sensation that was the best I had ever felt. A look into my uncles mind. And it was magnificent.

"La la la la la...." We continued our verses as Taron's eyes danced over all of us as if we were really floating, when his eyes locked with mine. This spark just coursed through me with his cute, little smile, his eyes dancing with happiness. He was feeling the same thing. It was just magical.

"Laaaaaaaaaa la la la la!" He had dropped back to to ground with this confident smile on his lips, the show rocking the whole room once we all had firmly landed on the ground once more with Taron. Everyone was having such a good time, like we were really in this moment when my uncle preformed at the Troubadour. It was just mental. And I couldn't stop smiling and screaming with excitement, singing my heart out like no one was watching. Until someone grabbed my hand to lead me onto the stage, my eyes wide with the worlds biggest smile on my lips, singing the words I loved so much. Circling around Taron, seeing his smile and singing to his hearts content, seeing how much fun everyone was really having, was mind blowing. This was real. It was all real. And I never wanted it to end.
I hope you all are enjoying the story so far! I know this chapter was so long. But I got to writing it and couldn't stop! But I really hope you all like this chapter. Thank you so much for everything guys! 😘

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