9. Take Me To The Pilot Of Your Soul

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Never once would i have thought I would be lucky enough to work on such a massive project like Rocketman. It was my dream since I was a mere tot to do films. Not so much act in them. But do behind the scenes magic with my sketching or assisting. And what better way to start my career, than working on a film about my Uncle's life? This larger than life man that's so outrageous and flashy and utterly amazing. The man I owe everything to. Him and Uncle David are like my guardian angels. They saved me from a life of disaster. And potentially myself. I was a mess for so long after my mom left. I barely talked, barley ate, barley did anything. But not only did they finally break me free from the chains holding me down, they put my eyes on a prize so beautiful and breath taking to me. Music. Films. It was what I wanted to do. And it was finally happening. And in the process, I was actually going to be in one! It was so scary. But so incredibly fun to do. From the minute I came back on set today, I was practicing my dance number in the mirror, learning as quickly as possible from what I was shown by the choreographer. I wanted it to be just right. And with Honky Cat playing in the background, Taron and Richard's voices filling my ears and sending my lips into a huge smile, I danced away. And I had no idea I had an audience.

"Tiny Dancer's got moves." I jumped a little once turning to see Taron standing there. And he looked so darn cute! All done up in a red jumper, bedazzled, just like my uncle would love. It looked so legit. And Taron looked more and more like him each time I saw him.

"Your girl here is going to be in Honky Cat with you and Richard. Can you believe it?! Me!" And each time, I just hoped I didn't mess up once the cameras started to roll. I wanted it to be perfect. This isn't just any film. It's about and for my uncle. And I want him to be proud of me. Showing that I will make a good life for myself. And be nothing like my roots. But in my mind, my true roots were from Uncle Elton and Uncle David. Not my mother.

"You'll do incredible love. You have so far. You're far more than just an assistant. And I think you should showcase your talents. Don't hide behind them anymore." He walked closer to me with the music still blaring in the background, putting a huge smile to my lips. I knew he was right. He saw something in me that I didn't. And the only way I was going to learn, was by accepting his hand to journey down that yellow brick road and find out. I wouldn't know if I don't ever take risks. And Taron was just the person to make me do it.

"Alright. You've convinced me. Has anyone ever told you how amazing you are Taron?" With my hand in his, he twirled me around to face the mirror, our reflections looking back at me with our smiles so bright. And his handsome face the only thing I could focus on.

"Just feel the music. Let it take over you. And from there, you'll be in a world beyond your wildest dreams." I chuckled slightly, before I let the tune of Honky Cat fill my ears, moving my body to the beat, along with Taron. An electric current was going through me from his mere touch. And I just wanted more.

"So, about that kiss..." My eyes widened from his words, knowing it was going to come up at some point. But that didn't stop the blush from coming to my cheeks. My shyness is going to be the death of me.

"If you want to know if I liked it, let's just say when I got away to the bathroom last night, I may or may not have done some happy jumps and silent screams." His sweet laughter filled my ears, making me grin like a complete fool. There was no denying how he was making me feel. I was becoming the person I was born to be. And all with the help of Taron. So my uncles have no idea just what they've done for my life, by asking me that one question. How would you feel about working on Rocketman? And as we danced together to the music, there was so much tension between us and it was driving me mad. His hands on me, his lips moving to the words, I could barley take it.

"Guess I'll have to do it more often then yeah?" He twirled me right into his chest, feeling his arms tighten around me as our faces came so close to one another. Our heavy breathing lingered in the air around us once the music came to a halt.

"I suppose so Egerton..." We grinned at one another, before our lips instantly connected. And I was lost in that same blissful feeling from before. I was in deep. And I could barely breathe from just the mere touch of his lips on mine. My heart was going in overdrive. All these feelings were so incredibly new to me. And to be honest? I loved it.
This was it. The big dance number. The time to show what I'm made of. This isn't the little leagues anymore. I was really doing this. And I was a nervous wreck. It still feels like the first time I did it. But the set was incredible! Like we were prepared to do a sort of broadway show. Elton John on Broadway. That would be a sellout show for sure!

"Look at you Magnificent Katie! All decked out to the nines. I wonder what for?" Jamie's joking tone made me chuckle as we hugged one another. During the day I was off, Jamie and I texted so much. His name in my phone is Brother Bear. I thought it suited him honestly. We have grown this bond. But most of the texting consisted of us bickering like two year olds and Taron being referee for when shots were fired. It was hilarious.

"I look like a show girl! This is happening so fast and I can barely keep up. But I just love it." And one look at Taron and Richard coming on to set, made me grin from ear to ear. It was all actually happening. I rehearsed until I thought my feet would fall off. I don't want to mess up what so ever.

"You guys are going to kill it! And don't think we aren't talking about you and lover boy over there later little miss." I rolled my eyes as he walked off with his laughter echoing around me. I knew he wasn't going to let it slide.

"You weren't lying when you said you were going all out for this." I laughed from the look on Taron's face. I couldn't tell if he was enjoying seeing me in this getup. Or slightly confused that I looked like I just came back from Vegas.

"Says the man about to wear a full on fur coat." We stuck our tongues out at one another, before losing it. Whoever calls this a job, clearly doesn't enjoy what they do. This is so much fun. And I would never want to be rid of it. I can't get enough.

"Yeah you big ole diva. Sheesh...." Richard wrapped his arms around us, rolling his eyes from our mock fight. He always looked ready to impress. He's a good looking man. And even playing a asshole in the film, he makes it hard not to stop and say, damn he's fine. It's not even fair.

"Oh ha ha you two. Very funny. I feel so loved." I instantly leaned over and kissed the corner of his mouth, a way to tease him for what he continued to do to me for days before he ever full on kissed me. That's what he gets.

"Did I miss something? What are you two keeping from me?" Taron and I looked from one another, before Richard's eyes lit up like he had all the answers to the universe.

"No... finally? Wow. How did I miss this monumental moment in time?" I couldn't keep the smile off my face once Taron and Richard started to bicker with each other like the old married couple they are.

"Come on you three showstoppers! We've got a show to perform here." Dex jokingly called out to us from his position, hearing our dramatic huffs.

"I just can't work with these two divas. It's unbearable Dex!" I flipped my hair ever so dramatically at them, before making my way up on the platform I would be starting at. And that's when it hit. My nerves. They always managed to surface at times like this. Like the most welcoming guest you could ever invite in your home. Not!

"Wooooow. Now she's throwing shade. I see how it is. Just you wait darling. I will win this. Battle of the divas shall commence..... starting now!" I couldn't hold my laughter in just looking at Taron. He was doing anything and everything in his power to make me crack. His comments, his facial expressions, his dance moves. I don't think any one person has ever made me laugh this much. It's uncontrollable.

"What have I created here?" We all three laughed from Dex's head shake, seeing his humored smile coming on. Good times. But now, was showtime. And I couldn't be more thrilled. I was honestly so excited. My third time in this magnificent film. And I stood out like crazy. Apparently that's what they were going for. To make me look different from everyone. Like I was the ringleader of the show. It was a nice touch. The one who shall gift Elton with magnificent clothing at one point, then move on to do a dance number with Elton and John. That was a crazy thought.

"Alright everyone! Aaaaaaand action!" And from the minute Dex gave the go ahead, we were all throwing ourselves into the performance. I helped sing backing for the song while filming, which was so incredibly amazing!

I ran around with the other girls, pampering our dear Elton, with the worlds biggest smiles on our faces. I got the pleasure to spritz Elton with a lovely fragrance. I just felt so posh doing all this, like I was working for the stars. But Taron's face when I did it, about had me breaking from the performance. And he knew it. He was enjoying it. The little bugger.....

We transitioned to the next scenes, doing wardrobe changes and everything in between takes, like a massive, spectacular play. And with each changing look, Taron couldn't have looked better. It was just freaking me out at this point. The way he would sing, the way he would dance, was like performing with my uncle on a live show. And somehow, it still had this affect on me, the ability to make me awe struck at his performance. It's brilliant. He's brilliant.

"Cut! That was incredible guys! Now, let's get ready to do the dance number." I clapped my hands together, grinning like an idiot while running to the monitor to go over what all we just shot.  Every scene I've had the pleasure to do with Taron, has just been this amazing experience. He gets so into it.

"It looks so good Dex! Taron and the diva he is. Goodness...." We both grinned, when I suddenly felt arms wrap around me from behind, startling me once I was off the ground.

"You talking about me over here huh love? You can't get enough of me?" I rolled my eyes as he left a little kiss to my neck, before setting me down with a chuckle. I'm going to have to get used to this. It's honestly still surreal. I half expect to awake from a truly blissful dream any time now.

"Oh you're so full of yourself Elton Jr." I said it with a humored smirk, knowing full well he'd read right through me. How is it everyday, we have more and more fun? We're getting to know each other more and more. Feelings are developing. Because every time I look at him, I smile so brightly, my heart seems to skip a beat, and I forget everything else around me.

"Well I must be doing something right Tiny Dancer. I got a kiss from you." He winked at me, before walking off to his trailer go get changed, leaving me standing there like an idiot with a goofy smile on my face.

"You two will be shagging soon. No doubt about it darling." My eyes widened from Uncle Elton's comment, walking past like he just said the most normal thing in the world to me.

"Uncle Elton!! Why?!" His laughter filled my ears, knowing that smile was on his face. The one that says, you know I'm right. So don't even try to deny it. What. A. Day.
"I think this will be the only time I can say a sentence like this. Because I'll never have another day, where I'll go from looking like a showgirl who got lost on her way to Vegas, to a ringleader that looks like she came from the Adams Family. But hey, at least I'll sparkle like a disco ball." To be honest, the costumes I was getting to wear for the film, were so outrageous. I felt like I was living my uncles life. And let me tell you, I can see why he loves it so much!

"Now see? You've gone and outdone me love." I died laughing from Taron's dramatic look, before his handsome smile came out to play. I absolutely loved what he was wearing to be honest.

"Oh nonsense! No one can outdo you good sir. You? Are the golden ticket in this show." I winked at him as we made our way out of his trailer, preparing for this scene.

"Well you better get back to the woods honey because no one is stopping me now!" He suddenly took me in his arms and dipped me, making a full on surprised scream leave my mouth.

"I came out of said woods because I saw your city lights, and honey was I blind!" He suddenly pulled me back up with a laugh escaping his lips, the mere sound as sweet as honey to my ears.

"I hope you two are prepared for this to be added to the extras once the film comes out in stores. If not, then I don't know what to tell you!" We both grinned like mad from everyone watching us, like we were the most entertaining thing in the world. But we were just having fun. The most fun i think I've ever had. I never stop smiling or laughing. And all because of Elton Jr. But the scenes we filmed, dancing around while Honky Cat played over us like a show number, i couldn't stop laughing. Taron's face was killing me.

"Get back, honky cat! Get back, honky cat! Wooooooooo!" We all sang our hearts out, leading towards the end of this show stopping number on top of what would be a massive record of Honky Cat itself. It was so creative to be honest. I got so into the dance, following closely behind all these incredibly gifted dancers, smiling like crazy. Then, Taron and Richard did their shared kiss, surely to drive the girls mad, then to end the fabulous number, we all collapsed to the ground, ending the song on a perfect note. When I hit the ground, my hand connected with the back of Taron's, and my smile was so big. I couldn't contain it. That. Was. So. Much. Fun!!

"Aaaaand cut! You smashed it guys!" We all clapped like mad, just as Taron and I looked to one another while everyone else was standing, not caring that it was the end of the scene. My heart was racing from the pure adrenaline rush. And as our lone hands that had so perfectly touched once we fell, connected together, I couldn't contain how truly happy I was in this moment.
Hello all you beautiful people! Here's a massive Happy Birthday to the one and only, Elton John!! I hope his birthday is as beautiful as he is. ❤️ And, thank you so so much for reading this story from my crazy mind. It means so much more to me than you could possibly know. I hope everyone is enjoying so far as well. Much love! And you all stay safe and healthy out there. 😘

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