ㅤㅤㅤ006ㅤdistrust brews.

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i feel no guilt but i
shed a tear i see your
dead body with the
blood all smeared a
bird sings a song,
it's all for you

nowhere to run ( stegosaurus
rex. )

chapter six.
distrust brews.

"But wait. They still work, right?" Joon-yeong pointed to the computer on the table. "Uh internet, the internet." Joon-yeong limped to the desk, receiving help from Yijae on the way. "Let's see. Sorry Miss Park." He hurriedly turned on the PC, bumping into the older woman in the rush.

"Here, sit." Daesu brought a chair for Joon-yeong ── for which he thanked Daesu. The PC opened at a slow pace. "It should work. Is it on?" Joon-yeong and everyone rushed to stare at the little screen, Gyeong-su simply walked off.

"What's the problem? Why is it not turning on?" Miss Park questioned, "It just did." Wujin pointed out to which she nodded. "School one's are so slow." Joon-yeong complained. Namra kept her distance from the group along with Suhyeok, so did Yijae. She sat down ── resting her eyes and brain.

"You okay?" Cheong-san checked up on Yijae, the latter nodded in response. "I'm fine." lies. Yijae was thinking and not the good kind ── the kind which led to paranoia. One of the many symptoms of her fucked up mental health. "Medication?" He suggested, and Yijae simply nodded no.

Not much was left to talk about, Yijae was too submerged in her thoughts. Cheong-san made his way back to the group and Yijae continued thinking.

Is grandma okay? Has she been bit, she's safe, what if she's not. Think happy thoughts. What if I die, I don't want to die, think happy thoughts. Why was dad calling? Is he okay, you can't be worried about him. think happy thoughts Your parents are terrible and they hate you, think happy thoughts. Cheong-sa─ don't think about him.

Yijae shrieked, shards pierced her skin from the glass pane which shattered above her. The tiny pieces of glass were in her hair and had left tiny bruises on her face. Cheong-san pulled her into his chest, "Are you okay?" His eyes widened as he picked out the shards and wiped the blood of her face. "Yijae are you fine?" Miss Park asked as well, the girl nodded ── red gracing her cheeks.

Snap out of it.

"What the hell?" The group gasped, the group sliding away from the window a step at a time, Yijae's arm held onto by Cheong-san, as he pulled her behind him. The hose they'd use came breaking in, breaking more of the window. "Get over here. Come here." Miss Park beckoned the students behind her.

"Did someone not make it?" Joon-yeong asked, "Impossible, I did a head count, everyone made it." Yijae shook her head, she was sure, Am I? Cheong-san let go of her hand, Soyang taking it instead ── fawning over her friend.

He neared the window, "Wait! Don't get too close!" Gyeong-su warned Cheong-san, Gyeong-su and Suhyeok also neared the window. "Do you see anything?" Gyeong-su asked, "It's just the wind." Gyeong-su waved off ── but Cheong-san wasn't convinced.

He leaned out a little, soon after, a zombie flung in through the window ── Cheong-san fell back along with everyone behind him. The zombie snarled and hissed, struggling against the hose which was the only thing keeping it away from the group. Screams erupted, all eyes on the flesh eating monster.

It took a hold of the window, trying to get in ── "Look, it's coming in! Watch out, watch out!" Daesu warned. "Cheong-san get back!" Yijae screamed, but she didn't move. For Soyang ── she could convince herself it was for Soyang and not that she was scared, not at all.

Cheong-san looked around for a weapon. Everyone called at him to back off but he instead armed himself with the mop and started pushing the zombie out. "Push it, push it off!" Suhyeok urged on. The zombie took hold of the mop pulling him in with it ── Gyeong-su walked up pushing the zombie out as well.

The zombie took hold of the window again, Gyeong-su tried removing it's hand but it took hold of his hand next. Cheong-san pulled back, whacking the zombie with the mop as a last resort. The zombie refused to let go.

Cheong-san hesitated to stab the thing with the jagged part of the mop, Suhyeok encouraged him but Cheong-san stood frozen. Suhyeok pushed him out of the way and stabbed the zombie instead. The zombie went limp. Everyone relaxed momentarily ── but peace didn't last long in Hyosan High School, the zombie started spasming again.

Gyeong-su in a last attempt took the CPU and threw it at the zombie, finally the zombie tumbled down. The other boys walked up to check on it, "You can open your eyes now." Yijae clutched Soyang's hand. "You okay?" Yijae asked, in response the girl hugged Yijae. "That was so scary." Soyang whispered, "Onjo you okay?" Yijae asked her other friend.

Onjo also hugged Yijae, "I'm fine." The two girls snuggled into Yijae. "Gyeong-su you're bleeding." Cheong-san pointed at the boy's nose. "Right, it's because Suhyeok hit me with a fucking mop." Gyeong-su tried laughing it off as he walked up to the tissues on the desk. "Stay back. Stay where you are. You were bitten, weren't you, Gyeong-su?" Nayeon accused him, Soyang tried walking to him but Yijae restrained her.

Yijae breathed loudly, maybe for a split second she believed Nayeon's claim. "He wasn─" Yijae shut off Soyang, "I wasn't, I wasn't." He wiped of the blood, "Didn't you see Suhyeok hit me?" He explained ── exasperated.

Yijae slowly neared him before walking back in fear, "What is your problem with me?" Gyeong-su stepped up, "You were bitten!" Nayeon screamed in reply. "Isak got a nosebleed just before she turned." Nayeon turned to Miss Park. The group too started doubting Gyeong-su.

"I─I'm telling you! I swear I wasn't bit." Gyeong-su tried again to defend himself, Soyang walked to him even as Yijae held her back. She pulled his hand, "Isak's hands were cold, his aren't. Isn't that enough proof." Soyang looked him up and down, "He has no bites either." It was confusing ── on one hand Nayeon was distrustful and they wanted to believe their friend but on the other hand, they couldn't help but be wary.

"Look! Your hand explain that?" Nayeon pointed to his hand. "What is it?" She panted, "I got it from the computer. Didn't you see that?" He pointed to where the computer once was.

Everyone just panned back and forth. "Don't you trust me?" He was a little betrayed ── no one was taking his side, "I can't believe this. I got this trying to save all of you." Cheong-san also walked up to him, "It's not a bite, it's a scratch. Whoever wants to check, come look." Cheong-san dared.

"Yeah, definitely. Just a scratch." Suhyeok deadpanned, all the boys moved towards Gyeong-su. "Well it really doesn't look like a bite. Thank god, it's a scratch." Miss Park also checked.

"Done yet. I said are you done with me now?" Gyeong-su screamed at Nayeon, "Wait this means the computer is gone." Joon-yeong announced. "No internet, couldn't you have thrown something else instead of the computer?" Daesu grumbled.

"What was I supposed to do? It's trying to get in." Gyeong-su retorted getting agitated, "No you did good. Thank you, don't be mad." Daesu replied with the same tone. "Hey Nayeon, look say sorry. End this." Daesu walked up to the pink sweater clad girl. "Why should I?" Nayeon shamelessly replied.

Soyang would have slapped the girl. "He did it to save us all." Daesu was perplexed, "Why can't you just say that you're sorry?"

"Because I'm not sorry. I saw everything, I saw the zombie grab you. I'm right." Gyeong-su swallowed, she wasn't wrong. "He could be infected." She shouted, "Nayeon, enough." Miss Park scolded Nayeon, "It really did. The thing grabbed him." Nayeon defended again.

"Wait can touching hands infect him?" Cheong-san questioned, "I have no idea but maybe." Nayeon was making it up ── anything it took to prove her point, "I held Isak's hand when she fell." Onjo also remembered. "Why is nothing happening to me?" Onjo continued.

"Because he has a cut on his hand. And since it's an open wound, it's probably gonna be different." Nayeon turned to Onjo.

"That's fucking─" Gyeong-su was on his last drop of patience. Everyone stopped him. "Stop blaming me. Why don't you think for yourselves?" Nayeon defended, "Onjo also got a scratch from Hyeonju, Isak told us yet Onjo's fine. You just hate him, that's it." Soyang scoffed. "She's always like this." Jimin commented, "If it weren't for him, we would definitely all be dead right now." Suhyeok reminded.

"And now he might be the one killing us all." Nayeon was all alone, nobody supported her, they'd officially taken Gyeong-su's side. "Now you're the one who's killing us." Wujin added in. "Just shut up, Nayeon."

"Look at my hand, I'm totally fine." Gyeong-su sighed, "Let's stop this guys." Yijae replied in a tired voice. Miss Nayeon finally shut down everyone. "Let's do this." Miss Park began.

"Gyeong-su you're going to wait in the recording room for ten minutes. I know it'll be hard, but atleast it's better than people thinking you're infected." Miss Park finally decided. "No one else think I'm infected, it's only her." Gyeong-su thought it was unfair. "Gyeong-su, would you please do it?" Miss Park pleaded.

"Fuck ten. I'll do half─ I'll do a full hour."

Soyang irritated at the situation, walked to the table and banged her head on it ── aiming for her nose. "Soyang!" Yijae covered her mouth, shocked everyone checked on her. "I have a bleeding nose so I'll do it too." Soyang said and rightfully so her nose was bleeding.

"Soyang." Miss Park sighed.

"It's better to be in a room with a zombie than it is to be with Lee Nayeon."

[ author's note: hii , i hope you guys vote and enjoy this chapter also any and all feedback is very much appreciated, also i am posting this right before i sleep so i will reply to comments once i wake up, i love reading them as always ]

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