ㅤㅤㅤ003ㅤtrain to busan.

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oh, my god, i feel it
in the air telephone wires
above are sizzlin' like a
snare honey, i'm on fire,
i feel it everywhere

summertime sadness ( lana
del rey. )

chapter three.
train to busan.

The door finally slid open so the four friends could enter, Cheong-san shut the door panting, arms on his knees. "Why weren't you opening?" Soyang wailed, mascara staining her porcelain skin ── streaks of black patted into her face mixed with tears. "We thought you might be zombies." Gyeong-su replied while checking up on them, all the students observed them warily, checking for bites.

"We didn't get bit, I promise." Yijae sensed their eyes on her, so she tried to reassure. She walked to her desk to grab her bottle, so she could take her medication and actually think straight. "What the hell─ Who are you?" The thudding at the door made her hold up her water bottle to attack with.

At the sight of a familiar face, she relaxed ─ the medicine playing a big part. She emptied out her bag, only putting in things that mattered. "What happened to your face?" Wujin asked Daesu who looked like he was out in snow rather than an apocalypse. "I don't know, some crazy jerk sprayed me with a fire extinguisher." Daesu complained, the fire extinguisher. "What's happening?" He whined, "Who knows?" Wujin replied back.

"Train to Busan." Cheong-san referenced the movie, Daesu frowned, "Aren't they zombies? It's the same thing." Cheong-san defended himself, "We're not in a show, this isn't a book." Yijae put in all that she could fit into her bag, while conversing.

"But those are zombies─ why do you have a taser?" Cheong-san questioned, a puzzled expression adorning his face "For protection against you know people and stuff." She alluded to the situation at hand. Cheong-san squinted his eyes in suspicion, before pulling Daesu to the window to show the state of their school, the two jumped back when a hand emerged, clutching the window

"It's Bare-Su!" Daesu helped his friend up, who helped their class president up as well. "Why do you have a taser?" Suhyeok asked, taking his place on the floor ── trying to relax his nerves. "For emergencies─"

"What emergency?" He laughed, panting and breathing loudly. "These ones." She rolled her eyes. "For zombies." Suhyeok's laughs stopped abruptly, the mood dropping. They were in a real life Train to Busan. The panic, the chaos, zombies and everything else that would be in a typical zombie movie.

A zombie appeared at the door, banging and screeching. Joon-yeong ── who was guarding the door ── slowly slid to the floor, whimpering. "We're in a zombie apocalypse!" Soyang started crying, wailing with her hand on her mouth. "Your hand." Cheong-san approached Yijae pointing to her injured hand, his own shaking ── he pulled out the first aid kit from her bag and applied ointment to the hand.

"You don't have to─" He just looked at her instead of saying anything, bandaging her hand, nobody paid attention to the two since all of them were coming to terms with their situation. "Remember when you gave us all a first aid lesson, where'd you learn that?" Cheong-san reminisced back to when they were twelve. "A movie." She nodded, trying to remember the title but nothing came to her head.

"We need to call the police!" Nayeon whimpered, "I have a phone!" Yijae pulled her phone out handing it to Cheong-san who immediately called the emergency number.

"Hello, what is your emergency?" The operator asked, "Hello? This is Hyosan High school. A ton of zombies showed up at lunch and they're eating people. Did you happen to see the movie Train to Busan?" He tried explaining, getting cut in between by the other students.

"Okay, Hyosan High, zombies. Please give me your name and phone number. You know you'll get in trouble for making false reports, right?" The operator responded with a gentle yet stern tone, "This isn't a joke. Everyone's─ anyways come quickly." Cheong-san muttered, "Okay. Lee Cheong-san, your number is 010-4362... Get somewhere safe, so that you don't get bitten. Okay? We'll be there soon to check. Okay?" The the call after the final instructions.

Soyang noticed all the zombies running downstairs. Gyeong-su slid open the door and popped his head out to inspect. Suhyeok who quickly shut the door pulled him in "What are you doing, moron? Close it." Suhyeok scolded.

"And the police?" Onjo enquired about the call, which Yijae listened to while packing up the necessary items. "He said they'll come?" Cheong-san replied, "Did they believe you? What if they think it's a prank and decide not to come?" Gyeong-su pointed out, Yijae nodded in agreement. "Well then try again! And tell them to hurry up!" Nayeon urged and also shouted. "Zombies are sensitive to sound so stop telling like a five year old!" Soyang pulled Nayeon to sit down.

"Give me that." Onjo took the phone, Yijae got up after putting her bag together, rushing to Onjo and eavesdropping on the conversation. "Fire Department. What's the nature of your emergency?" The other person replied, "Hi, hello sir. Do you know Captain Nam Soju from rescue team one?" She tapped her foot out of nervousness. "I'm afraid I don't, we have many fire fighters. What is this about?" The man responded, "Captain Nam Soju is my father. Please tell him to hurry over to school." Onjo projected her desperation into her voice. "Who is she calling? Sorry. This is the call center. You should call his station if you want to reach him personally."

Yijae snatched the phone, "There's a massive fire at our school, Hyosan High School we have many injured people, please hurry." Yijae imitated being scared, then she abruptly cut the phone ── handing it back to Onjo, "They should come sooner now." Yijae sighed, sliding down on the floor and repeating her words in her mind, hoping it would come true.

"Let's call the cops again. Get them to listen." Nayeon suggested, "I am, but they won't pick up." Onjo responded, Nayeon sighed before walking up to Namra's desk. "Hey, do something. Tell Miss Park to come and help. Do something." Nayeon urged again and again. "Do what exactly?" Suhyeok intervened, "I don't know. Anything!" She directed towards Suhyeok before pivoting back to Namra.

"What have you done as class president?" The other girls tried stopping Nayeon, even trying to pull her back. Namra stood up, straight face as always. "Teacher's office? So you want me to leave?" Namra prompted, "Well. if you're offering." Nayeon replied.

"─No one's leaving." Yijae warned, "You told me to do something. Do you want me to leave?" Namra queried, Onjo too tried to stop it. "She's only saying that because you're class president." Onjo simplified, "Yeah you are, right?" Daesu added in "She has no reason to leave." Soyang scoffed, she sat while hugging Yijae. "Namra owes us nothing." Soyang whispered to Yijae who tried hushing her friend. "So stupid. Typical." Namra scoffed.

"What's typical?" Onjo asked, offended. "Now that we are in this mess, I'm your class president?" Namra smirked, Onjo didn't reply. Namra wasn't wrong, not one bit and though Yijae hated taking sides she agreed with Namra.

"We called the police, so I'm sure we'll be fine soon." Suhyeok mitigated the situation, "But no one's coming!" Nayeon groaned. Soyang would have punched the pink sweater adorning girl, if it wasn't for Yijae holding her back. "Enough already, we're all scared too." Jimin snapped, "That's why I'm telling them to call!" Nayeon fought back. "Stop it." Yijae sighed out due to tiredness, leaning into Soyang.

"Why don't you do it, then?" Jimin too was being held back by Hyo-ryung. "Ladies, ladies, can you just stop the whining?" Gyeong-su cut in, tired of the noise. "Now you're butting in, shithead?" Nayeon screamed even louder, causing Gyeong-su to leave his position, "What, did you just call me a shithead? Call me a shithead, you shithead." He cursed repeatedly, the boys running to restrain him from bashing Nayeon's head in [ rightfully should have ]. "Stop it!" Yijae shouted the loudest, huffing and glaring at them.

"Go back and hold the door─" Yijae pointed to the door, "Who the hell does she think she is?" Gyeong-su scorned, "I said hold the door!" Yijae got up to push Gyeong-su back gently. "Please."

"Shit!" Gyeong-su turned only to stumble back as a foreign figure rushed into the room. "Coach Kang?" The group huffed out, relieved to see an adult. "Are you guys okay?" He checked on them, "What about you? You weren't bitten?" Soyang asked him still keeping her distance.

"No, of course not. I'm─ I'm all right. Hey guys let's block the door first. I'm fine." He reassured, starting to move the desks and chairs, "Let's move this. Yes stack them high. high high." He ordered, "Wouldn't it be better to not block the door in case we need to leave?" Yijae brought up, everyone halted, Soyang nodded along with her friend. "Just do what I say." He pushed her towards the chair, forcing her to follow his lead. "But what if we─"

"Don't talk back!" He screamed.

"Coach kang? You called the cops, right? You and the teachers. Help's coming" Nayeon rushed to him, asking him desperately. "Yeah sure. What are you doing? Move quickly. Stack it high. High─ Push it closer. Much closer." He directed the boys, pushing the mountain of desks closer.

"Yijae, he has a bite mark." Soyang whispered after pulling her friend back, Yijae squinted her eyes. Yijae pushed Soyang to the right, "Tell the others on that side to put down the chairs and be ready to leave." She hurried the girl.

She too approached the people on the other side. "Coach Kang. your arm." Isak pointed out "What are you doing? come help us?" He scolded her, before Isak could say anything else Soyang pulled her back. "Guys go to that side." She whispered to them, pointing at the Coach's arm, "Don't say anything though, just go."

"Sir can you come help me!" She tried to distract him while the other's slowly tried to escape, "What are you doing?" He turned to the left side where the students were getting ready to leave, Yijae pulled him to face her. His hands were cold, his nose had started bleeding ── only adding to Yijae's panic. "Sir can you help me!" She pushed him to help her with the chairs.

"Are you trying to leave?" He turned to the large group on the other side, "It's because you're infected." Jimin shouted at him, Yijae's eyes widened. He moved forward only to fall to the ground, the sound of his bones cracking settled into Yijae's ears, his body contorting in weird angles.

"Sir we don't think that." Yijae tried calming him but he'd already turned, he zipped to attack Yijae who resisted him by keeping him at arms length, she pushed him with all her strength. He fell down, his bloodshot eyes landed on to Minji who was his next target, he ran to her but Yijae restrained him with a rope, from her bag. During which Cheong-san picked up a desk ramming it into him, successfully trapping their teacher against the wall.

Gyeong-su lent a hand, while Yijae instructed everyone to leave, "Cheong-san come on!" She pleaded, he looked between the spasming teacher and Yijae.

He pushed the teacher away, rushing out. But unfortunately the teacher lunged at Minji before she could leave, he got off her, leaving a gushing, red, gooey bite on her face. "Daesu!" She called for her friend whom Suhyeok held back.

Yijae pulled them all out, shutting the door. "We have to go!"

[ author's note: i drastically changed the last scene in this chapter, like it's a completely different, did y'all like it? don't forget to like <3 ]

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