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Hey ya!

As you all and I both know I haven't updated it for a long time.

Back on track now though! 😊

Anyways, Onwards!!!

"Words in double quotes" - Talking

'Words in single quotes' - Thoughts

Previously - Ragini manages to successfully escape the room she was kept in and goes in search of Rishi. Rishi is completely broken after Pawan lies to him about Ragini's death. Sanskar and Mani manage to defeat Pawan's men outside. However, before they could go inside, they hear a gunshot.

Now -

Chapter 16 - Survival

Ragini managed to get out of the room through the ventilator and hid behind a pillar. Slowly and with stealth, she proceeded to move through the corridors. She noticed that there were not many men surrounding the place. 'This means that they all must be gathered where Rishi bhai is. Pawan isn't taking any chances of him escaping. I must hurry! But how do I find wher-' Suddenly, she heard Pawan's laughter.

Ragini followed the voice, being careful not to get caught. As she reached the stairs, the voices got louder. She finally reached the place where Rishi was and saw him on the floor, surrounded by the goons and Pawan. 'No! Rishi bhai!'

"Bye, bye Rishi." Ragini heard Pawan say as he pointed the gun to Rishi's head.

Ragini looked down in thought. 'If I reveal myself, both me and bhai won't have any chance of getting out alive. But...but what if Pawan shoots Rishi bhai? What do I do? What do I do?'

Ragini saw Pawan about to press the trigger.

"NO!" she rushed forward and at the last moment, was able to divert the gun so that it fired towards the roof instead of Rishi. Pawan stumbled back as Ragini pushed past him.

Hearing Ragini's voice, Rishi looked up at her in wonder. "Ra-Ragu?'re alive?!"

"Of course bhai. Whatever Pawan told you was  a lie bhai." Ragini came and hugged him.

Pawan turned to his men in anger. "How did she escape? You good-for-nothing idiots!"

"W-w-we don't know boss. We had tight sec-curity all over the place!"

"Rajat! Your men are useless!" Pawan shouted at his right hand man. Pawan looked ready to explode in anger. However , he calmed himself and looked towards the Bedis. "Fine then. I'll kill you both."

Rishi at once pushed Ragini behind him. "Leave her alone! Let her leave this place in peace. You can do what you want with me."

Rishi was discreetly looking around for a way to escape. He had completely lost the will to live thinking that Ragini was dead. But now that she was alive, it was like he could see everything with clarity again. He knew there was no way Ragini would leave him to die. Which meant Pawan would eventually hurt her as well. He needed to find a way to save both of them. 'Think Rishi think!'

"She tried to play smart. Now, she will die as well! All of you Bedis are the same. Trying to act over-smart!" Pawan got ready to fire again. "First you die. Then your beloved sister!"

"No!" Ragini shouted, as she came to stand in front of Rishi. "Don't hurt him please! Let him go. Do what you want with me. But please...please! Let him go."

"Ragu move back!" Rishi tried to push her behind him. However, she jerked her hand away from his.

"No Rishi bhai. He will kill you!"

"I would rather die than let anything happen to you! Get back. Now! I'm your older brother."

Ragini shook her head, with tears flowing from her eyes. "I'm sorry bhaiya, but this is a request which I can't keep. I'm sorry bhai, but I won't listen to your request. I won't move!"

From the corner of his eyes, Rishi saw someone waving his hand. "Ragu...Ragu I.." Rishi put a hand over his face, acting like he was hiding his tears. However, in reality, he was peeping to the side. On seeing who it was, Rishi really felt like he would cry out of relief.

Rishi felt like a thirsty man on a desert, finally finding a source of water for survival. Like someone being brought back from the brink of hopelessness. He couldn't express the joy of seeing Sanskar and Mani there. 'Finally! I knew you won't let me down Sanskar. You at last found a way to save us.' Rishi could make out Mani's tearful face, even if he was far away. He could see the relief in Mani's eyes, knowing that he hadn't lost his sister and big brother. 'Don't cry Mani. Nothing is happening to anyone. We'll all get out of here, alive and breathing. I'll make Pawan pay for all the trouble he has caused us! I promise you.'

"Oh Ragu, my little sister!" Rishi came forward and hugged Ragini, still keeping up his acting. Quietly, he whispered to Ragini. "Mani and Sanskar are here. We'll get out soon Ragu. Don't worry."

Ragini's eyes widened, but she was careful not to give out any clue to Pawan about the matter. "I believe in you bhai."

Rishi broke the hug and turned to look at Pawan. He needed to somehow inform Sanskar and Mani about Pawan's hidden men, which only he and Ragini could see. "Alright Pawan. You got us. I'm quite impressed I have to say."

Pawan raised an eyebrow and looked at him quizically. "So you finally admit your defeat?"

Rishi nodded. "What can I do? You've got 6 men here with you. Two men are hiding behind those pillars. Two on the other side." Indirectly, he was informing his brother and Sanskar. "And all of you have guns! I'm surrounded!"

Elsewhere, Mani looked at Rishi in confusion. He was relieved that the gun shot he heard wasn't from Ragini or Rishi being shot. However, now he was starting to doubt his brother's sanity. "Why is Rishi bhai praising Pawan? Has he lost it?!"

Sanskar smacked Mani's head. "Idiot. He's indirectly revealing the locations of Pawan's men. Is there something in you head or not?!"

"Well, there is about food, girls, food, bikes, food, movies and again!"

Sanskar looked towards the sky. 'Mujhe uthale!' He gave a miserable sigh. "Mani, just shut up and don't say or do anything. Li-"

"As if! We need to save them, remember? How could you ask me to do nothing? Bhai just told us where are Pawan's men are hiding and how many. You go take the ones on the right, I'll take the left. And don't mess up!" saying that, Manish left towards the left.

Sanskar looked at him go with his eye twitching. "One of these days, this guy will get some serious beating from me."


The police vehicles stopped at a distance from the building. Swara, Tanuja and Laksh stepped out from the vehicles, followed by the police officer and his constables. "Mr. Maheshwari, this is the place, right?"

"Yes officer. We must hurry."

"Wait Mr. Laksh. If what you said is true, then we need to proceed with caution. We might endanger Mr. Bedi and Miss Ragini's safety if we rush in there."

"Then are we just supposed to stand here while Pawan could be killing them as we speak?!" shouted Laksh in frustration.

Swara placed a hand on his shoulder. "Calm down Laksh. Fighting amongst ourselves won't solve anything. We want to save them as bad as you do. But we have to be careful."

"Swara is right Laksh. If it was someone predictable, we could have guessed their plan. But Pawan can act downright crazy when he's obsessed with something. We must make a concrete plan and be ready for anything." Tanuja spoke. Although she seemed calm on the outside, her heart was in chaos with her worry for Rishi and Ragini.

Laksh didn't have the patience to wait. However, he knew they were right. He looked towards the officer in determination. "Alright. What's the plan officer?"

The officer nodded and motioned his constable to take out a map of the area. They needed to make a full proof plan.

#Mehra Building#

"Pretty impressive. I think we both would have made good business partners. With your sly tricks and my sharp mind, we would have been unbeatable!" Rishi praised Pawan. He had been doing that for sometime to buy a little time.

Pawan had looked on in pride at first. However, now he was looking at Rishi with narrowed eyes. "Enough! You good-for-nothing oaf. You were distracting me, weren't you?!"

Rishi wanted to lie, but knew it would be of no use. He had been caught. However, Rishi couldn't help the chuckle that escaped him. "You're like the donkey in the forest. He laughed at the lion's joke after a week because it was only then that he understood it."

Rajat, Pawan's second in command, snickered. However, he coughed to hide his amusement on seeing Pawan's glare.

"That's it! Rishi you die!"

"Wait!" Ragini stepped forward again.

"Now what!? Can't you just let me kill him in peace?!" Pawan shouted in rage.

"Why are you so obsessed about Tanuja? You're a good looking guy, you have money, fame, a good reputed family. Why don't you find someone more beautiful than her? It shouldn't be difficult for you."

Ragini was actually trying to engage him in her talks. Rishi, on the other hand, looked at her irritated. "Ragu, don't widen his ego. This guy is the worst husband a girl would ever get."

"Bhai shh! Let me talk." Ragini turned to Pawan again. "As I was saying. You could have any girl you want!"

Pawan smirked. "Well, I don't disagree. I am one heck of a catch. I like your thinking girl."

"Shut up! You're nothing but a stinking skunk!" Rishi shouted.

Ragini glared at her brother. Don't get her wrong. She loved her brother more than her life. But sometimes, all she wanted was to punch him until he gets some sense into his pig headed brain. Can't he see that she was just trying to buy some time?

"Pawan, don't listen to him. I know that you can find any girl you want. I know some girls who are more beautiful than Tanuja. I can fix you up with them."

"Are you crazy Ragini? He will destroy their lives! Its better to remain a spinster for those girls than to marry this thing!" Rishi spoke pointing at Pawan.

Ragini had had enough. "Bhai! Do you always have to be such an idiot?!"

"Wha....Unbelievable! You can't talk to your elder brother like that!" Rishi spoke with a pout.

"Elder? Maybe in years. But in case of brains, I'm way more ahead of you!"

"Heyyy. Now that is just insulting. Yo-"

Pawan fired a bullet in the air. "Enough of your trash talking! Now, I'm surely killing both you." Pawan turned to Rajat. "You shoot the girl. I'll have the pleasure of shooting this grunt."

Rishi held Ragini close to him. Ragini clutched his shirt with all the strength she could muster in her fear and closed her eyes, expecting the gunshot.

"Goodbye Bedis. Finally, I rid myself of you!"


Laksh and everyone present looked at the building when they heard a gun shot. "No no no!" He couldn't wait anymore and rushed on ahead.

The officer turned to his constables. "They seem to be in one of the top floors of the building. Pawan might throw them off the building. Get the nets. Surround the building on all sides with the nets. The rest of you, come with me with the guns." He turned to the ladies. "You both please stay here." Once they nodded, he left with the rest.

Swara turned to Tanuja. "You're really staying here Di?"

"While my future husband and sister-in-law are in danger? No way! Are you coming with me Swara?"

Swara smiled. "I thought you'd never ask." Soon they both headed in the direction of the building.

To be continued...

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~ 🌹 Mona 🌹

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