Pity Party: Part 2 (Bakugo)

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"You want him to say that stuff to you?" Bakugo asked me, and he got really confused. I couldn't blame him.

"No, but yes." I told him. "Nobody has ever said anything to me in a romantic, or sweet, or even perverted way my entire life. Any other girl on the planet, would probably be terrified if a man said something disgusting to them. And don't get me wrong, I would be too. But at the same time, I'd still be able to think back that 'At least that one guy found me attractive'."

"All of this, because you've never been hit on?" He asked me, and I put my face in my hands.

"It's more than that. But yes." I said. "Nobody's ever said anything nice about me like that. And I don't want to go seeking attention, but at the same time it sure as hell wouldn't hurt to feel wanted."

"You're wanted." He told me, and I scoffed at him. I finally picked myself off the ground and picked up my stuff. He got off the ground as well and didn't stop me as I walked passed him for the stairs. 

I went down the stairs as quickly as possible without tripping myself, since I couldn't really see through my tears. And when I walked out of the building, I went straight for the dorms. And instead of going back to class, Bakugo followed me towards the dorms.

"Stop following me." I told him. "Shouldn't you be in class?"

"So should you." He said.

"I'm not the one trying to be the greatest Hero in history." I pointed out to him. 

"And what kind of Hero would I be, if I walked away from this?" He questioned me, and it only brought more tears to my eyes.

"A less annoying one." I told him. If I could get him angry enough, maybe he'd just leave.

"I heard that." He snapped at me.

"You were supposed to." I snapped right back.

He followed me all the way back to my dorm room door, and I slammed the door in his face. I made sure to lock the door, before throwing my bag on the floor.

"Tell Aizawa I'm not coming back to class." I said, through the door and fell down onto my bed.

I took a deep breath, and curled up into a ball under my blankets.

I shouldn't have said anything to him. I shouldn't have opened my mouth the way I did. I should have just came straight to my room, and said nothing to anyone. But instead I let my emotions get ahead of me, and finally spoke to someone about my issues.

I literally just told someone I barely know, that sometimes I wish I had been assaulted so I didn't feel like shit about myself.

What kind of idea is that? Who the fuck says or even thinks that? 

What is wrong with me, that I would want that kind of attention? Am I really that desperate, that I would rather be verbally or sexually assaulted, than have anyone say nothing to me?

I gripped onto my blanket tighter, and I felt a few more tears roll down my face. 

I would rather that.

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