Part 5

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Hi all, 

Here you go:


Nothing can explain what they felt.  This feeling of being in each other's arms was much beyond words for Raglak.  It was bliss,  their solace.  After hours they felt alive.  Their minds travelled back to those dreadful hours of their life. 

Even though they had been away from each other before,  nothing was as challenging as this.  This time the chance of meeting each other was less.  Only they know what they were going through.  And now,  being in each other's arm,  they got their life back.

Ragini travelled back to those times.


Nikhil has informed her about the home minster meeting his allies. They made a plan.  Nikhil had got into minister's guest house to plant spy camera.  He adjusted them and Ragini was checking her monitor to see if everything was visible and audible.

But they were a bit late.  Minster and his men saw Nikhil.

Nikhil escaped saying he came to check A/C.

Blue diamond incorporated manager was there too.

The were taking sand in a huge quantity from thr sea shores and it was affecting the sea badly.  People leaving at the sea shore were facing problems, sea was losing it's shore and it came forward.  It was totally destroying the sea and it's shore.

Neerav was fighting against this. And Ragini was collecting evidence to prove minister's involvement.  They wanted to save the nature and the people.  If sea decides to react then nothing can have mankind.  But selfish greedy idiots are too ignorant to accept this fact.

Manager : Minister the case is being stronger.

HM (home minister)  : All because of that advocate Neerav.  I won't spare him. But now it's not time to think,  but to act.  We will surely lose the case one it reaches the court.  Which is day after tomorrow.  And we will face a huge loss of 25 crores!! 

Man: That's so huge! 

HM : I know,  I have a plan.

Minster signalled his assistant.

Ass: here is the plan.

He connected a pen drive to TV and showed an animation.

Ass: This is kingfisher airlines flight, from Delhi to Kolkata.  It will take off on 12 hours with liquor barrels. Only pilot would be there. This will be passing over this particular sea shore.  Exactly 1KM before it reaches the shore,  pilot will escape via parachute and the plan will crash on the shore, in the costal village.  The explosion will be so huge to destroy the total costal village as it will be a mix of the plan fuel and the liquor. The costal village will turn to be a dessert, nothing will remain there.  Then the coat is all ours. 

Ragini who was watching this,  fell back from her bed.  She kept here
hand on mouth.  She couldn't believe what she just saw.  How can people be so brutal.  She didn't know.  She was panicking.

But she wasn't the only one who panicked.  There minister's PA to fell down,  and making a flower vase fall with him,  thus revealing the spy camera Nikhil placed. Minister got alert.  Ragini too. 

She immediately saved the video,  switched off her phone and laptop and packed them in her laptop bag.  She ran outside and then met Neil.

Here minister traced Nikhil and from his phone understood Ragini's involvement.  They instead of tracing her number,  traced Neerav and kidnapped him.  They let the news out as Ragini kidnapped him,  so that she comes to know about it and surrender to them. 


When she saw the video,  the fear she had was beyond her,  she wanted to cry her out to her Laksh.  She wanted to be with him then.  But she couldn't.  And poor she didn't even have the time to relax as she understood that she was caught. 

She needed to run and she was excepting Neerav's kidnap too.  She missed her Laksh the most then. If he was with her,  these many lives in danger,  her brother in law and friend is in danger,  and all she has is 12 hours.  She knew she was trapped.  They made sure that she can't move a muscle. She was able to hide because of Neil. Other wise including her many would have lost their lives. 

She was waiting for Laksh,  she knew he will come for her. She knows her whole family would be against her,  but she knew her Laksh would search for her. All she needed was to give a him clue.  And when he received her message,  she calmed a bit.  Her hope became even more stronger.  She knew she could avenge her brother in law's death.

And now,  bring in arms,  after all these she went through,  it's heaven for her. Ragini was crying badly. She was realising all the tension she held. She knew it's not over it. But now everything will be fine,  her Laksh is with her.

Similar was the case with Laksh. He got a call from his dad to come soon.  He could identify the tension in his father's voice.  He came back in the next flight.  And the news he received snatched the ground beneath him. 

His brother is missing and his wife is blamed for it. 

Laksh was hell worried for both.  But both Raglak's family,  were only worried for Neerav and they were blaming Ragini.  Laksh was certain they are hiding something. Everyone told him about Ragini's odd behaviour.  They all started believing that she is wrong. He didn't have time to change them,  he needed to reach them,  his life lines.

But it wasn't easy.  From the time reached,  they were all trying to change his mind against Ragini.  They wanted him to blame her,  they were giving their points.  But there was nothing for him to think. He trust them,  he trust his brother and his wife equally and he knew they are right and not one of them. But the mental pressure was huge.

This was the time when he needed his family by his side. His wife and brother are his strength and like everyone,  his strength is his weakness too.  He was worried beyond limits for both and that was the time he needed his family's support.  But instead of understanding or being with him,  they wanted to portray his wife as a betrayer. 

Even her parents were drowned in their elder daughter's misery and somewhere felt Ragini is wrong. 

Laksh had to act alone,  when he needed everyone by his side.  He was not knowing where to start. That's when he received her call and then finally he got a way to reach her.

Now she is here,  with him,  in his arms,  this is heaven for him,  and he too was having tears in his eyes.

Raglak broke the hug,  Laksh held Ragini by hee cheeks and kissed her forehead. Ragini closed her eyes.

Neil was happy seeing them,  he smile seeing them. He knew how they both have gone through and this was such a beautiful scene to see them together.

Laksh turned to Neil.

Laksh: I am Laksh,  and I can't thank you enough for being with my wife.  If not for you,  I don't know how would I reach her.

Neil : Neil,

He Shook hands with Laksh.

Laksh : we don't have time to waste, let's go to your channel office Ragini. And you both should tell me everything that happened. 

They nodded and started to leave. 

Rag: Laksh Bhai...

She was having tears again.

Laksh fisted his palm, tears escaped his eyes too. He took a deep breath.  His brother is his ideal,  his god father,  his best friend,  his strength, his everything.  He can't even imagine a small wound to him and now his life is in danger,  waiting for his death, or maybe death by now.  This was way beyond his capacity to hold. 

Lak: I... I...  There is nothing w.. We can do with that... But I won't let his sacrifice go in vein.. We need to reach your office.

Ragini nodded and the trio headed to car.

Neil couldn't help but admire the three Maheswaris.  The love and Acre they have for the other and also thr humanity in them.  They are sacrificing themselves and their dear one for the sake of people whom they haven't even met.  They care nothing about them.  He felt blessed that he is able to help them.


How was it?

Ignore mistakes please ❤️

This as you all know,  is a thriller and I can't drag it.  So the end is near. 

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