The Cover!

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Sorry, no photo, I just have to share my excitement on the final design!

[Also updates on this are slower now, I am only posting as new developments arise!]


                Last night I was sent the revised cover. Now, I was a little scared at first to open it. I knew when I sent back the cover for revisions that it was going to be the last revision that was included in my payments. Covers being of such vital importance, I didn't want to skip out and "settle". I really wanted one that captured the story!

When I sent back Cover #1 for revisions, I decided that I could "settle" with Cover #2 if the revised Cover #1 didn't work out.

So when I received the email that the revision was completed, I was actually quite scared!

Luckily, I was arriving at my mum's house when I got the email. When I was debating between Cover#1 and Cover#2 a few weeks ago, my mum, sister, and I had a sit down and debated every pro and con. I couldn't have done it without their help. My sister is a total artist, but had not read the book, so she had valuable input from a "Blind" standpoint. My mum had read an older version of the book, but knew the "theme" and "vibe" of the book enough to be able to state which one felt more "true to the book".

So to have the new cover right when I arrived at my mum's house was really great. We opened it and... I LOVE IT. Oh my GOSH it is EXACTLY what I wanted!!! It's eye catching, it's inviting, it's eerie, it's witchy, it's bright enough in colour that it doesn't blend in, yet has a dark, spooky vibe to it.

Honestly, I am THRILLED. I sent it to everyone who helped me decide between #1 and #2, and my favourite reaction was by far (from my witchy friend): "LITERALLY SO FUCKIN GOOD I CANNOT WAIT TO READ THIS AND HAVE THIS ON MY SHELF".

I think I hit the nail on the head for my target audience (and not to mention the cover is basically an EXACT scene within the book). I am so excited!!

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