Chapter 1

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~Ash's POV~

"No! I refuse to let him live here!" Misty cried.

Iris spoke up, joining her. "Yeah! He's a guy, and we can't allow him to!"

"But where is he supposed to go if we kick him out?" Serena asked.

Dawn nodded. "Serena's right! We can't just leave him!"

"I-I don't know about you guys, but I think we should let him stay for now." Serena looked at me, but quickly looked away afterwards.

"Yeah, I agree!" May said.

I watched as the girls decided on what to do with me. It seemed Serena, Dawn and May were okay, while Misty and Iris were against it.

I hate to say this, but I hope I do end up staying. Finding a new place will be a pain in the ass, because I am broke right now. I ain't getting anywhere with no money. I know it's not the best thing to do right now, but I really have no other option.

"I don't care! I say we get rid of this perv now before anything insane happens!" Misty said.

"Since when did I become a pervert?" I sweat dropped.

"You decided to move here just so you can get your hands on a few cute girls, isn't that right?" Misty walked up to me, still holding the broom.

I brought my hands up and shook them in front of me. "N-no! That's not true! Just let me explain!" I gulped. "And please...put the broom down..."

"Misty..." Serena took the broom away from her.

"Whatever. Fine, he can stay for now. We will talk about this at dinner tonight." Misty said as she walked away, with Iris and May following her.

I sighed of relief. Misty is scary.

"Now that that's out of the way..." Dawn spoke as she placed her hands on her hips. "What now?"

"I-I can take him to his room." Serena said. "Dawn, do you mind bringing the poffins into the living room?"

"Yeah, sure." She nodded. Dawn walked away and did what she was asked.

Serena turned to look at me. "Okay, let's go."

"You aren't planning on hitting me with a broom too, are you?" I said, just to make sure.

She giggled. "Of course not. Now come on."

She led me down the hall. To the right was a staircase leading to the second floor, which I assumed where the rooms were.

"By the way..." She said as she walked up the stairs. "How did you even get in here?"

"Oh, I just entered through the door back there." I replied.

She mumbled. "Makes sense."

"Huh? Did you say something?"

"It's just that you used the back doors. No wonder I was surprised to see you earlier. I didn't expect some stranger to be there."

"What...?" I sweat dropped. I have no idea what she just said.

She reached the top of the staircase. She stopped and turned to me.

"I mean, you entered through the wrong door. You were supposed to go through the front doors. That's where people like you check in with the dorm mother."

"Oh. Ehehe, sorry about that." I scratched my cheek.

"It's okay, i'll just tell the dorm mother you checked in when I see her later." She replied.

We reached the end of the hall. She opened the door. In front of me was a well decorated room, which was most likely the place where I will be staying.

"Here's your room!" She said.

"Awesome!" I stepped in and looked around. "It is a lot bigger than my room at home!"

"Yeah!" She smiled. "Well, I'm going let you set in. Dinner is at 7 in the dining room, see you then!" She winked, and afterwards closed the door behind her and left.

Pikachu immidietely jumped from my shoulder and onto my new bed. He sniffed the covers, spun in one circle and lied down. Looked like he was already feeling comfortable at his new home.

I opened up my backpack. I took out my laptop and placed it on my desk. I then removed all my clothes and put them away into the drawers.

Soap, shampoo and all that stuff go in the bathroom, with my toothbrush, toothpaste and floss.

All the other stuff I just shoved into the spare closet.

I threw my backpack onto the bed after finishing the unpacking. I wonder how my mom fitted all my things into one bag. Somehow, she managed to do it.

I followed Pikachu and lied on the bed. The bed is comfy, but it will still take me some time to get used to it.

That was when my phone rang. I picked it up and answered. "Hello?"


"Hey, Gary. What's up?"

"Where are you? You told me you'd be moving in today!"

Oh, right. I did tell him about that. What am I supposed to say now? Should I tell him the truth? No...he'd make fun and tease me about it.

"Yeah...about that..." I started.

"Is there a change in plans?"

"Uh, yeah. Kind of. So I won't be moving in."

"Huh? Why?"

I sweat dropped. "Long story."

"Wow, that sucks. Okay, how about you come tommorow and tell me why."

"Tommorow? Sounds good. Okay then."

"Alright. See ya." He said after hanging up.

Arceus. Now I have to explain to him everything that happened. He is definitely going to tease me about it.

Now that I think of it, I really should have asked Gary the address to his dorm, the place I was suppossed to go to. But instead, I ended up here.

Well, actually maybe it is a good thing. Gary loves girls, and now I can brag to him about living with five of them. He will be so jealous.

Now I'm looking forward to tommorow. I can't wait to see the look on his face when I tell him. He's probably going to want to move in with me.

This is going to be great.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A few hours have passed. I spent most of the time on my laptop, watching the most random videos I can find on PokeTube.

From pokemon videos to the famous poketubers, I did enjoy myself watching all that for the past 3 hours.

Though, I think it was about time I stopped, because it was almost 7, which meant dinner. And apparently that will be when the girls decide what they will really do with me.

I got up from my seat and poked Pikachu, who was still asleep. "Hey buddy."

"Pi?" Pikachu's eyes slowly opened.

"Time for dinner."

Pikachu stretched his body before jumping onto my shoulder.

I left my room and made my way down the hall. I stopped walking once I reached the top of the staircase. I just realized this now. Where the heck is the dining room?

I am going to guess it's beside the kitchen, because that's the most likely spot it'd be at. Let's just hope it actually is, since i'd be in serious trouble if I ended up entering the girl's changing room instead.

I made my way down the staircase. I could hear the voices of the girls as I get closer to the first floor. I decided to just follow their voices, since they are probably already in the dining room.

To my surprise, I was correct. The room beside the kitchen was open, and inside was the girls sitting at a table.

On the floor was many pokemon, which I think belonged to them. Each pokemon had an empty food bowl in front of them, waiting for their food.

"Hey, Ash! There you are, have a seat!" Serena pointed to the spot next to her.

"But before you do that, get your pokemon out! I'm sure they'd love to eat too!" Dawn said as she began to place pokemon food into the food bowls.

"Yeah, right." I nodded.

I tossed my pokeballs into the air and released my pokemon. Fletchinder, Frogadier, Hawlucha, and Noibat stood in front of me. Pikachu hopped off my shoulder and joined them.

"Okay guys. Time to eat!" I said.

"Woah, you have five pokemon? They are all so cute!" May looked at them.

"Yeah haha...thanks, I guess." I scratched my cheek as I sat down beside Serena.

Dawn took more food bowls and placed them in front of my pokemon. She then filled their bowls with pokefood, before sitting down with us at the table.

I began eating the food on my plate. And I have to say, whoever cooked this is amazing. This food is delicious.

"Pika!" Pikachu smiled at the pokemon in front of him.

In front of him stands many different pokemon such as Piplup, Buneary, Pachirisu, Braixen, Pancham, Torchic, Munchlax, Psyduck, Staryu, Starmie and Axew.

They all seem to be getting along just fine. That's good.

"So..." I said after swallowing the food in my mouth. "Is it confirmed that I will be staying here?"

"Um, yeah." Serena said. "Right, Misty...?"

We all turned to look at Misty, who was sitting quietly muching on her food.

She sighed. "Fine. He can stay. But if he makes any pervy moves he is going."

"I still don't understand how I became a pervert here..." I muttered as I sweat dropped along with the other girls.

"Okay then! Starting from now, you are officially living with us at Lumiose Hills!" Serena smiled.

"Great!" I smiled back.

"Now then! You didn't exactly get a proper welcoming here so...welcome!" Iris said.


"Oh, I know! We should properly introduce ourselves!" Dawn said.

Serena nodded. "Yeah, good idea! But it would only be proper if you introduce yourself first!"

"Okay." I responded. "I am Ash Ketchum. I am 16, I have come from the Kanto region, but recently moved to Kalos about 6 months ago."

Each girls began to introduce themselves one by one.

Misty cleared her throat. "Okay I'll start. My name is Misty, I am 17. I am the gym leader of Cerulean City in Kanto. Right now, my sisters are running the gym while I am in Kalos."

"And my name is Iris. I am 16! I am a dragon type expert! Need to know something about dragon types? You've come to the right girl!"

"I am Dawn! I am 16 too. I am pokemon coordinator, and I entered many Pokemon contests back when I was in Sinnoh."

"My names is May, I am 16 as well! Just like Dawn, I am a top coordinator and I entered pokemon contests back when I was in Hoenn."

"And I'm Serena! I am 16 and-"

Misty stopped Serena from talking. "And that's about it! Everyone has properly introduced themselves. I'm pretty sure you already know who Serena is, so there's no need for her to say."

"O-okay then..." Serena sweat dropped.

"Huh? What do you mean? I don't know Serena." I responded.

"WHAT?!" Misty, Iris, May and Dawn all yelled at me in unision.

I lurched back in my seat, shocked at how loud they shouted.

"You don't know who she is?!" Dawn said.

"Where have you been in life?!" Misty shouted.

"Everybody knows who she is!" May said.

Iris nodded, agreeing with the rest of the girls. "How could you not know her!?"

"O-okay! I'm sorry for not knowing!" I put my hands up. These girls looked like they were ready to murder me.

"'s okay." Serena sweat dropped.

The girls calmed down and sat back in their seats. I sighed of relief. I don't know how many times I felt like I was going to die today.

"Anyways...Serena, who are you?" I asked.

Before she could answer, Dawn stepped in.

"Serena is amazing! She is the Kalos Queen! And not only is she the Kalos Queen, but she stars in many hit movies! She is super famous, everyone loves her! Her Braixen and Pancham are super famous as well!"

I looked over at Serena, who gave me a nervous smile as she scratched her cheek.

I sat in my seat, surprised at what Dawn just said. My eyes widen. Everything is coming to me.

It makes so much sense now. I have watched a few of her performances on Tv with my mom. My mom loved her, and she always made me watch along with her. I always thought her performances were incredible. No wonder I recognized her before.

I can't believe it. Call myself lucky! I'm living with the one and only famous Kalos Queen, Serena Yvonne!

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