Chapter 15

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~Ash's POV~

We all looked at Miette in disbelief. Was she really moving here?

"Are you serious?" Misty said.

"That's right!" Miette nodded. "This is now my new home!"

"...WHAT?!" We all shouted in unision.

"What's with the looks on your faces? You don't want me to live here?" She said.

Serena shook her hands in front of herself. "N-no! It's nothing like that! We were just surprised, that's all."

"Ah." Miette sighed or relief. "I see, that's good. I mean, I understand why you'd guys be surprised. This was so sudden, afterall. Eheheh..."

"Well, the more, the merrier." May smiled. "Welcome to the dorm, we are glad to have you here!"

"Thank you!" Miette returned the smile.

I watched the girls and sighed. I wondered if I was allowed to have another guy live here as well. If Miette was allowed to move here, then would it be okay if I invited a friend to live here too? I wouldn't mind having someone of my gender here, it would make it a lot easier for me. But judging by the way the girls acted the first time I moved here, I'd doubt it. Especially Misty, she would go mad.

"Okay, I'll take you to your room then." Serena got up. "Let's go?"

"Yeah!" Miette followed.

It was nice to see those two getting along so well. They both went through the same pain of losing their boyfriend, yet they still managed to get over it pretty quickly, and became friends in the process.

"Can you believe it? We will be living with two of Calem's ex-girlfriends." Misty said.

"Ugh, don't bring up that name." Dawn rolled her eyes. "He is long gone."

"What matters is we have a new member. We should give her a proper welcoming! Like a big dinner!" Iris suggested.

"So you guys are going to give her a special dinner? From what I remembered when I first got here, I got a face full of Misty's broom." I sweat dropped. "I didn't get any food, that's not fair."

Misty crossed her arms. "That was only because you were a pervert. And still are."

I sighed. "Yeah yeah, whatever."

Miette and Serena returned from upstairs. It looked like Miette had now settled in, since she looked pretty happy.

"Alright, I got my room!" Miette exclaimed.

"Great!" May replied.

"So, what have you guys been talking about while we were gone?" Serena asked.

I pouted. "Apparently there will be a special dinner for her."

"Oh, great idea!" Serena replied. She then looked at me in confusion. "Wait, why do you look upset? Is there something wrong about the dinner?"

"He was complaining about why Miette got a special dinner for moving in while he didn't." May sweat dropped.

"I get something special?!" Miette's face lightened with joy.

Serena giggled. "Alright, I'll go make it then. Don't worry Ash, I'll make you something as well." She winked.

"Really?! Awesome!" I jumped. "You're the best!"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It was the next day. I stuffed myself yesterday, Serena made a lot of food especially for me. I ate everything she cooked, and now I felt really full. I didn't even eat breakfast this morning, because I wasn't in the mood to.

"Okay, my turn!" Gary said as he took the dice. "Hope I get a good number!"

The entire boy's dorm was hanging at our place again. We have been playing board games all afternoon long, because we kind of wanted to try something different other than video games.

Gary rolled the dice. He accidentally threw it too hard, and the dice bounced off the table, fell onto the floor and rolled under the couch.

Paul facepalmed. "Way to go."

"Ehehe, sorry about that." Gary sweat dropped.

Clemont bended down to see how far the dice went. "Well, it is way to far for anyone to reach. And my aipom arm is way to big to fit in there."

"So what now? Our only dice is now gone, thanks to this perv here." Misty glared at Gary.

"It's not that big of a deal, we can find a new one." Gary replied.

The room turned silent after that. The only thing that could he heard was the TV. Well, now that the dice was lost, there was really nothing else to do. We didn't own another one, so it looked like we had to quit playing the game. It was a pretty good board game too, it kind of sucked we had to stop without finishing it.

I stared into space, starting to get bored out of my mind. Then, I heard something on the TV that seemed to have caught my attention.

Dawn must've heard it as well, because she quickly turned up the volume and began shouting. "Oma, they are announcing the winner to the trip to Kanto!"

"Really?" Serena immidietely turned and watched. Looked like she really eager to hear the winner.

And so was I. I really wanted to win. I missed Kanto, I wanted to go back. There were so much things I wanted to see again.

We listened to the announcer on the TV. "There is a change in plans, we are now picking two winners. Each person will win plane tickets to Kanto!"

"Two winners?" Kenny repeated.

"Didn't expect that." Barry said.

The announcer continued. "And now, the first winner is....Gary Smith!"

"No!!!! It was so close to my name!" Gary cried.

"Okay, don't worry. We still have one more chance." Serena said.

"Please be one of us... please arceus..." I said as I clenched my fists due to the nervousness I was feeling right now.

The announcer placed his hand into the ballot and picked another random name. "The second winner is...Dawn Berlitz!"

Dawn's jaw dropped. She stared at the TV, not knowing what to say.

"Dawn! You won!" Serena exclaimed as she took Dawn's hands.

A smile spread across Dawn's face. "I-I did! I won!"

"Awesome, we are going to Kanto!!" I jumped.

"Oh, sorry! There was a mispronunciation in the name of the first winner!" The announcer said through the TV. "The actual winner is... Gary Oak!"

Gary hopped out of his seat. "Alright!!! I won, I won too!"

"We got both of the wins, how great is this?!" I said.

May took her laptop and went to the website of the contest for more information. She read through the page. "Okay, so each winner will be given one plane ticket for themselves, plus six more for a few friends. So for us, that's a total of 14 tickets. The winner and their friends will stay at a cottage. Each cottage has four rooms. Three of the rooms hold 2 people, while the other holds one."

"That's too much information for me to handle..." Gary rubbed his head.

"Wait, there are 14 tickets but only 12 people going. Who will the other two be? We can't let those tickets go to waste." I said.

"No, make that 13 people. Miette is going too." Serena said.

Miette looked over at Serena. "Huh? I am?"

"Of course!"

"That leaves one more ticket..." Iris said.

"I can bring my sister!" Clemont said. "She has always wanted to visit the Kanto region."

"Ah, right. Okay then." I replied.

About a year ago, I remembered how Clemont's sister, Bonnie used to say how she wanted to go to Kanto. Whenever I'd visit Clemont's house, she would always ask me questions about it since I was from there.

"Well, each cottage holds seven people in total, so the winners will have to pick who's in their cottages." May said.

"I want to pick first!" Gary said. He then turned to me and gave an evil smile.

I tilted my head in confusion. What was that look for? He looked like he was planning something. I caught him motioning towards Serena. That was when I realized what he was doing.

"N-no! Gary don't!" I panicked.

He ignored me and went on with what he was going to do. "Alright. I choose Ashy, Serena..."

"Erg..." I looked away to hide the subtle shade of red that had formed on my cheeks after hearing her name. I really do regret telling him about my feelings towards her.

Gary continued. "Miette, Clemont and his sister, and..."

"Me!" Misty butted in.

I gulped. Oh no. Not Misty, please.

"Um, from what I heard, I am supposed to be picking, not you." Gary said.

"You better pick me to be in your cottage, or else you'll get a face full of my fist! I'm not letting Serena alone with you perverts!" She said.

Gary gulped. "O-okay...calm down. I'll let you into the cottage, just please don't hurt me!"

She backed away from him and smiled like nothing happened. "Yay, thank you!"

I sweat dropped. There was only one thing that scared Gary, and that was Misty.

"Okay, looks like the rest are in my cottage then." Dawn said.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see Miette behind me. She placed her hands around her back. "So, Ash. Can I ask you something?"

"Huh? Uh, sure, I guess." I said, wondering what was up with the sudden question.

"Do you like Serena?"

"What?!" My cheeks flushed red. "Um, n-no, of course not... w-why do you ask?"

What the hell was she doing asking me about this?! She hasn't even been living at this dorm for long, yet she is already knows about my crush on Serena?!

"Your red face tells me you're lying..."

"S-shut up!" I cried.

She rubbed her chin. "Hmm, so you do like her. Okay, I see."

"N-no! I-I don't, I swear!"

She ignored me, not believing anything I just said. She then opened her mouth to say something. "Hey, Gary! I think we should decide who's in which room, so we don't have to worry about it when we get to our cottage!" She looked back at me and smiled. What was she doing?

"Ah, good idea!" Gary said. He called everyone in our cottage over to him, and decided for himself first. "Okay, I call the single room. I'd like to sleep alone rather than being with someone."

"And I call Misty!" Miette grabbed Misty's arm.

"Okay then." I said. "I'll be with Clem-"

"I think it's better for Clemont to room with his sister, because family should always stick together, right?" Miette said, stopping me in the middle of my sentence.

Clemont nodded. "Yeah, right."

"Well, Ash and Serena are the last ones. You know what that means." Miette winked at me.

I looked over at Serena, who looked back. My cheeks instantly turned a bright shade of red. Did Miette plan this entire thing?!

For an entire week... I will be sharing a room with Serena?!

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