My Kalos Queen - Intro

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New book! So excited to write this!!! Hope you guys enjoy! :)

Disclaimer - I do not own Pokemon.

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~Ash's POV~

I laid down on the bed of my room, staring at the ceiling above me. Pikachu was curled up at the corner of the bed, fast asleep.

I don't know if I can do this. I thought moving here would be better for me. I didn't think I'd end up in a situation like this.

I brought the back of my hand up to my forehead. How did I get into this mess?


A few hours earlier...

"Is this it...?" I looked down at the piece of paper in my hand, which contained the address to my new home.

In front of me was a large building, much like a summer villa. I looked around me, not too sure if this was the place.

My mom said I will be moving into a dormitory going by the name of 'Lumiose Hills'. This building didn't have 'Lumiose Hills' labeled anywhere on it.

But the address on the paper matched the building's address, so this had to be the place.

I looked up at the building. "Okay, Lumiose Hills. This is my new home."


I originally lived in Vaniville Town. My mom said moving here to Lumiose City would be better for me since the education is a lot better. I didn't have much of a choice, so I had to agree with her and move out.

Apparently, this is supposed to be an all boy's dormitory. So at least I won't be living alone. Plus, two of my childhood friends, Clemont and Gary live there. It would be great to see them again.

I reached for the door knob and pulled it open. I stepped into the empty hallway. Flower vases were neatly placed throughout the hall. Picture frames hung on the walls.

That's weird. No one's here. Where was everybody?

That was when a faint voice could be heard from a nearby room. It sounded like...a girl? Why is a girl here? As I followed the voice, the scent of poffins filled my nose.

The door to the room was slightly opened. I poked my head through the opening to see what was going on. Pikachu squeezed his head in to get a peek as well.

A girl, who looked just about my age was kneeling in front of an oven. From where I was standing, I could see the poffins she was making.

She had short, honey blonde hair. She was wearing a pink apron, most likely to keep her clothes from getting dirty.

I watched as she hummed to herself while she took the poffins out of the oven. The poffins looked so tasty. It looked so fluffy, so delicious.

My mouth started to water. Not being able to control myself, I pushed the door open. The door creaked, causing the girl to get startled and nearly drop the poffins.

Alarmed at the sight of me, she grabbed the broom beside her and held it in front of her, using it as a weapon of some sort.

"Agh!" I held my hands up to shield myself and closed my eyes.

"Stay back!!!" She exclaimed.

"I'm sorry! I swear to arceus I am not any robber of some sort!"

I opened my right eye. The position she was in looked like she was ready to pounce at me at any given moment.

She calmed herself down after seeing my not so dangerous appearance.

"W-who are you?" She asked.

"Before that...let's put the broom down first." I put my hand on the end that was pointed towards me and push it away.

She let go of the broom, and allowed me to put it aside. I sighed of relief. The way she held that broom made it look so deadly.

"Okay then, um..." I paused for a moment, trying to think of something to say.

Now that I think of it, why is a girl here? This is a boy's dorm, so I don't understand why she'd be here. Maybe she's the chef? Maid? I don't know. Maybe I should ask her?

"What are you doing here?"

"I should be asking you the same thing." She responded. "You were the one who barged into my kitchen in the first place." She mumbled.

I sweat dropped. "O-oh yeah. Eheheh...sorry about that."

I got caught off gaurd as I realized the amount of poffins she cooked was about enough to feed more than one person.

Is she planning on eating all that by herself? Judging by her figure, she didn't look like a person who would eat a lot. I mean, I will gladly help her finish the poffins.

I took a look at the girl's face. The more I look at her, the more it got me thinking. She looked awfully familiar. I know I have seen her before, but where?

But hey. Let me say this. She's cute.

I decided to leave those thoughts for later and answer the question she asked awhile ago.

" name is Ash Ketchum. This is a dormitory, right? My mom called earlier informing I was moving here."

"What!?" She looked at me in surprise. "You're Ash Ketchum!?"

I raised my eyebrow, confused as to why she was acting like that after hearing my name.

"Yeah." I replied. "Is there something wrong? You did get the call, right?"

"I did, but I-I thought the lady who called was sending in her daughter!?"

"Lady? You mean my mom?" I said. "And you thought I was a girl...?" I sweat dropped. Did she think my name sounded feminine, or something?

"Of course I thought you were a girl!" She puffed her cheeks. "This is a girl's dormitory, after all!"


I stood there, speechless. Am I at the right dormitory? The address was correct, so it can't be. Does that mean....oh crap.

That was when someone entered through the kitchen door. It was another girl. Great, looks like this actually is a girl's dorm.

"Serena, are you done making the poffins yet?" The girl asked.

She stopped walking once she saw me. She stared at me wide eyed.

No way. I know that orange hair from anywhere. It's Misty Waterflower, the gym leader of Cerulean City in Kanto. I have heard so much about her back when I still lived in Kanto. But why is she here in Kalos?

"Who are you?!" She shouted. "Some kind of robber!? Stalker?!"

"Huh?! I already made it clear I wasn't a robber!" I sweat dropped. "And I am definitely not a stalker!"

"So you must be a pervert!" She exclaimed.

"Pervert?!" I repeated. "Heck no!"

The honey blonde haired girl, who apparently goes by the name 'Serena', took Misty by the arm. "Y-you got it all wrong!" She said.

"No pervert has the privilege to step foot into this house!" Misty took the broom from earlier.

She wacked my arm, once. Twice. Multiple times.

"O-ow!" I cried. "Stop! Ow! That hurts!"

She continued to hit me like there's no tommorow. Why the hell is the Cerulean Gym's gym leader beating me with a broom?!

Another girl entered the kitchen. Oh, great.

"What's going on here?!" She asked as she watched the scene in front of her.

"Stay back, Dawn!" Misty shouted. "We have a pervert here!"

Not being able to stand the pain anymore, I barged through the door. I do not want to die just yet.

I ran through the hall, with Pikachu following me close behind. Two other girls stand in the hall, blocking my path.

"Oh crap!" I attempted to stop, but my foot slipped. I slid across the floor, bumping into the two girls, and afterwards fell flat on my face.

"Ow!" Both girls grabbed ahold of the shoulder that I just bumped into.

The rest of the girls made their ways to the hallway.

"May, Iris! Are you two okay?" Misty ran up to them.

"Y-yeah..." May gave Misty a reassuring smile.

I got up and and brought my hand up to my forehead. The impact of the floor hurt.

"Who is this boy?" Iris asked.

"You ask me." Misty replied.

"Girls! This is Ash Ketchum." Serena said.

Dawn gasped. "No way! The Ash Ketchum we were told about from the call earlier?"

Serena noded. "Mhm."

"What?! He's a guy! Why would he be here at a girl's dorm?"

"Are you serious? We will be living with a guy?" May said.

I watched as the girls talked about me. Is this really happening right now? It had to be some kind of mistake. Maybe I should call my mom.

"H-hey girls? I have to make a quick call, i'll be right back." I opened the door and stepped outside.

I dialed my mom's number and waited for her to answer. It didn't take too long.

"Hello, Ash?"

"Mom!" I shouted through my phone. "We have a problem."

"Hm? What is it, honey?"

"You got me into a girl's dorm!"

"A girl's dorm? I swear it was a boy's dorm when I first read about it..."

"Well, it isn't! Mom what the heck! I can't live here! It'll be...weird."

"But sweetie, I already payed for you to live there. There's no way I can cancel! And plus, where are you going to go if you leave?"

I gulped. "So you're saying I have to stay...?"

"Yes, honey. I'm sorry, but there is nothing I can do. Just try to make friends with your new roomates. Anyways, I'll talk to you later, have fun and I love you!"

"Wait mom!" I tried to stop her, but she hung up on me.

My mom was no help. I sighed and put my phone away. I went back into the building. The five girls were waiting for me in the hall.

Misy looked pretty angry. May and Iris were still holding onto the shoulders I bumped into. Though, Serena and Dawn didn't look angry at all. In fact, they looked a little worried.

What have I gotten myself into? Starting today...I will be living with five girls?!

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