๐Ÿ๐จ๐ฎ๐ซ. time heals most wounds

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[3.07| PART ONE]

JULY 29TH, 2010

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ย  ย ย  IT'D BEEN A WEEK SINCE THE BURIAL OF THE LATE HENRY LORENZO. The private service, which only included Lorelei, her mother, Uncle Lucius, Grandma Everlyn, as well as a handful of close friends her father made in his lifetime, was harrowing.


Henry's tombstone had been vandalized for the first time since the service. It'd been covered with vulgar words and statements that hurt Aarlayn and Lorelei.

They understood people's anger at him. Both understood their reasoning, but seeing the sight itself troubled them. Mostly regarding how the world perceived him now.

Henry left behind a hideous reputation, one that others hated him for. It led to questions Lorelei learned would forever be unanswered. No matter the curiosity that'd been boiling in her chest for so long.

Questioning his motives for committing the crime. Especially in leaving her and Aaralyn to face the aftermath of having the Lorenzo name tied to them.

Stepping up to the broad tombstone, Lory set her fingertips on the concrete, trailing over his name. "H-hey dad," she ached out in a wobbling breath. Her wounds of his death still had a terrible grip on Lorelei, but she knew she had to proceed with her life in time.

Behind Lory's figure, Aaralyn watched her from afar. She'd want her daughter to have her peace with Henry, knowing that she didn't think she had the courage herself to do so.

Her husband was known to the public only as a mass murderer, and truthfully, it hurt going through that realization. Alike, Lorelei, Aaralyn was amid her own grieving process. Not only to the people that he'd killed but also to the man that was once, the love of her life.

Tired eyes to herself, Lorelei hung in thought, gazing at the tombstone. "Finally eighteen now, dad. . . I-I did it," her heart torn apart from the inside just saying those last three words. "I'm now an adult. Well, according to mom, not yet." developing a weak smile then. "Not until I graduate, but I reached the great number I never thought I'd make it toโ€”I mean, you, along with mom, told me I'd make it to hereโ€”and you told me especially that when I did-" her eyes creating puddles of tears in seconds. "-that when I did. . . you'd take me and mom on a summer vacation back to New Orleans." those last two words leaving Lorelei with many emotions she never sought to be there.

Seventeen. The toughest year Lory experienced so far. Only another year close to hitting the big one-eight of adulthood, right? Well, in this case, eighteen soon became more of an inaccessible goal Lory struggled to push through, rather than another year to mark off on her calendar.

Besides the pain Seventeen brought Lorelei, during that year, Henry promised her that when she'd turn eighteen, he would take the three of them back to her childhood town. The infamous city of Louisiana that was New Orleans.

It wasn't any ordinary place that he'd pick, of course. New Orleans was her childhood. Something Lorelei kept in a grasp of her heart. The festivals, the food, the culture, the environment. It was those components that deemed the city as unforgettable in her eyes. She'd enjoy the long walks she'd have with Aaralyn around the neighborhood. Her mother's hand folded along hers as the morning sky bestowed their surroundings in such a serene manner.

After moving to Chicago, Lory grew to hate the place she'd been forced to be in, leaving her soul home. It was quite unbelievable how much of her childhood she still remembers. Perhaps it's because that was the last point of her life in which she was wholeheartedly happy. In the heart of Louisiana. And leaving torn the person she was once.

"You know how much I missed that place. . . dad," Lory muttered, lips shifting into a decayed frown. She lifted her hand up by her face, rubbing tears off her eyes in gentle brushes at a time. "You know how much I missed our lives there." sniffling amid her words. "And you knew how important it was to me. . . and now I'm left with an unfulfilled promise that saddens me to even think about right now." tears continuing to flood her vision.

Shaking her head, with eyes that champed themselves shut, heartache washed over her being. The same thoughts repeating and looping in her brain, leaving Lorelei to wither mentally.

"I wish I had the strength to do this, dadโ€”I really do, but I can't," her jaw and teeth shaking in attempting to say. Again, Lorelei's eyes sealed closed, and her lips parted further apart, whimpering out a light sob.

She wanted her dad. She wanted her father. She needed him back. And repeatedly, Lorelei Lorenzo had to keep reminding herself that she'd never see that man again. No matter the number of wishes upon stars she'd cast some nights just to see him again.

Henry Lorenzo was gone.

Henry Lorenzo, her beloved father, was dead.

He was gone. Never to see his wife or daughter, ever again.

With that realization crashing over dear Lory, she rushed away from the tomb and caved right into Aaralyn's arms, which were already wide open to embrace her. She released the stream of emotions that corrupted her senses into her mother's chest. Tears immersing Lorelei's eyelids into obscurity.

Aaralyn's soul stung with torment as her daughter's sobs kept on coming out. Each one left the mother with more grief to endure, like a prick to her already too damaged for repair heart.

If only Henry would've known in advance, the damage he'd be leaving the two most important people of his life.

A daughter with a heart that was too broken to function. One that needed her dad.

And a wife/mother, that was left to take care of the torn-hearted daughter herself. One that needed her husband.

Oh what a fucked up reality they used to lived in.


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ย  ย ย  THERE THE MORNING SKY WAS. Being an awe-struck sight for those who'd been caught under such a thing. Erupting with a radiant light of the sun, it cascaded down to Lorelei Lorenzo's bed through her bay window, sun-kissing her glowing features.

The glare of sunlight dawned on her eyes as it flickered open. She groaned under her breath. Later, winding down to a yawn. Arms stretching out forwards to cover the sun with her hand.

Rebekah didn't take off yesterday without the assured thought Lorelei was sleeping well that night. Apparently, the Mikaelson had some errands to do today, leaving Lory with the day to herself.

Walking downstairs with a hungover mind, she went to the kitchen to drink water. A note was left on the fridge, saying:

Went to work early. If you're going out for any reason, be home by 5. I have to attend the Illumination ceremony, and I'm gonna drag you along with me because I can.

Love you dearly,

Mom <3

Her lips curved upwards, bearing an annoyed grin at Aaralyn's words. Crumpling the note up into a ball, she throws it into their trashcan beside the fridge in one swing. Lorelei shook her head at the thought, knowing that it was like Aara to drag Lory along to every event she'd attend.

Ignoring the minor pounding in her head, she made a glass of water, taking a sip as it seethed down her throat and into her system. The house was merely quiet, something that Lory liked. She beamed at the silence that surrounded her, taking more sips of water.

Afterward, she went back upstairs to her bedroom, changing out of her outfit she wore to the party. Instead, her attire today was more casual, thinking that she'd want to explore Mystic Falls more in detail.

Seeing her reflection in the mirror, half a smile formed on her pastel pink lips. Her outfit was decent, in her opinion. Though Lorelei made sure that she always had her best attire on, considering she constantly wanted to make a good first impression to everyone she ever met. Whether bad or good.

But as her eyes glanced to the dresser by the mirror, something quickly caught Lory's eyes. Her heart halted in its normal beating because of it.

A certain necklace. One that held way too much meaning to her than she wanted.


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ย  ย ย  "GRANDMA EV, WHEN IS MOM AND DAD COMING HOME?" a young Lorelei Lorenzo asked. She sat on her Grandma's lap, eager to see her parents again, even if they only left her with her grandparents for about five hours.

Everlyn rubbed the sides of Lory's right arm in soft motions, assuring her granddaughter, "They'll be home any second, my dear. Don't forget what I said about being patient."

"I know, I know," she exhaled, her shoulders dropping. "Maybe I'm like this because Christmas is just in 5 days," Lory thought out loud to Grandma Everlyn.

She smiled with love at Lorelei. "You know, in all my life, I've never seen someone so anxious for it to be Christmas alike you."

"Which bobbles my mind because I truly don't understand how people aren't so excited about this holiday, Grandma!" Lory exclaimed in such joy. "The weather is cold and chilly, perfect for hot cocoa, and just the city during the winter is still as lively as it is every other holiday," glancing up at the ceiling, then back down at Everlyn. "And also, Christmas is the only time I get to see you, Grandpa Roland, and Uncle Luci."

"Did someone call for me?" a voice suddenly turns up in the room. Both women's heads shot in the direction they heard it from, seeing Lucius and Roland walking out of the kitchen and entering the living room. "My ears might still be clogged up, probably due to your grandma's constant yapping about how to work that new cellphone she got,"

Everlyn scoffed. "Shut up, Roland,"

"Whatever you say, my dear," smirking right at them. Looking over to Lorelei, he asked, "But where's your parent's, sweetie?" sharing a glance at Ev once more. "You told us they would come back at 5 to drop us back off at the hotel."

"Well, you should know that your son-in-law is quite a slow driver," Everlyn commented.

Lucius turned to his father in adding on, "He apparently likes to say that he has precious cargo with him,"

Lorelei's gave a lopsided grin, as her Uncle meant her mother in that context. Of course, she adored her parent's relationship since learning of what love was. They weren't exactly picture-perfect as most romantic movies have as expectations, but their love for each other was something Lory admired in watching every day.

"And that includes me," the Lorenzo daughter included as well.

Lucius grinned at Lory's inclusion to his words. "Yes, it includes you too, Lei."

By then, the front door quietly opens, revealing Henry walking in.

"Dad!" Lorelei screeched out, dropping her feet to the ground in bolting to her father to give him a big hug.

Henry split his arms apart, watching his Lorelei run into his arms, wrapping them around her small body and hoisting her up in the air. "Ahhh, I missed you, my precious little girl," strengthening the hug between them.

"Missed you too, Dad," Lory whispered, the corner of her lips lifted in a smile.

From their eyes; Roland, Everlyn, and Lucius had grins daubed on their faces, watching the Lorenzo greeting his daughter back home.

"I'm assuming that Aaralyn's gonna be the one to take us back to the hotel after all?" Everlyn asked, as Henry placed his daughter back on the ground.

"Yeah, she insisted it, especially because she knows you hate it when I drive."

Hearing him say that, everyone else in the room grew a sudden urge to laugh at Henry. Especially Lorelei, who stood to the side of her father.

Henry notices and questioned, "What?" confusion rushing through his face.

Roland shook his head. "Nothing. . . Henry," walking to the door with Everlyn and Lucius following behind.

The Lorenzo shuts his eyes in shaking his head as well. "Okay," he muttered stealthily. "Well, thank you for watching over Lorelei for us," going back towards the door to open it for them.

"It's no worries, Henry," Everlyn assured, placing a hand on his shoulder as she was about to walk out the door, being the last to leave. "But you and Aara and raising a beautiful daughter. . . remember that," taking a glance over into the house as Henry did the same.

Both pairs of eyes seized sight of Lorelei sitting on the couch silently, looking around at her living room in boredom. Though, there was something about seeing Lory like that, that brought the grandmother and father to carve a grin on their faces, just staring in her direction.

"Thank you. . . mom," Henry thanked her sincerely, glimpsing back at Ev.

She turned back, telling him, "You're very welcome, Henry," as Everlyn yelled to Lorelei, "I'll see you tomorrow, you little munchkin!"

Lory twisted her head at them, shouting back, "I'll see you then, Grams," waving her goodbye.

Everlyn gave the gesture back to her granddaughter before strolling away to the car. Upon doing so, Henry shut the door then, making his way by Lory. "So, tell me, how were they?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "Grams and they were alright, for the most part." Lorelei told, as he sat next to her. "Alessia came by earlier to put her presents for us under the tree," pointing to their family Christmas tree as it had a few additions to their present collection.

Henry turned to the tree as well. "Let me guess-" shifting back to Lory. "The bigger one is yours?" he asked, raising a brow.

"Yes," she grinned out, making her father do the same. "I'm hoping it's a piano or something, and not one of those presents that you keep opening and opening, and it ends up being a smaller gift. I'd be very disappointed if that was the case,"

He assured her then, "Alessia would never," shaking his head at the thought. "She loves you too much to do so," wrapping his arm around the back of her neck, resting her head on top of his shoulder

Lorelei gave half a smile, but it diminished suddenly as her head tilted down. "Hey dad, can I just ask you a question?" darting back up at him.

"Of course you can, Lory. . .What is it?" he asked, lifting a minor brow.

Her sight fell to her hands that laid on her lap. Playing with her small fingers. "I don't know, it's justโ€”since I woke up today, I've just been afraid to sleep tonight. You know, since I had that nightmare last night, and I'm scared that I'll experience it again," she told him of her thoughts.

Henry's heart turned sour, taking in his daughter's words into light. All until then, the father's eyes flashed with remembrance. "Well," fumbling into his front right pocket and pulling out a necklace.

Lorelei's mouth gaped open at how beautiful such a small thing was. "Is that a-"

"Necklace?" her father answered for her. "Yes, sweetie, it is," he sighed out. "See when I told your other Grams; Grandma Giselle, that you dealt with that intense nightmare, she insisted I gave you this necklace."

Lory was evermore shocked at finding this out. "She wanted you to give this to me?"

Henry beamed. "Yes, Lory," as the daughter felt her soul supply itself with a sensation of joy. "Apparently, when she was a young girl, her mother got this from one of her friends who was into the whole witch thing, and she told her that this necklace helps with dealing with bad dreams," he explained. "Now come on, let me put it on you, so you could see how it looks on you."

She nodded then, turning her back to face him. Lory grabbed a hold of her hair and pushed it up, as the father then wrapped the chain around Lorelei's neck. When he was done, he advised, "You can turn around now."

Doing so, twisting her body to face over at him, she asked, "How does it look?" with a light smile on her face.

At that moment, Love glowed in Henry's eyes, just marveling at his own daughter's beauty. "You look as beautiful as you are always, Lorelei."

Her smile stretched out, reacting to the cordial words her father just expressed. "Thanks, dad," she said truthfully.

There they sat in silence for a moment, before Henry questioned then, "Do you know what butterflies symbolize, Lory?" watching as her head sways in no. "Well, butterflies are representations of life. They're not beautiful, but they also have a mystery to them. It symbolizes resurrection, change, renewal, hope, endurance, and courage to embrace the transformation to make life better."

Lorelei's smile brightened. Almost enough to fill the whole room up with her light. "That's so cool,"

"It is, isn't it?"

"Totally," she chuckled out.

"Well besides that, sweetie, along with the symbolization of a small and fragile butterfly, I want you also using this necklace to always remember that I and your mother are always going to be there for you. Even though she isn't here with me to give you this necklace, use it to remember that no matter how far you go in life, anywhere in the world or galaxy, you have a part of us with you, all the time."

She nodded with a forced smile, trying to keep her composure together, not wanting to cry in front of her father. "I will, dad. I will."

He placed a hand on her shoulder, smoothing it softly. "I know you will, sweetie," grinning at his daughter dearly. "Now, why don't you go upstairs to your room and see how beautiful you look with it on?"

At such a demand, Lorelei's eyes perked with excitement, rushing off the couch to run up the stairs towards her bedroom. Pushing the door away, she wandered inside towards her long mirror, gazing at the necklace wrapped around her neck.

Fighting back tears, Lory batted her lashes, tears that menaced to form in her eyes. Instead, she just kept her smile faultless, glowing at her own precarious reflection.


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ย  ย ย  IT WAS LIKE SHE WAS back to being a nine-year-old girl again, wearing the necklace around her neck again. She'd put it back on eventually, just to see herself with it again.

Of course, Lorelei hadn't worn it since her life spiraled more upside down. The main reason being that it created more discomfort than she wanted. Remembering the first time her father had given her the precious thing she used to wear throughout her childhood and teenage life.

But Lory understood that the only way out of the grieving process was to accept that it happened. Accept that her father was dead. Accept that he was gone. No matter the fear she had in this happening to her. Of course, she also had to come to terms with the fact that maybe she wouldn't truly get over what he did.

Perhaps the pain wouldn't go away, but maybe Lory could gain closure in herself then. Henry was gone, and even with that thought attached to her brain like glue, reminding her every day that she was father-less, Lorelei couldn't resonate with it.

To her surprise, the front door was knocked. Taking herself out of her thoughts, she came back to reality, yelling, "Coming!" though her brows snapped together, constructing a confused expression on her face. Who the hell was at her door this early in the morning?

Keeping a gaze at the mirror of her slender reflection, she soon walked out her room, making it down to the door. A great urge caving into her veins. The urge to yell at the person who interrupted her mood.

In Lorelei Lorenzo's demise, the person she came to address at the door caught her eyes instantly, with many emotions already colliding with one another, not knowing what to feel.

After a brief moment of initial silence, they asked, "Lory?" their voice appearing as like a ghost-quiet whisper.

Her breathing suspended the second she had sight of them, barely saying the next word that came off her lips.

"Dad?" almost like it was forbidden to mutter out such a thing.

Without even knowing it, in a snap of a finger, everything Lorelei came to know of, suddenly turned into blackness and despair.

Oh how this was going to be a long day....

lani's talking!

HEYYO HEYOO I finally updated, yay.

this chapter is sad, i know, and i know the ending might be confusing, but I'm assuring you all, that it will make sense next chapter.

but you all are so amazing like you don't even know. i geniuely appreciate everyone's support on this story like seriously, I'm so happy with all the support, comments, votes and all that. your comments mean a lot to me because they legit always make my day, especially the funny ones.

anyways, hopefully next chapter will be out by next Sunday, hahahaha hopefully lol. to end off this author's note, i really hope you all have a great rest of your day or night. love u all :)

โ€” LANI <3

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