𝐨𝐧𝐞. what a plot twist you were

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[3.06| PART ONE]

"PEACE IS OVERRATED, EMBRACE THE CHAOS." was undeniably Lorelei Inej Lorenzo's life motto. Her uprising was unlike most out there. The reason being, her family was unusual and entirely away from the definition of a 'normal family'.

Lory's life was messy for a lengthy list amount of reasons that would be too long to attempt in explaining. As a young woman, living in a man's world, the Lorenzo had to toughen up fast. Life was not letting no fools survive without a little trauma to shake them up.

It was one of the reasons why the Lorenzo became who she is today. She was chaos, mayhem, and havoc. It was her signature, deeply fitted in her nature to be this free and wild spirit or entity of the wild.

She was. . . . Lorelei Inej Lorenzo, a force in this world to be reckoned with.

But, even some evil forces in the world have their other priorities and agenda. In this case, the only demise she had to deal with the infamous teen killer; High School.

This tale of Lorelei abruptly begins out in the state of West Virginia, in a small town named Mystic Falls. It was the first day of school at their local high school. Students were piling in the parking lots, meeting up with their friends, coming to campus, and regretting it once they've entered school grounds.

In this case, it mostly resonated with the new seniors of the school, due to the fact that their ultimate and supposed to be fun Senior Prank Night was ruined by Klaus Mikaelson's doing.

"Lorelei Lorenzo." Aaralyn Cromwell-Lorenzo told the front desk woman of her daughter's new high school.

Meanwhile, off to the side of her, the chorus of Sweet Dreams by Eurythmics was on a loop inside her daughter, Lorelei's mind, mumbling the lyrics as her eyes wandered around the room she was in.

A few moments later, Ary had to mumble out a "Lorelei." wanting to grasp her daughters attention, catching the young one off guard while she was still humming the words.

In gaining awareness and coming back to her senses from mindlessly singing, Lory asked, "Yes, mom?" seeking back at her mother.

"Mrs. Francis here," Aaralyn motioned over to the front desk lady. "-was asking about how excited you were for this school year," suggesting while faking a smile on her lips.

The Lorenzo's eyes shifted on over to the lady that was helping them at the office who held her smile intact, one that kind of spooked Lory in itself.

She pondered with her thoughts in wondering then in there how and why nearly almost every woman who'd work front desk at every school she went had this weird vibe to them.

Lorelei smiled to lessen the tension between them. "I'm stoked." muttering those words off her lips, grabbing her bag straps with a firm grip. "Excited as anyone can be to end of all my years in school with a big bang."

The lady grinned at Lory in her response. "Well, Lorelei. . . I can tell that you're going to change the way for this school—even in this entire town." she highly assumed.

That's one thing this woman is right about... Lorelei thought.

She exhaled through her nostrils, lips turning upwards smugly. "Well, I just don't know if Mystic Falls is ready for it," Lory said in reply, her smile turning mischievous. By then, she saw and noticed that the lady had all her papers in hand. "Well on that note, I hope you have a good rest of your day, Mrs. Francis." slowly snagging the papers in her hand and taking it into hers.

Initially, Mrs. Francis didn't even notice Lory's doings at first. "Oh yes, my dear," looking over at the two Lorenzo's. "Well, If you need any help with anything else, I'm here if you need me."

Aaralyn muttered out a "Thank you," as she and her daughter walked out of the room.

While finding themselves strolling into the crowded hallways, Lorelei declared, "Remind me to like—never go to the office again. No matter how many times I will slash might get lost."

The mother snickered softly, patting Lory's right shoulder as they paced slowly with each other. "Well, make some friends, and you won't have to go through your fresh fear of office women," she suggested.

Lorelei remarked back, "It's not even a fear, its pure intuition." her head turning towards her mother. "I don't know what it is but middle-aged women frighten me, and you know me, mom, I'm not afraid of most things."

Ary stopped two of them in the middle of the hallway to be in front of Lory. "Well, you're one of the most fearless people I know, dearest Lorelei."

Curious, Lory queried, "Who's the others?" furrowing her brows.

"Of course me, your grandma, and even your dearly great Uncle Lucius. But you know that he's scared of spiders so maybe I probably shouldn't put him in that category in the first place." again, Ary was met with Lorelei's tightened eyes. "Okay, okay, that was useless to bring up, but hey—I know you're going to go through this day, head-on, and with good intentions." she boosted in suspicion, "Right?"

Lory grinned smugly in swaying her head. "Of course you had to be uncertain of my motives and intentions, dear mother."

"Hey, it's better to be sure my daughter won't cause any ruckus on her first day of school." returning the same grin back, her hands on the sides of Lory's shoulders. "Anyways, do you remember that quote I always tell you?"

Lorelei's eyes turned up to the lights that lit up the hallway, reciting the words of her tongue, "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." she added after, facing back at Ary, "Which is the weirdest, yet funniest quote I've ever heard in my life but I guess that's the beauty of it."

She rebutted in return, "Yeah, well tell that to your grandma, she's the one who told me that when I and your uncle were little." taking her hands off of Lory.

"Then you should probably know that I can't wait for the holidays, especially my ultimate favorite; Christmas, because we get to visit Grams and Uncle Luci!" her eyes lit up as she spoke in a cheerful manner. "And besides, Mystic Falls is only an hour drive from Grams' house. Which, is so much better than a tiring 19-hour road trip drive from Chicago."

Ary couldn't deny that she adored Lorelei's spirit for the holidays but reminded her then, "Although I love that you're already stoked for that time of the year, Christmas is about three months from now. I'm sure you might want to wait out on Christmas shopping in the middle of autumn." taking a second to admire Lory. "But today, you go out there, and kick Mystic Falls High School's ass with your mind, Lorelei." bringing her into an embrace.

Both their eyes came to a close in the midst of their hug with one another. It was merely bittersweet. The normal cliche of having to say goodbye to your daughter before she embarks onto the first day of school ahead of her.

If anything, Aaralyn was Lorelei's rock. She was the only best friend in her life that Lory thought she would ever need. Her late father, Henry, was her best friend too, even during the rough patches that Lory knew almost every family would go through. But currently, her mother was the most important person in her life at the moment, and because of that, anything they did, they did together. Which is why, as a change of scenery from their past in Chicago, Aaralyn thought it'd be a great idea to move to Mystic Falls to do just that.

When they broke apart their lengthy hug, Lory says to Aara, "And you, be the best lawyer ever, mother dearest." doing finger guns right in her direction.

Aaralyn beams a bright smile at Lorelei before planting a kiss on her daughter's forehead once more, then strolling away from Lory's sight, leading away out the building and back to her car.

Thereupon after watching her mother leave, Lory lets out a sigh, darting her vision to the multiple papers from earlier in hand. She noticed her school schedule was on top of everything else. "History first, yay." the girl muttered, somewhat happy at such news.

Her favorite subject was first on her day ahead.

How great was that?

In ruining her little to no spirit, *BELL RINGS*

She cursed at the world for the horrific timing. "Son a bitch." said Lory under her breath.

Eventually, the Lorenzo began pacing and avoiding all possibilities of bumping into anyone that was also trying to go to class like her as well. Thankfully, it didn't take long for Lory to realize the class was only a couple of rooms away from where she and her mother were.

When she leads herself into her first class of the day, she got greeted and stopped by her new teacher. "Ah, Lorelei," he said at the sight of the new student. "You're the new girl, right?"

Lorelei nodded at his words. "Yes, but I'd prefer for you to call me Lory. Lorelei's a bit of a mouthful-" darting back at her paper to see his name. "Mr. Saltzman." finishing her sentence.

"Alright. . . . Lory." motioning the student at the whole classroom to the side of her. "Pick any seat you'd like."

Lory flashed half a smile in his direction before finding herself shuffling over to the front seat at the left edge of the classroom, sitting down quietly.

To the right of Lorelei, she heard faintly, "You're in my seat." while watching Mr. Saltzman write 'AP AMERICAN HISTORY' on the chalkboard.

Her head snapped in that direction, meeting the sight of a boy making another boy get out of the seat he was just sitting on. Annoyance rushed in her body in watching such a scene. It didn't take that long for Lorelei to realize that he did that so he could sit by the brunette girl next to him.

Bully boy really thinks he's going to win someone's heart by being a jerk? Well, tough news buddy... she trailed off in the depths of her conscious thoughts.

Mr. Saltzman speaks up, "Welcome back, seniors." bringing Lory out of her gaze and mood, veering to him. "This year we have a recent fresh addition to our class." his eyes meeting with her stare. "Everyone, say hi to Lorelei."

And just like that, all eyes were on her.

Uncomfortable, again, she drives herself to smile, ranging her attention at people's gazes. "H-hi." waving at them all using her right hand.

Some seconds passed later, as Mr. Saltzman brought his students' attention back to him. "Okay. Let's turn our brains back on. Starting with this country's original founders; the Native Americans."

From the corner of the Lorzeno's eye, a blonde woman joins into the discussion, her first question asked while entering was, "What about the Vikings?" taking a seat at an empty desk by the bully boy and other brunette.

Yeah, nice nicknames to give to them, Lory. But geez.....what an interesting chain of events. Lorelei thought once more.

"There's no evidence that Viking explorers actually settled in the United States." Mr. Saltzman replied. "Uh, who are you?"

She disclosed, "My name's Rebekah. I'm new, and history's my favorite subject." with a malicious smirk on her face.

"Same," Lorelei murmured out loud, driving Rebekah's eyes to shift to hers, catching onto Lorelei's stare.

The Lorenzo smiled merrily at her direction as Rebekah returned the smile back afterward.

In her mind, she thought, I don't know what it is about you, Rebekah... but I think you and I are going to be—grand friends.

─── · 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───ؘ

AS ALMOST EVERY HIGH SCHOOL HAD ONE, Lorelei's locker was one of two things; (mostly) empty, and sadly colorless. To her great defense, there wasn't much things that Lorelei could've put in her locker anyway. She was still trying to get used to this school in the first place.

Lory bit her inner left cheek in gazing at it. The locker only held her new and unbearably heavy history and calculus books. Both of them were already a hassle for poor Lory to carry, the major reason being because those two classes were at the other ends of the school from each other.

If I don't lose atleast 20 pounds after this school year, I'll be severely disappointed. She thought.

Her mind was a bust, all due to the hectic day of running around classrooms and being afraid that all her teachers were going to pull the same stunt that Mr. Saltzman did to her.

By that time, Lory closed the locker door closed after much time of pondering what the hell she was even going to do with it. But in doing that, it revealed a certain blonde girl from her history class, standing there in her view.

Lory flinched because of it. "Holy—oh my-" sputtering out those words off her tongue in, facing the blonde one, taking small breaths in calming her own nerves from the little fright she just experienced.

"Sorry, love." she apologized for her minor inconvenience. "Didn't mean to scare you after our second meeting—well, our first official meeting."

A light laugh escapes Lory's lips. "Yeah, you think?" she replied, raising her right hand in pointing at the blonde. "Rebekah, right?" recalling from earlier in history class.

"Yes, you are right, love." Rebekah sustained on, "And you, are my new best friend."

Lory took a second to get her mind straight after Rebekah said that. "Hmh, I don't know if I'm going to agree on that yet seeing as you kind of scared me with appearing suddenly by my locker." narrowing her eyes at Rebekah's. "And I'm pretty sure we'd have to know each other beforehand to be best friends."

Rebekah responded, "You've got a fair point right there." crossing her arms at Lorelei. "But I like you... I don't know what it is, but judging by your looks, you give off this nice girl vibe, but luckily for me, I can see through that."

In hearing her trail of thought, she smirked at Rebekah. "Wow, I'm glad at least someone here has common sense. Enough to not judge someone's appearance and assume of their innocence." letting out those words in a sigh.

"Trust me, love. I would know." asking after a moment of silence between them, "Well, I do wish for us to be friends, Lorelei. If you're free later today, would you be up to hang out with me? Just us new girls trying to find our way through Mystic Falls."

Lorelei smiled, sensing Rebekah was actually truthful with her requests. "I would, but I have to meet with my mother at her new job. She's the new family lawyer in town."

Rebekah was certainly impressed by that fact in itself. "It seems like such a delightful job a woman could have," she muttered. "Well, how about we exchange numbers, tomorrow or later on today at the bonfire today?"

Lorelei's brows drew together while gripping her phone from her back pocket, handing it over to Rebekah. "Bonfire?"

She questioned Lory, hearing her bemused tone, "Have you not seen the many posters up around school?" adding herself as a new contact on Lory's phone.

Realization rushed to Lory's mind. "Oh, that." she hummed while watching Rebekah press the numbers on her phone's keyboard. "Yeah, I'm not really into that type of stuff, at least, not anymore. I spend my free time doing stuff like writing, and even walking to different places to get my mind off of life."

Rebekah grew a dispirited look, handing Lory her phone. "Well, if that isn't the most boring way I've ever heard someone use their free time in." earning Rebekah an eye roll from her. "How about you live a little, huh?" she recommended.

"Well for christ's sake what am I doing then? Being a ghost?" Lory fought back.

Of course, Rebekah knew that Lorelei was only being sarcastic with her words but still gawked at the Lorenzo remarkably, her hands folded across her chest.

Defeated, Lorelei groaned under Rebekah's antagonizing gaze. "Fine." she shook out of her system. "I'll ask my mom, and if she even agrees to this, you-" Lory pointed directly at the blonde one more closely. "are so going to be my ultimate drinking buddy. But be warned, I'm not a lightweight."

Rebekah beamed at Lory once more. "What a plot twist you are, Lorelei."

It was all coming together quite smoothly for a new friendship that had just blossomed.

"I know... looks can deceive, right?" Lory said, smirking to herself. "I'll see you later, Bekah." turning away from Rebekah, walking out of her sight.

Okay....maybe this school wasn't that bad.

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───ؘ

THE SCHOOL DAY HAD JUST ENDED, as Lorelei made it to the girl's bathroom door and opened it. To her surprise, no one was in any of the three stalls that they had, nor was washing their hands or hanging out in there.

A breath of relief slipped off her lips. Thank you. She thought to herself.

Of course, the Lorenzo didn't wish to have to take her daily medication in front of others. She always thought that they'd assume her a drug addict, or that she was insane in some way.

Well, the insane part was partially right, but still not the fucking point. Lorelei scoffed at her inner thoughts.

She roughly placed her bag down and brought out two things from the inside; her water bottle that Ary gave her months ago, and her medication all inside one bottle.

As she twisted the bottle cap open, Lorelei examined what was inside of it, gawking at the six pills that laid at rest.

To her, she couldn't truly figure out what it was about taking pills that made Lory dread it the most. The two reason that came up her head was that one; taking it was a hassle for her enough, and two; the fact that Lorelei felt like she counted on those pills to be sane.

Lory hated it, as she hated most things in life. The thought that she'd have to live the rest of her life having to take the same pills or prescription every day to try and survive.

It utterly sucked.

Soon, she did her usual procedure; opening the pill bottle, using the cap to hold the pill she'd take, open the water bottle, grasping the pill cap and raising it by her lips.

There was hesitation to herself then, as there was every time she had to take this damn pill.

"To my sanity," Lory whispered to herself. She tilted the cap to her lips, letting the pill reach to her tongue, swallowing the thing.

Lory placed the cap by the pill bottle before raising her right hand with her water and taking a chug of it in letting the pill drown into her system.

Moments later, she puts everything back into its place in her bag and wrapped the straps over her shoulders. As Lory made her way to the door, she abruptly stopped when someone opened it when she was about to leave.

To her surprise, it was the other blonde girl she remembered seeing in her history class. "I'm so sorry, you can go-" Lory moved aside for her to enter.

"No, no, it's fine I actually have to talk to you." the girl revealed.

To say that Lorelei seemed stunned would be an understatement.

Her expression shifted into bewilderment by the second. "You're uhm—Caroline, right?" she nodded at Lory. "And you need to talk to me because—?" repeating her demands.

"Well, it's mainly because-" as the next words to come out of her mouth, was what made the moment even more priceless. "You need to stop talking to Rebekah."

Lorelei was evidently astonished at the lack of context that came with her words. "Uh." shuddering out a chuckle. "I'm guessing that you know what I'll ask next, considering that I do not know what you have over me and Rebekah talking." leading her to trail down deeper in thought. "Unless you have a crush on her and you think I'm in the way—in which don't worry, Rebekah is a really pretty girl but she's just a new friend of mine, nothing else," she assured. "But good for you, Sunny Honey! I'm pansexual, so don't worry if you feel you're alone in this school with that. Embrace that sexuality of yours," she cheered up the mood.

"No? What?" Caroline sputtered out. "I don't have a freaking crush on Rebekah, nor am I lesbian."

Lorelei added in, "Or one of your friends has a crush on her and you're telling me to stay away from her. In which you should tell that friend that I believe in them, Rebekah seems like such an amazing girl." Lory urged again, "Was I anywhere near right?" a small grin plastered on her face, hoping she was right on the dot with the other assumption.

The blonde one was irritable by Lory's random but logical explanations. "Far from it." she signified, as Lorelei whined, her bright grin winding down to a frown. "You just can't talk to Rebekah, okay? She's dangerous. I don't want anyone like you to get hurt."

Lorelei's eyes squinted in confusion at Caroline for her vague explanation. "Anyone like...me?" her words being stiff in tone.

"I mean, you're new in town, and we don't want you to be get caught in a drama that I know you don't want to be a part of." Caroline attempted in backing up her reasoning.

She stifles out a laugh, "I'm Lorelei Lorenzo." advancing on, "I don't need anyone to exactly tell me who I can and can't be friends with," being true in her tone. "Besides, she seems harmless." her head slanted while eyeing out Caroline. "Maybe you're the one I should think of as dangerous. Considering that you're here telling me to stop talking to a girl I just met."

By that time, she tried and attempted to walk out of the bathroom. Though, to her demise, Caroline stops her, moving in her way.

Lory's eyes sent her an imposing look, the grin she had simmered into a complacent state. "And what, do you think you're doing?" Lory urged, driving deep into her vocal cords in solemnity.

"Doing what's right," Caroline answered as she grabbed Lory and used her vamp-speed to slam her into the wall left of them.

The Lorenzo's eyes widened, senses going haywire by what was happening.

From what she could observe, Caroline's eyes shifted to a bloodshot red color. The veins under them forming in black color. "You don't understand." seeking to inform Lorelei who was too overwhelmed to move, paralyzed in place. "We don't want you to get manipulated or get hurt by Rebekah, you don't deserve this." sensing Lory shake under her grip. "Which is why I have to do this." as Caroline started to compel her, "You will remember nothing of this conversation. You went to the bathroom, did what you did a while ago, and went on about your day. You'll stop trying to be friends with Rebekah and see how much of a bad person she is."

After Caroline had compelled her, she takes her grip off Lory, as the brunette beauty stayed frozen in place, paralyzed with a blank stare at the Forbes.

Oh. laughing in her inner thoughts afterward. I really hope she didn't think that it was that easy to compel or manipulate me? Poor little thing is going to have a lot of disappointment coming her way for this little stunt. And she seemed so nice too....

Moments after some intense silence between them, Caroline watches as Lorelei began to form this malevolent smile on her face. Her thoughts came to a halt in seeing the way Lory's lips curved with such intensity to it, in a way that others would deem to be sadistic.

Perhaps it was the way her lips composed the smile itself. Or the way Lory held tension in her eyes, watching back at the girl in front of her.

Another of Lory's laughs shuddered off her lips. "Sometimes it's days like this I thank my mother for slipping in vervain into my water all the time." drawing a step forward at Caroline. "Trust me when I say this, ma'am. But I can handle myself around supernaturals like you. Especially the boy in our class who I can assume has his humanity switch off, right?"

Lorelei smiled cruelly at Caroline, watching the vampire in front of her now being the one that was shell-shocked.

"I don't need people to worry about me, most especially you, but I appreciate the concern." patting Caroline's left shoulder softly.

She pushed the bathroom door open and strode out of there. A malicious smirk written all over her face while making it out of the building.

If there was anything to note about Lorelei Lorenzo, was that she loved proving people wrong. Most especially when they doubt her ability to do certain things that they thought she couldn't do.

Today merely marked the beginning of the wrath that this town was experiencing of Lorelei Lorenzo. And today only proved that she was right about one thing; they certainly weren't ready for it.

lani's talking!

HOLY FUCK IM FINALLY bringing myself to post the first chapter oh my gosh.

I've written this chapter about like two weeks ago and I've been intensely editing it to be just absolutely perfect and it's just been...toxic.

I'm not the best writer, and I push myself to try and be in my own expectations but I think I just need to learn that it takes time.

And I'm so sure that some day in the future when I'm rereading this book, I'll rewrite it better but until then, hope you guys enjoyed it!

We already got a friendship with Rebekah and a scene with Caroline, which—I also can't wait to write them too bc I'm planning such a cute but frenemy friendship between those two.

op...was that spoilers? idk.

but anyways, anti hero type of things ✨✨

to end my authors note: just thank you all for reading, y'all have no idea how much that means to me. hope you all have a great day. :)


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