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"I'm the man who got you out of jail," the stranger states.
"I'm sorry, do I know you?" Eggsy asks.
"I gave you that medal and I was a friend of your father's." I squeeze Eggsy's hand a second time. Eggsy says nothing.
"Is this your little girlfriend?" The man questions, resulting in two sets of flushed cheeks.
"No!" We shout in sync.
"I'm just joking, I know who you are as well," he grins. Three strong squeezes of Eggsy's hand. This is getting creepy.
"How about we head down to the pub and have a pint?" The man questions.
"I suppose," Eggsy mutters. I nod silently beside him. We walk down to the pub, and order three Guinness'. We sit down and start talking to the gentleman, as he would seem. Soon enough, the bully shows up, followed by the whole gang.
"I thought I told you not to show your stupid little faces around here anymore," he sneers. The man looks up.
"Excuse me gentlemen, but I've had a particularly emotional day, so whatever's beef you hold against Eggsy and Adrienne, I suggest you drop it," he say calmly. The bully laughs.
"You best be getting out of the way, grandad," he scoffs. Our gentleman friend gets up and walks to the doors, which he closes.
"Manners," he states, locking the first latch.
"Maketh," second latch.
"Man." He locks the final latch, not facing us just yet.
"Do you know what that means?" He asks. The gang members shake their heads.
"Well, let me teach you a lesson," our new friend states, using the handle of his umbrella to hook a beer glass, tossing it. It hits the bully squarely in the forehead.
"So are you going to stand there?" The gentleman asks. "Or are we going to fight?" A massive fight breaks out, all of the gang members being brutally beaten by our friend. The bully pulls out a gun and shoots at the gentleman. He crouches down and opens his umbrella, the bullets bouncing off the outside. He turns the handle, and a pellet pops out the front, hitting the bully directly in the forehead, sending him into a backflip. He lands on his stomach and our gentleman friend turns to the bartender.
"I would greatly appreciate it if you could just stay silent about this little thing," he states. The bartender shakes his head. He reaches for the phone, to call the police, but in one swift motion our friend shoots him in the neck with a tiny dart, knocking him out. Eggsy and I, who are side by side, stare with wide eyes and open mouths, squeezing each other's hands. Our friend sits down, finishing his beer.
"Sorry about that, I've been meaning to blow off some steam," he smirks. Neither of us say a word. Eggsy engulfs my tiny little hand in his, sensing my terror. I interlock my fingers with his, squeezing his hand tightly. I take a quick sip of my Guinness, trying to stop myself from staring. Eggsy, however, doesn't even try to look away.
"I don't believe I introduced myself, my name is Harry," he states. I shake myself from my stupor and pry my hand out of Eggsy's and shake Harry's hand.
"I was wondering if you could help me out with something," Harry asks. Eggsy looks at me and shrugs. I nod.
"Okay, sure," Eggsy agrees.
"Good. Come along," Harry states, gesturing for us to follow. We hop into his car, and he drives us off to a tailor's shop, called Kingsman.
"I've never met a tailor," Eggsy states.
"But I know you ain't one," I finish.
"Well done. Now, come with me," Harry states. We walk into a dressing room.
"Look in the mirror. What do you see?"
"I see a boy who wants to know what the hell is going on," Eggsy states.
"I see a girl who desperately needs a nap," I muse.
"Really?" Harry states. "I see potential. I researched you both. You have high IQs, but have chosen the wrong path."
"What is going on?"
"I am offering you the opportunity to become Kingsmen," Harry says.
"You want us-" Eggsy begins.
"To be tailors?" I finish.
"No. I want you to be Kingsman Agents."
"As in spies?" Eggsy inquires.
"Sure. So? What do you think?" Eggsy engulfs my hand in his once again.
"Do we look like we have anything to lose?" He grins. Harry places his hand on the mirror. The place where his hand is turns red, then green. The floor begins to descend.
"You know, for two friends, you sure do a lot of hand holding," Harry muses. Eggsy blushes, but doesn't let go.
"How deep does this thing go?" He asks.
"Deep enough, Eggsy. Deep enough."

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