Chapter 4

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Gian's P.O.V

We are still waiting for the Zoe and David to wake up and it is already 11am

"Is it normal for them too still sleep at this time?" I ask while we are eating a slight snack because we are planning to eat at one of Layla's family's new restaurant

"Yeah does two always wake up late that is why Vilanne Academy always sets afternoon classes not morning classes because of Zoe. David will always be late if Zoe doesn't have a habit of sleeping until 10am" Leah said

"Why are they deciding this for her?" I asked "Because my parents loves Zoe as their own daughter and I love her too, and being the only close family living here we look out for eachother no matter what it is" Lance said,but I'm curious on how can they do this

"How can you and your parents fix everytime slots she have?" I asked

"Well  I am the son of the headmaster/owner of the Vilanne Academy along with other schools around the globe"
He said, and I ask another question

"What is relationship with Zoe and her family?" I asked and they laugh at me from being serious when I asked that "Why are you guys laughing?" I asked "Well we all though that you already know the answer to that question" Layla said "huh? Why do say that?" I asked them "You still don't realise when I introduced myself to you yesterday that it will explain why ties with her?" he asked me

"Well I spaced out because I'm admiring the interior design of the house" I confessed

"Well let me introduce myself again, I am Lucas Lance Campbell, Zoe's cousin" he said smiling at me I was shocked because I don't see any resemblance "So you are also Sue and the twin's cousin?" I asked not remembering that they are cousins from their mother side " Big brother Gian, we are connected by aunt Stela and our mother" the twins said

"Guys, can you come up here!!" we hear Reggie shout... Justin and Sue where the first one to reach the stairs then open Reggie's door seeing that he isn't in the hallway(every room is soundproof but each one of the room have personal phones to connect in each room even the front door,the kitchen basically all the rooms)

When we all reach there Justin ask why was he shouting, but we quickly realise that he isn't in his room
Then we hear a door opening then we saw him calling us inside Zoe's room (he just want to see if sleeping and wake her up)
Seeing that he is inside Zoe's room, Lance asked him what he was doing in her room angrily but quietly to not wake Zoe up, I'm with Zoe and Lance on how sweet they act and how close they are, they'recousins but me Layla aren't that close. Who am I to judge their relationship. 

"Well I was trying to see if she is already awake" he said
"Reggie you know Zoe she won't be up now maybe later and don't barge in her room you know it's rude" Justin scold him quietly, I glared at him aswell as the others

"Well why did you call for us? We know you didn't call us for nothing" Charlotte said

"Well I saw a piece of Zoe's wall open like it is a window, I want to check it out with you" he confessed quietly seeing that he was right we went closer to the open wall,then saw that the wall has a machine build into it

"What is that?" Warren asked then we heared a voice from behind us then we saw Zoe awake
"That guys is a generated machine that my parents got for the house,we can get any food from that" she explained "For the whole house then why is only your room?" Lawrence asked "Every room except the bathrooms has one" She answered back "Why haven't we ever saw any of this machines in the house? Is it just build" Sam asked " We had it since I was 12, it is an unavailable product only us have access to it and you guys also have it in your rooms you just haven't found it yet I was waiting for you guys to find it even our cars have it but Xyle already knew about it but the cars only he doesn't know about the rooms" she answered truthfully "Why are you guys even have private chefs if you already an advance technology in your possession?"I asked "So that others wont know that we have an advance mechanism of food maker  but we trust you guys and to not put other food business in to an end and we don't have any chefs they were given a different job since we got this the butlers would just type what we said then they serve them and the ones in the rooms are for midnight snacks or if we are too lazy to go down" she said shocking us and telling us how it function

"Zoe can do you want to join us to go to one of our newly opened restaurant?" Layla asked

"No thank you and knowing Xyle he won't be awake for another hour,you guys just go and I will just got up with you on the jet" she said while we are going out of her room

Lawrence's P.O.V

We went into groups for each limos then we went to eat in Layla's another family food chain, it is a Italian restaurant, we ordered all of the dishes, it was all delicious...... Then after we ate we went straight to the airport

After an hour of waiting for the two to arrive at the airport they finally arrived

"Hey guys lets go to The City Of Love!!" Zoe shouted entering her giant jet plane it was a product of Zoe's company but it is in a normal airport parking, she has 3 under her name  of this while my family just have 3 that is just a normal made plane

Then all of us got on our sits then the the pilot said that we are about to fly to our next destination after 12 minutes in the air the captain told us that it is already ok to walk around the plane, so I got up then went to one of the bedrooms that we already have basically this is a gift from her parents as the gang's private plane so everybody have a bedroom and a lot of extra bedrooms, they even put a mini Zoo here and an arcade a food center and etc....... They give it to Zoe in any way she likes so she decided that this is the gang's private plane if we are travelling together

I saw that my room change since last year it is more my style and modernize and my mini bag is here
So I took the remote for the tv in the room to watch Netflix...... Then I saw a gift in the mini table and open it seeing that there is a card saying that it was from Aunty Stela and Uncle Airry(Zoe's parents), thanking me for going with Zoe for the chess competition in Ireland last week, we competed against other people as the competition is divided to girls and boys divisions, we both won

Opening I see the thing I've wanted since I know of it a golden chess set, Uncle Airry has the same set and Zoe has a pure diamond set

I turn of the tv then gone back to the sitting room to find Zoe napping. I bet she forgot that she has a princess size room here in the plane and the others surely went either to the gaming room or the food court, and Lance is in his room before I went to my room...... I slightly shake her awake "Zoe wake up please I want to play chess" I said almost pleading "Oh, so you already opened your gift,dad was right you like the gift" she said getting up from her sit then we went to the board room to play chess silently, I won because even if she has a strong defence mechanism she didn't attack that much but she is awesome in competitions

"Lawrence wait don't tidy up yet I want to show you this,nobody outside my platonic family knows this but because they gave you that kind of chess board you might as well know, see this" she said pointing to whole set "Everyone of this pieces has voice command and has different qualities of magic" she says amazing me Zoe never lies about this kind of things she just have a lot of secret and we never ask. "Try the queen say any element and pick a valid place to put it" she says excitedly then I done it with other pieces it is amazing it beats Harry Potter's magical chess boards... Then I tidy the board then we left I went to my room then she when to hers which is infront of mine. She told me that the food machine is build in each room even the food court that is why robot serves in there and because it is already dinner time all of us decided to go seperate on dinner Zoe and I just got food from our rooms the others went to the dessert room, to eat dessert, I got a plain lava cheese pizza with stuffed crust and then went to sleep

Kyle's P.O.V

The intercom said we have an hour before we land. We all got ready even Zoe and Xyle are getting ready we all went to have showers in each of us own a private bathroom here...... After all of us finish we decided to eat breakfast that is serve by the flight-attendants a French breakfast I hope to buy another to souviner for my room and for my dad a snow globe with the Eiffle tower in it. He collects the every country, after half an hour of waitimg we landed then we went straight to the hotel


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