Chapter 24

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"Great. Now where do we go?" Ahan asked sarcastically, then continued his sentence before Arth could send him that familiar, cold glare.

Which he often got, especially when he was being loud and annoying just to tick him off. What can he say? He loves pushing his brothers buttons, mostly because he thought of him to be too uptight.

The dude barely smiled. "Oh right, I forgot. No one thought this part through. Weʼre just flat out in the middle of nowhere and itʼs almost nightfall."

Arth pinched the bridge of his nose and snarled in warning. "Ahan.."

Ahan, being the most competitive person of the group, walked right up to his brother. Not afraid to challenge him, let alone push more of his buttons.

"What?! Did you think mom and dad would just leave a trail of breadcrumbs for us? Letʼs be realistic, Arth ."

Riddhana stayed silent and stuck near siddarth and Aadhya , who knew it was best not to intervene.

The trio just stood beside the halted stagecoach, watching the two bicker as if it were a scene right out of a movie. Except for the fact that thereʼd probably be blood and gore soon and that was definitely not appealing nor entertaining to watch.

They would stop the two if they could, but they already experienced the outcome of trying. And it wasnʼt a good one.

Arth raised his head, his eyes dark with irritation, "Can you quit for just a second? Iʼm trying to think of where to go. Itʼs better than returning home, this trip wouldʼve been pointless. If you want out, be my guest."

A low growl dragged its way out of his throat and echoed around the silent woods surrounding them. They were lost and as much as he hated to admit it, his brother was right. It was dangerous being out at night, vulnerable to any predators in the area.

Monsters of all sorts just dying to give into their blood lust. But there was no way he was going back, not until he found his parents again. Plus, theyʼd most likely face bigger consequences if they were to return home.

Two words; Punishing grounds.

Before Ahan could snarl back in return, Arth started to glance wildly around, then ordering everyone to be quiet. "Shhh." He whispered and everyone went silent, looking around as well to see what it was.

There was something drawing closer, the faint sound of a heartbeat drummed in his ears, and with every passing second, the sound grew louder and louder.

Fear quickly drenched the cool, evening air. The weird part was that the scent wasnʼt coming from any of them.

The scent instead was an unfamiliar, yet human one. Someone was coming.

Within a moment, hooves hit the ground roughly and the panting of a horse could be heard clearly. Soon enough a brown mare appeared, itʼs body trembling with exhaustion, and blood dripped off its flank, oozing out of a large slash wound. It looked like a giant claw mark.

That wasnʼt a good sign.

But maybe they could help the rider and gain help in return as well.

"Hey!" Ahan shouted out, calling to the stranger, who only raced past them. Both him and Arth shifted almost in sync, growing frustrated by the actions of the figure. They needed all the help they could get, even if they had to force the stranger to oblige.

They decided already that they would catch him through their mindlink. The humongous male wolves raced side by side, giving chase. Their claws sinking into the dirt with each step until their paws were barely touching the ground, soon they became just blurs passing by. Their speed enhanced due to their animalistic instincts.

Oh how they loved a good chase, or at least loved the immense thrill that would ripple through them when chasing down any form of prey.

The boy tried desperately to hurry the horse he was riding, but did not succeed. So he whipped to the left to try and throw them off and buy himself a bit more time.

He didnʼt know however that Ahan and Arth were clever, taught from young the ways of the direwolf, how to fight, to hunt and catch prey quickly and efficiently, how to speak to each other through certain gestures and/or through mindlink, etc.

Their animalistic natures were stronger, yet they had a vulnerable human side. Thanks to their mother, who was turned into a direwolf, but still carried traces of human in her DNA.

They all did, but unlike their father who was a pure blood, they were able to empathize just a bit more. Acting more human, than wolf on some occasions. Soon they would come of age and have to choose whether to completely accept themselves as direwolves and live like one, or vice versa live as humans.

As well as leave to find their mates, or stay with their family/pack.
Despite this, both of the young males raced after the mare, still hot on the riders trail.

Growls sounded from them, Arth cast a glance towards Ahan, who nodded curtly in return. Within a second, Arth leapt and tackled the rider off his horse, while Ahan jumped in front of the horse, stopping it, before shifting back into human form.

The large wolf bared his fangs and glowered down at the human boy, pinning him down roughly. The boy let out a surprised shout and tried to get the wolf off, before his eyes widened and stared into the wolfʼs blue eyes.

"Omkara ?.." The name fell loose from his lips, making Arth's ears perk up. He let go of the boy and morphed back into human form, not letting a second slip by, then gripped the boy by his collar, pulling him back onto his feet.

"Y-Youʼre not Omkara . Please..I..I made a mistake. Please donʼt kill me. I remember-...He was much larger, with black fur. You just look so much like him.." The boy blurted out, his heart beating faster and faster in his chest.
His eyes were still wide as he stared at Arth.

"You!" Another voice shouted, making the boy jump. A very angry, naked male approached him. "..You know our father?"
Ahan glared at the weak human, almost scoffing at how terrified he looked. But nonetheless the boy nodded his head all too quickly, to the point they both thought his neck would snap off.

"Take us to him. Now!" It was Arth turn to shout, both males growing rather impatient, yet their wolves jumped for joy. They were in luck. Just a step away now from finding there parents again.

"I-I would..if I could. But if I return...Iʼm as good as dead. T-They killed my family....Theyʼll kill me too. Please, donʼt make me go back there." Avinash voice started to tremble with fear, tears building up in his eyes. He tried to swallow the knot forming in his throat, but failed and pushed Arth roughly away from him.

Now turning his back to them, so they wouldnʼt see him cry.

Ahan folded his arms across his chest and began to roll his eyes at the poor excuse of a human. "...Look man. You help us and weʼll help you."

"If you take us to our father, I will make sure to keep you alive. We all will. But weʼre in a bit of a hurry, you can agree or weʼll just force it out of you. Youʼll come to know..that I can be very good at that." Arth snarled out lowly, his temper and impatience arising, just like his father.

Avinash turned around to face the two males and slowly nodded. "Fine. We have a deal. Iʼll take you to Omkara . But youʼve gotta promise to hold up your end of the bargain."

"Deal. Now letʼs hop to it, shall we? Or we can just stand around, dicks hanging out, taking up all the time in the world and freeze our asses off. Your choice." Ahan growled out and headed back towards the
stagecoach with his hands covering his manhood.

When he arrived, Riddana and Aadhya were quick to laugh, because he did have to admit he probably looked ridiculous. "Ha ha ha. So funny. Now can you pass me some clothes?" He snarled in annoyance, giving the girls a glare.

"Sure thing, bro." Blank-face all of a sudden said, tossing him a hoodie and some jeans, a sheepish grin also present on his face. "Had fun?"Ahan caught the clothes and ignored him as he walked behind a nearby pine tree to change.

Then hopped up onto the bench of the stagecoach that Blank-face was sitting on. "Unless you want to sit in the stage with those lunatics, I suggest you lose the grin." He simply stated, the 'lunaticsʼ he was referring to was Riddana and Aadhya , who had climbed back into the coach after giggling harder and louder than a group of frenzied hyenas.

"What a ray of sunshine right? Thatʼll be my brother Ahan. Iʼm Arth and in the coach is my sister Aadhya , and our cousin Riddana. You can rest easy for now, but Iʼll need you to lead us. Weʼll be right behind you. Got it?"Arth raised a brow at the boy, then gave him a satisfied smile when Avinash nodded. "Good. Lead the way."

"S-Sure." Muttered Avinash who was shaking with anxiety just by the thought of returning to that hell hole, the place he dreaded and just escaped. But either way, he thought heʼd most likely die. With his head hung low, he accepted his fate and mounted his horse before going back the way he came. The stage coach followed in hot pursuit as soon as Arth had gotten seated.

"Hope he doesnʼt trick us." Ahan replied.
"Well if he does, you have the permission to rip him apart." Arth mumbled, unsure of their situation as well. But he couldnʼt pass up this opportunity, theyʼve come this far. No way was he returning without his beloved parents.


The young queen darted through the woods, trying to track the humans scent, only getting a small whiff at a time. With one large inhale, a faint smell filled her nostrils, it was most definitely Avinash's.

Within a second, she drew her head back and let out a soft howl, alerting Omkara that sheʼd caught his scent and quickly followed it on her own. Adrenaline surged through her small form, urging her to find the boy and fast.

There were all sorts of dangers out there, and he was all alone in the dense woods, with his heart breaking to pieces. He was likely to be mourning the loss of his family members as she smelt a tiny bit of salt mixing with his odor.

He was terrified, but she couldnʼt blame him. Avinash was merely a human, though she questioned who he really was when he had spoken in latin tongues to open up a mysterious portal. There was more to him than he let on.

Omkara's loud howl reached her ears, and not even a moment later she felt his fur brush up against hers. He was indeed fast, yet he slowed to keep pace with her, racing beside her, his black fur brushing against hers every now and then.

Each touch sent a wave of comfort washing over her, reminding her time and time again that he would forever be at her side.
And after the scene she had witnessed, he wasnʼt going to let her search for the farm boy on her own.

The pair continued their search, until the scent was strong enough, but paused when more scents joined it. All of which was way too familiar.

A loud, surprised whine left Gauri , excitement bursting through her. Her wolf giddy as she practically couldnʼt stay still, she licked her mates cheek a few times, shock evident in his eyes.

Before a sudden roar tumbled out of his throat, he sensed danger. This frightenened the smaller female whose happiness quickly faded and morphed into worry.

Her children were in danger, motherly instincts kicking into overdrive, she shot forward, without even a second thought. She wouldnʼt let anyone harm her children, even though she knew they were older by now and could take care of themselves.

Gauri still felt the strong desire to protect them, they were the parts of her and River that she cherished the most. They were their beautiful and precious offspring, no matter how old, they were still their pups.

The enormous male wolf followed his mate, growing more worried and agitated as the smell of Sabers reached his nose.

He grunted in disgust and pushed forward, claws unsheathed, fangs bared. The taste of blood soon would be on his tongue, the thought made his mouth water. There was a tension in the air, that told him heʼd kill someone today.

When his children were in danger, the person harming them would pay with their lives. And he was more than willing to give into the lust for blood, the very thing his wolf craved for for so long.

The threat wouldnʼt be fully gone, until he made sure it no longer moved or breathed. Till itʼs body went limp and emitted the nauseating smell of death.

Gauri didnʼt waste any time and entered the clearing, slamming into one of the large cats, her sharp canines ripping at its back and trying to snap at its throat. A dark look clouding her eyes, showing that she had no interest in sympathizing. She was there to fight and kill if needed be.

She would protect those she held dear. Her children needed her, and that was all that mattered to her in that moment.

Two young wolves, aka Ahan and Aadhya , had stood crouched in front of the stagecoach, protecting Siddarth and Riddana.

Arth on the other hand had already started to attack a Saber on his own to protect Avinash who had been thrown off his horse, but not badly injured.

He snapped his jaws down on the catʼs tail, yanking on it as he then leapt onto its back, tackling it down. Golden fur began to mix with black as the two clashed, both letting out ferocious growls in the process.

Blood and fur soon shed. Arth went for the cats throat, only to be stopped when the cat caught on cleverly and whirled around, shoving him off balance, then pinning him beneath its giant paws.

He tried to think as he struggled beneath the weight of the large feline. It only sunk its claws deeper into his sides, causing him to yelp out. That sound of pain quickly was covered by an earth-shaking roar, the sound piercing his and his attackers ears.

The cat let out a sudden yowl as it was knocked down, taken right off of him. Arth quickly scrambled to his feet and let
his blue eyes glance around wildly, then grew shocked as it settled on the enormous black wolf that had come to his rescue.

It was him.

His father.

He stood there, frozen, his eyes glued to his father, he didnʼt know how to react or what to say. Itʼs been so long. He shook his head when Ahan's growl reached his ear and he instinctively rushed to attack the Saber again, this time fighting alongside his father.

They tore at its flank and back, canines covered in flesh and blood as they continued to relentlessly injure the large cat. With pain in its eyes, it slunk away after shoving the two off, right in the moment that Gauri had let out a cry of surprise.

This caused their grip to loosen, and the cat took its chance to escape. She had lost her focus when she had seen her son join Omkara , her heart swelling and aching at the same time.

The scene distracted her and that gave her opponent enough time to land a fatal blow. The ferocious cat, opened its jaws wide and grew awfully close to snapping her neck in two, but another blur entered her vision, snapping her attention back to her attacker.

She was surprised again to see a mixture of tan and grey mingle with golden fur, her other son had rushed to her aide. Remembering that itʼd be more appropriate to celebrate later, she attacked the cat again, her claws sinking once again into its back, this time she dragged her claws down, leaving her claw marks engraved in its skin.

Blood rushed into her senses as she then bit down on its hind leg and yanked it back and forth, intending to snap it, but she hadnʼt applied enough force. So the cat instead whipped around, itʼs eyes ablaze with anger and pain, before it snapped its jaws at Ahan, threatening to crush his bones since he was moreso in its reach.

Fear gave her an extra burst of adrenaline and she quickly tackled it away from him, the two tumbled off to the side and further into the dense woods,jaws snapping at each other. Gauri growled loudly, sinking her fangs into the Sabers shoulder blade, applying more pressure now.

So much pressure that she started to hear the cats bones shatter and crunch, the feeling weird beneath her teeth. But a sense of satisfaction spread through her. It yowled in agony and tried to throw her off, but failed as she clung onto it and brutally chomped away at its shoulder, causing it to stumble off balance.

No longer able to stand upright, the Saber decided to take her down with it and reached for her leg, yanking her forward. The two crashed down, rolling in a heap, until they hit a tree and finally separated. Both panting, but thankfully she wasnʼt as injured as the cat was.

"Mom!" Ahan's voice reached her ears, panic in his tone. The female wolf tried to get onto her feet when the Saber landed a sudden blow to her injured foreleg again, then clamped its jaws down onto it, snapping her bone, returning the damage she had done to it previously.

They were even now as a loud shrill whine left her, it hurt like hell. She shrunk back, raking her hind paws against its face, trying to get it to release her leg, but it stubbornly held on.

Another loud yelp echoed as she felt its canines hit pieces of her bone again, piercing through her flesh. She struggled, continuously scraping her claws against its face, till eventually it let go. And by the time that it did, not one blur, but three entered her vision and surrounded the wounded cat.

The young queen slowly raised her head and tried to stand, though grew anxious when she spotted her limp foreleg, it was simply dangling, her bone split in two sections, both pieces potruding out of her flesh.

Oh god, she was going to be sick. Sheʼs seen worse, but not up close. She would need to put the two pieces back together. But with every movement, the burning sensations intensified. With small whimpers of pain, she laid back down, not wanting the bones to pop out completely.

After a few moments of laying there, she heard the sounds of growls and hisses die down, the pungent smell of death filling the air.

The males howled in victory, but just as swiftly returned to her side. Her sons whimpered in unison with her mate, all three nuzzling and comforting her. They would be officially reunited as soon as she got fixed up, she would make sure of it. But despite the pain, she wanted the moment to last forever, itʼd been so long since she had seen her children.

All three had turned out lovely and had grown so fast. She almost hated herself entirely for leaving them behind, but it was for their safety. They wouldʼve been severely injured or even dead if she allowed them to come. Just like now, they couldʼve been badly wounded if she and Omkara hadnʼt come to rescue them. She didnʼt mind her broken leg at all for the time being, her focus was completely on her children, that is until Omkara shifted back to human form and lifted her gently off the ground.

Still pain seared through her, causing her to wince and clench her teeth together to stifle a cry. She shrank back into human form, her long golden brown hair covering her breasts and most of her body was then covered by her mate.

"Iʼm okay, Om. Just need my arm to be snapped back into place, thatʼs all. Iʼm ecstatic if anything..." She murmured with a soft smile, which was enough to make his heart flutter.

He gave her a small nod, "Letʼs get you back to the kingdom." His head then turned, so he could get a glance at his two sons.

"You both did well. Iʼm proud. Weʼll talk about you all coming without permission later. For now follow me." He spoke, his voice calm and surprisingly gentle as he then head back to the castle.

His wolf felt like howling and puffing itʼs chest out just to show the world how proud he was of his two sons. They would both one day, make great alphas. He was sure of it.

This thought pleased him, but it quickly faded away when he felt his mate tense up. Her body had broken out into a cold sweat as she laid in his arms, curled up against his chest, though she protected her injured arm with her other hand, she didnʼt dare to touch it.

Not wanting to make the group of teens uncomfortable, he was able to retrieve extra clothes from a bag he left nearby, in case of emergencies and instantly dressed himself and gently helped his mate into a silk
dress before getting into the stage coach, and sitting beside his daughter and niece, while across from them was a worried Siddarth . "Sir. Is she gonna be alright?"

Omkara could only give him a small nod and relaxed when Aadhya clutched onto his arm, sobbing while holding her mothers hand.

"Dad...I knew you were both alive..Please donʼt leave again." Was all the young girl could say between sobs, her words breaking his heart. "Never." He murmured, "Your mother and I will explain everything as soon as we get to safety.." Gauri however was barely able to form anymore words as she writhed in his grasp on their way back to the castle.

Arth steered the way as his father gave him the directions through their mindlink, while Ahan held the farm boy upright. "Easy fella." He would mumble every so often when Avinash would slump over or almost fall off the stagecoach, he could barely keep his eyes open.

The Sabers had practically put him in shock, heck the boy seemed to always be scared to death.

Arth made sure to keep the horses on track as they charged back to the castle. His heart beated with joy and he was more than excited to be fully reunited with his long lost parents.

Siddarth,Riddana , and Aadhya on the other hand were anxiously sitting there, watching Gauri and Omkara with wide eyes.

"Hold on, Jaan . This will hurt like shit..But itʼs the only way to get it to heal." Omkara said, but Gauri just cursed out and snarled.

"I know, just do it quickly. Please.."
She didnʼt have to tell him twice, he gently grasped her broken arm and set both parts instantly back into place, the bones thankfully sank back in her skin.

"Shit!" She shouted, arching her back as pain coursed through her. Tears brimming her lashes and she stayed tensed up for awhile, only when they had made it to the castle did she relax again.

Her breaths heavy, "..Almost good as new.."
"You were hot and heroic today, my little chirraya." Omkara tried to raise her spirits, a small smirk present on his face.

"Really?" She raised a brow and glanced up at him, her cheeks starting to warm. He tucked her hair behind her ear and nodded, leaning down to give her a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Mm. Yes, damn hot." He whispered, enjoying the sight of her cheeks turning pink from his comment. "Now, I believe you owe me something later."

"What?" Her face instantly expressed confusion, before a knowing look spread across her soft features.

A sexy smile soon appearing, which took his breath away and ignited a spark that was then sent straight down to his manhood.

"Indeed I do." She murmured, her voice giving off a bit of shyness, yet the words dripped off of her tongue like honey.

He growled slightly and lifted her out of the stagecoach when it finally halted in front of the castle, then made his way up the steps. But before they could disappear behind closed doors, Gauri stopped him with a small snarl.

"Shouldnʼt we speak with our children first?"

"Mm. I suppose we can." He growled out, though slightly impatient, he knew they needed to talk with their children first.

He gently lowered her to her feet, then motioned his children to come in and follow him into the living room. "Arth, Ahan and Aadhya . I know you all must be wondering about many things. But Iʼll cut to the point, your mother and I left without you all to keep you safe.

Those Sabers wouldʼve torn you all to shreds if we hadnʼt picked up on Avinash'sscent. Iʼm ashamed that you all so carelessly sought out after us, but also am surprised by your actions." He began to say, leaning back against a nearby wall, his muscular arms folded across his broad chest, while Gauri nodded from beside him and gave him a glance before continuing.

"As much as I missed you all, I was so terrified. I don't want to lose any of you, ever. I hope you can understand why we left you all behind. I'm really sorry for that. I understand how hurt and confused you must of been...But it was for your safety. You all mean so
much to me and your father. We couldn't put any of you in danger. Now, besides you coming here despite the high risks, I am so glad you all are alive and are here now." Her voice trembled slightly as she smiled even though tears began to spill from her eyes.

Her children began to sob with her, their eyes also beginning to water as they gathered around their parents and held them close. It became one giant group hug. Or let's say..Cry fest.

After hugging and crying for almost twenty minutes, they finally withdrew and laughter erupted from each of them as they wiped their tears.

Happy to be reunited once again.

"You all must be exhausted, pick any room and settle in for now. If you're hungry or need anything, Lia will be at your service." Gauri smiled and as if on cue, Lia bowed her head and nodded. "Please let me know if
you need anything else, for now follow me. I will show you to the vacant rooms. Choose any."

"We'll talk again tomorrow when everyone's well rested, and do not go off galavanting outside of the castle. As I said before, it 's dangerous here." Omkara warned the trio with a glare that told them he wasn't playing around and there'd be hell to pay if they disobeyed. "Yes, sir."

Ahan smirked, saluting his father, while Arth only nodded his head. Aay on the other hand was already trailing off with Riddana and Siddarth .

Omkara gave a low growl, but sent an order to Arth through their mind link. 'Keep an eye on them for me.' When his son gave him a reassuring look, Omkara led Gauri to the doctor, wanting her arm to get looked at first.

As well as make sure Avinash was okay.

Despite their protests, he made them get a check up and the doctor gave them both a thumbs up, clearing them.

She was pretty much healed up by now, her enhanced abilities allowing her bone to already meld back together and strengthen.

As a direwolf, you healed much much faster than most werewolves, that was one trait she was more than thankful for. She was also thankful for everyone being safe and sound now.

Especially Avinash, who had no major injuries and stuck close to Arth and other kids, intimidated by every little thing. But she understood.

Since he had been through so much, she wouldn't let anyone harm him. She made sure Omkara would tell King Abhay that for her.

Now it was her turn to give him what she had promised.

Retreating back to her bedroom when Omkara got preoccupied with speaking with Abhay, Gauri took a fast shower, scrubbing herself clean and shaved, before she turned off the shower and stepped out of the tub.

She smelled of her favorite soap, which was a mild vanilla scented body wash. Which she knew Omkara loved too. Smiling to herself, she left her damp hair down in a touseled mess and then exited her bathroom.

She had to be quick, so she instantly walked barefoot back into their bedroom and pulled on nothing but a silk bath robe and a pair of red stilettos, all of which would most definitely catch his eye.

That was what she intended to do anyways, she felt primal as she wished to lure in her man.

Her wolf wanted to come out and play, wanting to toy with him, coax him, love him, make love with him, but she tried to gain control of herself and sat down on a chair on their rooms balcony.

She outstretched her legs, crossing them at the ankles as she leaned back in her chair and fiddled with her robe, waiting for her mate to arrive.

'Om.' She called his name softly in their private link, hoping he would respond, though she grew more and more nervous with every passing minute.

She hadn't done this before and wasn't the type to, but she knew what he wanted and just wanted to add a little fun first.

Omkara heard his mate call his name and wondered where she had gone to. Probably their bedroom.

He couldn't blame her, it was a long day. Letting out a small snarl, he went upstairs to check on her.

For some reason, his wolf was on edge, perking up with interest. So he curiously headed towards their bedroom, turned the knob, and stepped inside.

"Close the door and lock it." A feminine voice spoke from a distance away, there was no mistake that it was his woman.

Her order made him growl, but he nudged the door closed with his foot and locked it before making his way towards their open balcony. "Gauri . What's going on?"

There was a small silence before she gave him a response that made his wolf go practically insane and caused him to instantly become rock hard at the same time.

"..Why don't you come and find out for yourself, your highness ?."


They had gotten back in bed to retire for the night.

She laid her head on his chest, listening to his heart beat, while he played with her hair.

Though both of their eyes were closed in pure bliss, they still spoke in hushed whispers. Telling each other sweet things and went over a few plans.

"..Maybe we should go home, Om.."

"But we made a promise. One weʼll have to keep." "I know..But our children...-"

"Theyʼll be alright, Jaan . Iʼll never let anyone hurt them. Nor would you. I wonʼt let them get involved with the war. Iʼve already made some arrangements.."


"Look..Iʼve got to tell you something."

"What is it? Oh, god. I know that look..." The young woman said, worry in her expression. As her eyes blinked open to glance at her man.

"Gauri ..." He began to say, his eyes opening to meet her gaze as well. But soon she cut him off.

"Just tell me."

"Asha is one of us now.."

"How? How is that possible?!"

"..Calm down.."

"No, tell me. Is she alright? What happened?!"

"Sheʼs fine. Good almost. Sheʼs adjusting just a bit still, but Iʼve been keeping in contact with my mother and father. Theyʼve been testing some theories...Asha and Rithvik agreed to test it out..And turns out the theory was a success so far. As long as a human loves their Direwolf mate and has a strong spirit, they are able to survive the bite of their mate. And therefore be turned into our kind. You were the first succes, then Asha. Now they want to test it on Ishani and Mrunaal ..But only if they are willing. Iʼve already arranged for them to come here, Avinash will lead us in the morning to retrieve them from the other side of the portal. We canʼt fight this war alone...I canʼt risk it."

Gauri squeezed her eyes shut and then relaxed and let out a sigh, hearing him. She knew he was right, but so much had happened and it was a lot to take in.

After a pause, she finally responded. "I understand.."

Omkara looked at his mate in the darkness of their bedroom and kissed her forehead gently. "Hey..Itʼs okay. Itʼs okay. Letʼs just figure it out tomorrow, sleep for now.."

"Alright." Gauri whispered and buried her face further against his chest, leaning into him. Before she drifted off to sleep, exhausted and not wanting to stress over everything until tomorrow.

They had a long day ahead of them.

*** Earlier....

"Yeah, I hear you. Weʼll meet you there in the woods tomorrow." Ranveer replied, then hung up the phone. His family watching him with confusion and curiousity.

"Was that Omkara ?" His mother asked, sorry and relief clear in the older womanʼs tone.

"Yeah. They found the kids. Or more like the kids found them. Anyways.." He began and ran his hand over his face before crossing his arms.

"He needs our help. Theyʼve got a war about to begin with our biggest rivals.."

"I thought they went extinct..!" Arijit exclaimed, now standing up, disbelief written across his features.

"So did I, but theyʼre still up and running according to Omkara ."

"Alright, we leave tonight." Tej stated, clasping his hands around Jhanvi's to reassure her.

"But what about Mrunaal and Ishani? Theyʼre still unconcscious...We canʼt just leave them." Arijit pointed out, concerned.

"Thatʼs why weʼll have to take them with us. Awake or not. Our brother is in trouble, so is my daughter and our niece and nephews." Ranveer growled out, not able to ground himself this time.

"Look, itʼs final. We go to the South tonight, meet them tomorrow. Mother will take care of our mates along the way. We donʼt have time..."

"Letʼs get on with it then, no more time for pep talk." Rithvik snarls and exits the living room to find his mate and get things packed up for their journey.

He was able to follow her scent and found her sitting beside the twin cells in the dungeon beneath the palace.

There laid two woman, curled up and stiff, covered head to toe in sweat. They were passed out in the cells as his mate sat silently, watching them for any sign of movement. "Asha."

At the sound of her name, she turned around to face him and wiped her eyes on her sleeves, "Yeah?"

"Weʼve gotta leave soon. Weʼll be taking them with us in case they wake up. Omkara and Gauri need our help.." He responded, walking over to her and then gently helped her back onto her feet.

"I know. Do you think theyʼll make it?" She sniffled out, and clenched her fists at her sides to keep her from lashing out at her mate.

She was stressed about the situation and was concerned for her friends who grew to be like sisters to her.

"Iʼm sure of it. Theyʼll be alright, Asha." He muttered, hugging her close. She relaxed and gave him a curt nod before moving away from him to go back upstairs to get their stuff ready.

"I hope so."

Once everything was packed up and they were all settled in the stagecoaches, they didnʼt waste any time and set off for the South.

Hoping everything would go smoothly and no problems would occur.

Though that was unlikely....

(I will post the chapter again with very very mature content)

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