Chapter 27

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"What the hell?" The soft voice said, confusion obvious in her tone. Her eyes stared at the young woman who had just sidled up and clung to her man in an all too confident way.

Possessiveness rippled through Gauri as she glared daggers into the strange girl, a loud growl tearing its way from her throat, her wolf seething at the sight of another female touching her man.

She was quick to take action, ready to kill the slim woman, but was stopped by Omkara .

The girl blinked at Gauri  with a frightened look upon her face and swiftly hid behind him, seeking his protection from the angry woman that was approaching them.

Gauri  snarled, not able to utter any words, her temper coming to a boiling point.

So she instead met her man's gaze full force, defiantly lifting her chin and folding her arms across her chest.

Her eyes speaking wonders, as if flames were threatening to reach out and burn everything in sight, her withering look saying, 'Omkara! You better explain yourself and fast.ʼ

Omkara kept his gaze on hers, hating that she was mad enough to challenge him.

Her defiance making him growl animalistically, the guttural sound was meant to intimidate as it was loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Jaan , calm down first."

"I will not! Not until you explain who she is!" Another loud growl escaped her, showing that she was not afraid of him and wouldnʼt drop it.

Her gaze shifted to glare holes into the girl again when she let out a fearful squeal.

Abhay chuckled on the side, barely able to catch his breath. . "Queen Gauri ...She is only but one of my spies. A fairy of some sort. Very friendly and playful, sheʼs practically harmless."

Gauri  was having none of it and ignored the man, her gaze still preying on the young fairy, until her man unleashed his alpha.

His presence became suddenly overwhelming and suffocating, his entire body rigid as he emanated large jolts of power.

Enough to make his she-wolf back down.

She finally stepped away, lowering her head, her eyes trained on the ground. But she made no effort to stay and exited the room, not bothering to argue with her frustrating man.

Her fists were clenched at her sides as she ignored his roar.

He demanded that she return to the room immediately.

This time she disobeyed and left to cool off, her heart beating wildly out of control.

Leaving the palace, she jogged off into the woods, not hesitating to shift.

Her body stiffened as bones broke, helping her morph into her natural form.

After freeing her angry wolf, she felt a bit better and took a run.

Her body pumping with adrenaline, while her wolf drived her to the brink of exhaustion.

She hadnʼt stopped running.

After all, that was all she felt like she could do.
Was run and run.

From everything.

Till she knew she was ready to take on everything full force.

Panting, she pushed herself harder and harder, willing to overexert herself just to rid of all the pain and anger festering up inside of her.

Her heart hurt.

Her Everything was hurt.

Growling, she irrationally broke the mindlink between herself and Omkara , tired of hearing his constant commands as he wanted her to return, almost even begged her to.

Gauri  was exhausted by the time she had gotten exceptionally far away from the palace.

Her mind and heart still aching and throbbing uncontrollably, she wanted to cry.

Gauri cried out, letting her sorrow out into her long feminine howl, not knowing that itʼd attract unwelcome visitors.

She felt like a child for running off, instead of facing her problems.

Again, her wolf sent her spiraling into an irrational state of mind, making her drift away from her normally calm self.

She needed to calm down and regain her bearings. That seemed somewhat possible before a streak of golden and brown caught her eye.

Inhaling, the smell of a saber filled her nose, and it was most likely the leader.

Its presence making its powerful position unmistakable.

"Show yourself." Gauri spoke firmly, not afraid of the creature that stalked her.

Soon it came into view, appearing to not be at all afraid of her either. "Well Brave one, arenʼt you?" The large animal snarled in amusement, but itʼs steely hazel eyes exposed itʼs true nature.

It was a killer that liked to play with itʼs victims. Liked to manipulate and torture those not of itʼs kind, just to receive possession of land and an unnecessary increase of power.

The enormous animal  circled her, its gaze dark and hooded.

"So, youʼre the alpha female of those mutts? Mind telling me what brings you into my territory? If your excuse is entertaining enough, I will spare your life." The male spoke, his voice rumbling out of his chest.

Gauri  kept her gaze on him and sat, feeling somewhat threatened when he mentioned her family.

Her body tensing. "Congratulations for being right about me. And those scent markers of yours were ridiculously faint, looks like you were too busy destroying my kingdom to re-mark the area. Thatʼs just an observation at least, since your land seemed absent of any animal  scent, that is until you arrived. Look, I have no children, only my husband. As you probably already know.." She trailed off, lying through her teeth so that he would never find out about her offspring, thus if hidden they would be safe and not sought out after. "And he isnʼt very happy with you."

The male gave her a calculating look, before hissing and opening his jaws up wide.

His huge canines bared as he then leapt onto her, using his weight and powerful legs to his advantage.

He pinned her writhing frame beneathe him and glared, scowling down at her. "Even better. Itʼll hurt more if I kill the only person you have, that mate of yours. Tell him that Iʼm ready for him, and that Iʼll have his and your head hung up onto my walls to display how weak your species really is. We will win the war easily, and maybe Iʼll have a little fun with you, before I rip your heart right out of your chest. That mate of yours can watch before I end his life as well."

Gauri growled, snapping her jaws at him, standing on edge when he released her and left after saying, "Make sure to tell him each and every word."

At least he would never know about her children. That was the only thing that brought relief to her now trembling body.

She gritted her teeth and slunk off of the cats territory, before going silent and slumping to the ground beside a nearby spruce tree.

"What an ass." Shifting back into her human form, she decided to walk, thinking that by the time she had gotten there sheʼd be calm enough to meet her man's gaze again.

Wrapping her arms around herself, she began to walk barefoot, her skin covered in goosebumps due to her previous encounter.

And once she was close, the sound of a twig snapping sent her senses into overdrive.

Her body tensing, the Saber couldnʼt of followed her right?

As the sound grew louder, signaling it was getting closer.

She instantly thought of sprinting away, the scent of Omkara flooding her.

Maybe encountering the saber again wouldʼve been better? Heck anything would be better than having to face her furious man.

The sight of black fur, made her stomach clench with uneasiness, she was dead.

She already knew it as soon as he approached her, those electric blue orbs of his held an obvious look of disapproval.

Gauri stayed where she was when he stalked closer to her, roaring out when he smelled the male animal  on her skin.

He nudged her hard, causing her to stumble back and fall onto her rump.

She scowled, angry again because of his actions. But she knew better than to physically fight with him and snarled when he tried to touch her, his snout pressing against her body to check for any sign of injuries or marks left by the other male.

She scrambled away, not wanting him to touch her as she clutched her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms tightly around herself to shield her body from him.

This made him stiffen with rage, his hackles raising, his eyes then turning pitch black.

Oh, shit.

He morphed back to human form, glowering down at her while standing in all his naked glory.

She wouldʼve laughed so hard at the sight, if she werenʼt scared out of her mind at the moment.

He took a step towards her, growling when she moved further away from him.

Her eyes filled with pain and wariness, along with a hint of fear.

Though he had promised he would never hurt her again, she couldnʼt stop herself from feeling like he would in that moment.

Considering that she ticked him off and his eyes were blank and darker than the night sky.

Omkara slammed his fist into the bark of the tree she was now backed into, she flinched slightly and expected a hit to her body, but he reached down, gathered her up into his arms, then stormed his way back to the palace.

He hadnʼt said a word until they were back into the privacy of their bedroom.

"Did he touch you?"
His voice became entirely unfamiliar, his alpha definitely had taken over, his control slipping from his grasp.

The sound low and more beast-like than human, she wouldnʼt of been able to understand him if she wasnʼt a wolf.

She shrunk back on the bed, breathing heavily as she panicked and couldnʼt seem to bring herself to answer him.

Not when he was like this.

This was part of him, the part that she didnʼt like so much.

His monster side.

"I ask you something Gauri! Did he fucking touch you?!" He roared out, each word booming out of him like thunder when she failed to answer him.

"..No.." She cried out as his hands gripped her wrists, pinning her to the bed.

"He didnʼt."

As if he didnʼt believe her, he examined her body, and he felt relieved after he confirmed that she is untouched.

That strangers scent was starting to grow faint, getting rubbed away as Omkara roughly grinded his body against hers.

Smothering his scent onto her skin, embedding it once more to mask the scent of the other male on his woman.

He then brought one of her wrists up to lips and sank his fangs deep within her skin, not able to be gentle, his wolf roughly marking her as his.

Even though she already had many other scars that showed she was indeed his only.

A cry left her again as she began to writhe against him, "Get off me!!!"

Her sudden shrill cry was enough to bring him back to sanity, his eyes returning to its blue.

She cried as she laid tense under him, her body stiff and unable to relax after she just witnessed him lose control again.

Though it was partially her fault for driving him to the edge, but she was tired of being commanded and treated as if her thoughts and concerns were minuscule to him.

He had his chance to explain and hadnʼt, instead he ordered her to calm down. But how in the world would she calm down when she had just seen another girl press her body against his, her chest pushed into his, and her arms bound so intimately around his arm as if she were staking claim. But he was hers, hers only. And the fact that the girl didnʼt know her place angered her, and also her husband who failed to keep the girl at an arms distance.

It hurt.

It's really hurts.

He let go of her wrists and moved off of her, thankfully he hadnʼt hurt her in any way.

Just was a bit harsh and most likely his loss of control scared her to death.

She didnʼt say a word and moved onto her side, covering herself with the sheets on their bed.

Her back turned to him.

She stayed silent, staring off at the wall, not able to bring herself to say anything.

Omkara whimpered slightly, his eyes filled with pain as he watched her. "Gauri..."

His woman stayed on her side and didnʼt respond, so he tried to hug her. But as soon as his hand touched her, she got up and made her way around the bed, then retreated into the bathroom.

Shutting the door, she locked it and started the shower, so she could wash off the catʼs scent and the dirt that stuck to her skin from the woods.

Hopefully the water would soothe her and prep her to talk to her man, but she wasnʼt ready yet.

The thought still bringing her an intense wave of agony and fear.

Omkara watched as she left the bed and went into the bathroom.

Sighing when he heard the lock click, he knocked on the door a few times, then broke the knob off when he knew for sure that she wasnʼt going to open it.

Placing the broken knob on the counter as he entered the bathroom, he silently stepped into the shower behind her and wrapped his arms protectively around her waist, his forehead leaning down to rest on her shoulder.

She whimpered softly, feeling his skin on hers, yet her heart was in pain.

"Gauri Iʼm sorry. So so sorry.." He spoke, his voice muffled by her shoulder, he buried his face into the crook between her neck and shoulder, trying to comfort her.

Gauri  stood, her lips trembling as she heard his apology, then turned to cry into his chest.

The noises that left her lips were full of pain and sorrow, making him frown and eventually grit his teeth.

He shouldʼve controlled himself, but when she ran off, it was as if she were threatening to leave him again.

Which he never ever wanted, but always feared she would end up doing anyways.

"Shh. Itʼs alright." He began to say, repeating the words until her cries turned into small sniffles.

"Om...I was so surprised..And so mad at the same time. And hurt. I didnʼt know what to think when I saw you two, so I acted on instinct and got defensive. I know it was childish of me...But I didnʼt know how else to react...or what to do or say...I was so frustrated..." Gauri  whimpered out again, her hands clenching into fists at her sides.

"Gauri , what did I say to you last night?" He lifted her chin up with his thumb and kissed the top of her head, then her nose.

"I told you thereʼs no reason for you to be jealous, youʼre my last love. My only love. No one else compares to you. What you saw earlier was Kia getting too excited to finally meet me, she had no idea I had a mate and was unaware that her actions were inappropriate. If you had just let me explain, I wouldʼve told you this before you could go running off. Itʼs dangerous to go out on your own, I donʼt know what I wouldʼve done if that Saber had touched you or had done worser things to you. They would do anything to tick me off, you know that. It was a close call, Gauri . What if he had marked you? Or even rape you? Then what?  I can't imagine any of that Gauri ! You scared me to death..." He whispered the last part, his breaths heavy as panic settled in his chest at the slightest thought of another laying their hands on what was his.

"I wouldnʼt ever forgive myself if he had hurt you. So please..Please stay next time and give me a chance to explain Gauri ..."

She looked up at him with blurry eyes and nodded before glancing away.

"I-Iʼm sorry too. I was being irrational and I too had let my wolf take over...I shouldʼve controlled my temper and waited for your explanation...I just couldnʼt stand the sight of you and her with her hands on you. Youʼre mine, Omkara Singh Oberoi and if she still doesnʼt get that. I will have a 'littleʼ chat with her." She snarled softly and bit his thumb, her gaze dark with possessiveness.

Her feminine instincts taking over as she then trailed feather light kisses along his collar bone and chest.

Another growl left her as she nipped at his hot skin and let her fingertips trace the outline of each individual muscle on his body, she wouldnʼt be satisfied until every inch of him was covered by her scent.

Omkara Singh Oberoi is hers.

He is only hers .

And She would make sure everyone knew that.

He chuckled slightly, but tensed when a question arose in his mind. "I have a question, my queen. What did the Saber want anyways? Did he say anything to you?" His thoughts began to drift off back towards the other serious issues at hand.

Gauri  stopped her intimate gestures and glanced up at him.

He knew that look.

That meant the answer wasnʼt good. "..He doesnʼt know about the kids, I said we donʼt have any and itʼs just us. To throw him off and keep them safe. He didnʼt say anything..It was nothing...."

Omkara noticed the quiver in her voice and instantly knew she was lying. "What did he say, Gauri ? Itʼs not nothing, I know he had to of said something. And why was his scent on you?.."

"..He pinned me down and...told me to tell you...That he will have our heads displayed on his wall and the war will be an easy win for them...Then he said he would..Play with me before ripping my heart out in front of you...Then lastly said that he would end your life shortly after taking mine. Thatʼs all." She murmured, frowning a bit when he growled loudly.

"He said that?! Iʼm going to kill him."

"Iʼm okay, Omkara . Please letʼs just drop this for now..I donʼt want to remember him and that horrible look in his eyes..." She quietly said, hugging him close.

Gauri  melted when he wrapped his muscular arms around her as well, his embrace was protective, familiar, and comforting.

This caused her to relax and lean further into him.

His fingers gently ran through her hair, soothing her before he leaned down to kiss the pulse in her neck.

Her heart rate quickened right when his lips brushed against the sensitive spot on her neck, causing her to suck in a breath and tilt her head to the side.

It had felt so good, so right. He nipped at her throat and let his hands drift down her body, then rested them on her ass so he could give her round bottom a rough, yet sensual squeeze.

That for sure sparked her arousal fast as she gasped out, then tiptoed to plant a passionate kiss upon his warm lips.

And as he met her soft mouth, she moaned quietly against the kiss he returned.

Her body clinging to his as he pressed her closer against him.

They were about to jump into a full blown makeout session when a nervous giggle reached their ears.

Pulling apart, Gauri snarled when she smelled the fairy and Omkara ignored the girl, tending more to his woman to show that he had no interest in anyone else but his woman .

He pressed her harshly up against the shower wall and snarled, feasting on his beautiful woman, who couldnʼt resist his actions.

She sank against the slippery wall and grew lost in his touch as he kissed, sucked, and licked her neck, his tongue running over the marks he had left there long long ago.

Blushing, she tried to focus and panted,
protesting softly, "Omkara . Itʼs a bit awkward with her here. Iʼm getting out." Somehow she managed to slip out of his grip and exited the shower, now wrapping a towel around herself.

Omkara groaned.

Her gaze then landed on the tiny fairy.

So she could transform from human size to mini huh? Omkara observed, though she glared at the fairy girl the entire time.

Omkara then stepped in between their stand off and shook his head, "K, itʼs bad to intrude. Please knock before entering my bedroom. Kia, this is my wife Gauri . Gauri , this is the spy helping us. You can call her Kia or K."

"No! Only you can call me K. Gauri , you can just call me Kia alright?" The fairy dared to say, making Gauri  scowl but she then shrugged.


Kia's grin was quick to show due to her rivals response, but then her eyes narrowed when she stared at Gauri . "What were you two doing in the shower, anyways?"

Gauri almost choked on air as she thought she had misheard the girl. "You donʼt know what-.."

She began but Omkara stopped her and chuckled a bit, a small smirk appearing on his face.

He winked at his woman and then turned to the fairy. "Gauri  is my wife, therefore we mate. Breed like bunnies. We really go at it sometimes, because-.."

"Oh my god. Omkara !!!!! No, no, no.." Gauri grew red in the face again, like a tomato as she shook her head and tiptoed, clamping her hand over his mouth.

He gave her palm a quick lick, making her instantly remove it off of his mouth as he then laughed at the priceless look on her face.

Kia on the other hand blinked at them, "Like bunnies? That doesnʼt-....Ohhhhhhh."

Her face too grew extremely red as realization hit her, making her stutter a farewell and fly right back out of their bedroom in a jippy.

Her poor mind now ruined.

That fairy innocence she always had, was now gone. Dead. Buried. Killed.

She wondered if her and King Omkara would do the same if she was his wife instead of that woman named Gauri .

As she morphed back into her human sized self, she blushed even more at the thought and almost giggled when his face popped up into her mind.

Is it wrong if she already felt like she loved him? It was a shame that he was someone elseʼs lover already, but maybe one day heʼd come to love her too. Or at least she hoped.

Omkara strolled up close to his mate as soon as the fairy left and tugged on her hips, pulling her close to him again.

"Youʼre adorable you know that? Even more so, youʼre beautiful Gauri. I just can't get enough of you ." He said as he looked down at her, his signature smirk still present on his face.

"Mmm. Continue."

"Youʼre lips sweeter than honey. Your skin Softer than silk. Sexier than any woman Iʼve ever met, and still your beauty goes far beyond the outside. In fact I never come across a more beautiful woman than you .You manage to take care of me. Love me selflessly . And stick with me, even though when I'm not worthy of it ."

"Thatʼs true." She laughed as he then scooped her up and looked at her. His gaze turning serious.

"I love you so much Gauri."

His beautiful womansmiled happily and responded back with an I love you too. That is before he placed her back in the shower and kissed her like the world was ending.

"Shall we continue?"

"You already know my answer."

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