Chap 2:At Least We're Together

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Snow's POV

Okay.. WHAT?!

"We know it's hard for you to take it all in but we REALLY need this power source," Twilight begged. "If it falls into the wrong hooves-"

"Game over." I said. "Fine. I'll go. But just to be clear,I'm going to the world of WHAT?"  "Pokémon. And your not going alone. We're coming with you." My soul sister,Starla,says. "Don't worry Snowy! We're always here for you!!" Skylight says,giving me a happy 'don't you fret' smile. Star chuckles and places a hand on my shoulder. "Plus,maybe you'll get a colt friend.." My eyes widened as a blush crept up my face. "Y-yeah...right..." 

Celestia smiles. "Good. Then the 4 of you will venture out into the Pokémon realm and find that magical source of power." "We have faith in you ponies," Luna added. "The fate of Equestria rests in your hooves,4S. We have high expectations. And we will always be watching you,for you are the hopes of Equestria."

Starla's POV

"And we will always be watching you,for you are the hopes of Equestria."

When I heard Luna said that,I quietly snorted and rolled my eyes. "(HOPES of Equestria? SERIOUSLY?)"

"Yeah.. Why didn't you ask the Mane 7 to do this? I thought THEY were the hopes of Equestria.." I mumbled,annoyed by Luna who likes to use that word just to trap some pony in their guilt."What was that Starla?" Cadence asked. I snapped outta my thoughts and found them all looking at me. I blushed from embarrassment while stuttering a "N-nothing..!"

3rd Person POV

"Anyway.. When will we go? Today,tomorrow or-"

"Tomorrow." Celestia said,cutting Sky's sentence.

"T-tomorrow?! Tia,isn't it too soon? Are you REALLY keen on us leaving? Huh? Luna? Cadence? Twi?" Snowdrop said,a flabbergasted look on her face. "We DON'T want you to leave. But it's better if you go early.. As they say-"

"The early bird catches the worm.. Yeah.. We know.." The 4S synchronised.

Twilight blinked twice before clearing her throat."O-okay then.. Any words?"

"Well.. I just hope this plan works out.." Star said,earning a "Yeah....." From the rest of the 4S. "But if it doesn't,at least we're together!" Star chimed. And THAT,earned a loud "YEAH!" From the team.

Cadence clapped her hands twice for attention. "Alrighty then! You girls will be teleported tomorrow,first thing in the morning!!"

The 4S looked at eachother in worry and excitement. "Welp," Snowdrop started. "Let's do this."


YOOOOO!~ Chap 2 is done!! *loud applause is heard* Thank you,thank you very much!! Well guys,state your opinions in the comment section below and don't forget to 'BOOP' the vote button if you liked this chapter! See you snowflakes!


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