Characters:Star Musica (4)

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Name: Star Musica

Age: 14

Appearance: Raven black hair with a blue highlight that is usually tied in a ponytail but sometimes is let loose or held in a Katniss Everdeen style braid. Blue eyes and pale skin. Usually wears black eyeliner as well.

Personality: Is like a typical Gemini, having two sides: One is her happy party-like social side. The side she is usually in when she's happy or hyperactive. The there's her dark side where her eyes will turn into a deep purple and the blue highlight in her hair will turn into the same purple shade if her loved ones get hurt or herself gets hurt emotionally (sadness, anger, too stressed and etc..). Is highly intelligent and very curious of the world around her. Goes hunting in the woods, reads and writes stories in her spare time.

Starter Pokemon:Charmander

Fav Pokémon:Charmander & Chikorita 

Fav Pokémon type: Fire & ghost


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