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-(YN)'s POV-

After the show ended, me, Cody and Edge walked out and to head back to the backstage, once we did and the show went off air and seeing the crowd leaving, Hunter and the other producers gave me a little applause for doing a good job in the ring, especially Hunter. After that, I then had the chance to talk to Edge! A legend, and also a hall of famer too! We talked for a bit and has told me he cannot wait too more of my talent in ring and experience with him as well! Can you believe that?! Me, in the ring with a legend like Edge?! That's literally so cool! Can't wait to work with him soon...I hope. So anyways, I talked to more guys from the locker room, until it was time for us to head back home. As I was getting ready, packing my stuff to head back home, Hunter comes into my locker...

Triple H: (YN).

(YN): Oh hey Hunter, what's up?

Triple H: Just wanted to say again, you did great out there.

(YN): Thanks.

Triple H: Also, I'll send you a message this week before Smackdown. Keep an eye on your text.

(YN): Got it!

Triple H: Cool, see you this Friday then.

(YN): Same.

He then exits my locker room. Afterwards, I packed my stuff already and to walk out my locker. As soon I open the door, suddenly, Rhea appears to be infront of my door locker...

Rhea: O-Oh! Shit, sorry.

(YN): Oh! Hey Rhea, and no worries, what's up?

Rhea: Just wanted to come by, and say you did great. Like man, you looked amazing too!

(YN): Heh, thanks, also, I'm really looking forward with your future match at WrestleMania. Never would I thought you would go toe to toe against Ric Flair's daughter, Charlotte Flair, like wow! That's big!

Rhea: Heh, it is.

(YN): Hey, I'd love to chat still, but I need to get going, don't wanna miss my flight back home.

Rhea: O-Oh! Right, sorry again.! Shit I too need to head get to the airport. Just waiting for Damien and the others to finish changing to give me a ride.

(YN): Oh, give me your hand?

Rhea: U-Uhh, okay..?

-Rhea's POV-

I lend my hand to (YN), curious what he's up to?? He pulls out a pen, then goes grabs and holds my hand and started writing something??? Afterwards, he was finished. I looked at my hand he wrote...and there, he wrote his phone number!!

(YN): Text me when your home.

I then blush hard and didn't know how to even react I just stood quite, and smiled but yet felt shy to even say anything...that was out of nowhere! Don't blame me...

(YN): See ya.

He then smiled at me and to walk away, I stare at him leaving...and suddenly yell...

Rhea: Thanks!

He topped and turns, and quickly felt embarrassed for shouting loud knowing he wasn't that far away...

(YN): Heh, you're welcome.

Rhea: I'll text you when I get home then.

(YN): Cool, I'll be waiting. Bye.

Rhea: Bye.

We waved at each other and again see (YN) walk...I stood there for a sec blushing and smiling that I got his phone number! And what makes it better I didn't need to ask him for it.

Rhea: Gotta write it on a paper, gotta wash myself up first.


-(YN)'s POV-

As time go by, it was late night, and I've arrived back home after my first day at WWE, and truly amazing! The crowd, the energy, everything felt way so different than NJPW, sure NJPW has its moments with the crowd, but the WWE crowd??? They hit different. I just have to keep up how I work to make WWE great again. And also...gotta rest up as well, those bumps from my match sure did a number in me.
As I arrived to my house, I entered, place my bag on the floor, walked to my sofa and sat and let my body loose, man does it feel good to be back home. And now, I have to wait for my next script from Hunter when Smackdown comes up this Friday, and there another thing: I'm now more excited to be on Smackdown than I was on RAW. Back when I was a kid, growing up with WWE, Smackdown was my favorite brand, I mean RAW is good, but Smackdown was beyond great, so I can't wait to be on Smackdown.
Suddenly, I get a text. I checked, and it was from Rhea I open her message and it says...

Hey! It's Rhea, I know I said I txt you when I arrive home, which I'm not yet, but I hope you got back to your home safe.

I replied...

Hey! And no worries, I appreciated you checking up on me. :)

She then replies...

Great to hear! And you're welcome Anyways, I know you must be tired from today and your trip back home, so I'll let you be, and let you rest up. Have a goodnight :)

I replied...

Thanks, and I hope you get back home safe too, goodnight, see you this week on Friday :).

-Rhea's POV-

As I got a text back from (YN) telling me goodnight, I smiled and gently fluster from his response as I was on the road with my buddies Finn, Dom and Damien. Finn and Dom weee both asleep at the back and Damien driving as I was up front on the shotgun seat...

Damien: So?

Rhea: So, what??

Damien: What did (YN) said?

Rhea: O-Oh! He just, wished me a goodnight, wait, how do you know...

Damien: I could tell, the boys back here too. You've been eyeing on him ever since he arrived at RAW, even when he was talking with the others. And, no, that's not a problem at all, Im just looks you like him.

Rhea: I-eh-whaaaaa???

Damien: Demi.

Rhea: I mean, can you blame me??

Damien: Heh, nah. He's a great dude, and fun to work with, he did awesome tonight, really pumped the crowd. But listen, I'm saying this because I don't want you to end up getting hurt...just like what happen between you and...well..

Rhea: Buddy...right. I understand, no worries.

Damien: You know I'm here, us three, here for you.

Rhea: I appreciated Damien, thank you.

Damien: No problem, and don't worry, you'll get to eye on (YN) more this Friday.

Rhea: Oh shut up.

Damien: Hehe.

Damien's right...what happen between me and Buddy...was bad, and literally broke me, and I thank him, and the other boys for always there for me when I needed the most. But...
Still, can't get (YN) out of my head recently, and yes I've been eyeing him a lot, I mean come on! He's literally one of the greatest wrestlers I've seen! Besides the legends from WWE, I can picture (YN), having a big WrestleMania Moment...and winning a title, in front of a huge crowd there...okay I see what Damien is saying. I'm sounding like I like him!
Do I?


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