My Mate's Choice 41

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I still could not contain my excitement. I couldn't believe that I was pregnant and the best part, with my mate. Calvin and I were gonna have our first baby in 5 months’ time and I couldn't wait for our baby to arrive.

All thoughts of me being too young and not being able to achieve my dreams all gone with the wind because I knew the baby would bring Calvin and I closer to each other. But then Valerie came into my view and I got emotional. I still had those feelings where Valerie was gonna snatch Calvin for me again despite her having Matt. She was with Calvin for a good two years when Matt was imprison and their bonds were cut off - what possibility that their bonds were being attached back together.

Adding on to my suspicion, Matt and Valerie never been lovey-dovey in public like every other mates would be. And they definitely had not mated. I didn't meant to be such a nosy but their scent never mixed which only meant that Matt had not touched Valerie.

Maybe Matt didn't want to be with Valerie anymore because she had been with other guy; Calvin. They had had a proper relationship, emotionally and physically. I was hurt by that and I'd think Matt was as well. Or perhaps, Valerie wanted to be with Calvin again because she couldn't feel the love for Matt anymore because their bond were being cut off. And Matt, being the nice mate he was decided that he should let Valerie go and be with Calvin.

But Calvin is mine! No one must have him except me. Our baby needs a dad and only Calvin should hold the title.


I startled and jumped at the sound of my name. I didn't realize that I was gripping hard on the railing at the balcony. I went there with hope that I would feel calmer and better. However, I did not and all because of Valerie.

"Beatrix," Calvin called again and this time softer as he took my hand which was still gripping hard on the railway. "What are you doing here?"

"I just wanted some fresh air," I lied and then took my hand back from him. A little part of me has started to doubt Calvin because he answered Valerie's 'congratulations' when he did not even bother answering Matt's.

"But it's too cold, tonight. I don't want you to catch a cold. I thought you said you wanted to turn in early, so what are you doing here?" Calvin questioned me as he wrapped one arm around me, sending some warmth straight to my body.

"I couldn't sleep," I answered, not lying at all.

"Come on, let's get in. It's really too cold, out here," Calvin said and I did as he guided me in by pushing my small back gently. He brought me over to the bed and made me sit at the end of the bed. He took a seat next to me and took both of my hands.

"Tell me," he said softly but in a demanding tone.

"Tell you what?" I shot.

Calvin chuckled lightly and then he flipped my hair back, exposing my neck where his mark was on display. With his forefinger, he lightly brush his mark and made me shiver.

"You forgot about it, don't you? We're bonded so good now especially with our upcoming baby. I can read you. I can know what is inside your heart. I know what you're worrying about and I know what is on your mind."

"I don't wanna lose you," I blurted out. There was no point lying to Calvin already and a part of me wished that he would do something about it like calming me down or anything. I just needed an assurance that he would never leave me and just the thought that I might lose him was enough to make me cry.

"And you won't," Calvin said. "You will never lose me. I promise I will stay by you forever."

"But there's Valerie..."

"So she's why you're being restless? Beatrix, she will never be the reason anymore. I know it's hard for you to forgive Valerie but not forgiving her means that you have not forgiven me as well," Calvin said and I felt a pang in my chest when he said that. It was like he was trying to say that they were a part of each other.

"I am not gonna hide about this from you," Calvin continued, "But before Valerie and Matt left, I did talk to her. Their relationship are now worst ours. Matt no longer have trust in Valerie and he's not forgiving her because you have not forgiven her yet."

"This is why I still cannot forgive her! You're still gonna defend her whatever it is. A part of you would still love her and I will never be anybody special in your heart," I cried and got up from the bed and started walking back and forth in no proper direction. The moment that I had been waiting for was here. Calvin was gonna leave me again for Valerie especially now because I was pregnant. I'd become fat and Calvin wouldn't want to be with someone like me.

"No Beatrix, I don't mean it like that," Calvin quickly came over but I didn't want to believe him. Everything else was getting the best out of me and I just let myself drop on the floor and I cried; not for sympathy but because the thing that I was afraid of her -probably scarier that Grabiel- was here.

I felt Calvin came next to me and the next thing I knew was he had me in his arms very tightly. At this point, I refused to open up my bond and feel what exactly he felt for me. I felt so weak and extremely sad. I felt disappointed as well for finally letting him in.

"I waited for you to came back," I heard Calvin whisper into my ear and as much as I tried to block him away, I couldn't because he was close to me and our mark. "Your pain might not have been better than mine but I wanted to make sure if you ever came back from being with the rogue, you'll never go anywhere else from me. I may have hurt you so bad that you couldn't forgive me and I am sorry. You can do whatever you want, slap me, punish me as long as you're willing to put it all behind afterwards. About Valerie, it was not entirely her fault Beatrix. I asked her to be my girlfriend. I had been the one to tell her to put her past relationship behind and focused on me and that had been the greatest mistake I made. I am not trying to defend her but it is my fault. Hating her means that you're hating on me as well and even though you have all the right to, I cannot stand it."

"I cannot stand having my mate hating me. I cannot stand having my baby's Mama hating me. I cannot stand having the love of my life hating me. I cannot stand having the person I want to live with forever hating me. So please Beatrix... please forgive me," Calvin finished off with a tear dropped onto my shoulder.

I remained silent with deep thoughts. What else did I want? I already had Calvin, something or rather someone that I had been longing for. Valerie should just remain in the past and I shouldn't have keep bringing her up. It was unfair of me to keep bringing Calvin and Valerie's past relationship up when Calvin never really brought mine and Gabriel's. Oh goodness, what had all of these turned me into? A selfish bitch.

"I would still choose you no matter what happens now or back then. I was tied to her on my own demand but I would still have chosen you. I would never choose anyone else," Calvin voiced out again.

Yes, he did came for me. He came to help on my first shift. He was with me. He took care of me. And now, we're much more bonded with a baby. He could never pick anyone else over me now.

"I love you so much that I don't wanna lose you," I finally said it out.

"I love you and I don't wanna lose you too. I promise, there is no one else other than you and our baby," Calvin said it as he cupped my face closer to his.

"I am so sorry. I am so selfish towards you..."

"No, if you're willing to put everything unpleasant that we had behind, I'll forgive you even though you made no mistakes at all," Calvin cut me off.

"I am," I admitted, "There shall not be anyone between us anymore."

"No, no one because I will always choose you over them no matter what," Calvin said and then he kissed me. We remained like that until Calvin realized that I was getting breathless.

And when he pulled away, he surprised me with a pair of rings in a velvet blue box. It was right there on his hands that I had no idea when he got them.

"Marry me," was all he said. "We had gone through enough in my opinion and I don't wanna spend anymore of my time not being able to call you mine. But, I apologize I don't know how to be romantic and be on my knees and..."

"I will," I cut his nervous rambling off. There were no more tears. All I was doing was smile and watched him do the same.


I nodded and then crawled closer to him that I was sitting on his lap. "Just like you, I don't wanna be spending anymore time not being able to call you only mine."

His arms circled me instantly and he kissed my cheek, "So shall we set the wedding date for next week?"

"What? That's too fast," I argued.

"I thought I heard you admitted not wanting to spend more time not calling me yours?"

"Yes well but..."

"Well in my opinion next week is rather too long. How about tomorrow?"


And we went on arguing playfully about when our wedding should be. I couldn't believe he had asked me this soon but I was glad. At least I knew he was serious in us.

I may not have turned into a perfect mate instantly but I promised I would be, for Calvin and our baby. We're slowly gonna build our perfect family and I really do want our relationship be full of trust and love for each other. I needed to control my jealousy feeling especially because of Valerie. She would no longer be an important figure in my eyes to be jealous about.

As for Calvin, I couldn't have ask for a better mate. Everything that happened made our heart grow fonder and we definitely learned how to appreciate each other better and of course think twice about ever hurting each other.

And most of all, I'm glad I chose him over Gabriel the other time because that would have been my greatest mistake to make.

The End

So that’s it guys. My Mate’s Choice is over! I don’t know how some of you are gonna feel about this ending but throughout, I hope you guys have enjoyed yourself reading 41 chapters of this story :) I’d like to apologize if the story didn’t go the way you guys wanted it to be but I’d still like to thank you guys so much for motivating me with your comments and personal messages every time I updated. I wouldn’t have been able to complete this story without reading your beautiful comments of encouragement.

Please also check out my other werewolf story - The Friendly Alpha - at the external link :)

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