Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Pale's POV

"Hello Queen Pale," Brian said as I sat on the dock.

"Hello Brian," I said.

"Listen so I've been thinking," he said. "I've been wanting you to meet my family for real this time."

Oh no.

"So here is my father, Peter Carone."

My eyes widened. "What! Brian! Do you know what he did to me?"

"No, it's okay," Pete yelled. "I've grown out of my mermaid obsession."

"Okay good," I said. "Hey why haven't I ever met your mom?"

Brian shrugged. "When my dad started getting obsessed with mermaids my mom divorced him and moved away with all our money too, she still lives in Bermuda though, I see once a day every month."

"Well anyway, I also wanted you to meet my family. Unfortunately my dad and step mom were away on there last business trip but you'll still get to see my brother and our daughter."

"WHAT!" Pete screamed. "YOU HAVE A CHILD!"

"Well, that would have never happened if you caught us," I reminded him.

"Curse my obsessions!" Pete yelled.

Matthew popped his head out of the water. "Do I come out now?" He asked.

"This is my younger brother Matthew. He's 13."

"Sup man," Matthew said.

Pacific popped her head out of the water.

"Daddy!" She said as she swam to the dock.

"And I guess this is-"

"Your daughter Pacific. Yeah, I've been teaching her that. I'll have to how you the rest of my family later-"

Suddenly a big waved came up and shook the dock. I screamed as Brian and I fell of the dock and into the water.

I laughed. Brian was holding his breath for his life. I leaned in and kissed him.

Even when he was gasping for breath he looked cute.

Brian broke away from me and swam up. I smiled.

"Paleren Atlanta," Brian said. "Your my mermaid queen."

I leaned in and he kissed me right there in the water. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Matthew and Pacific making little kissing noises but I didn't care, I just closed my eyes and blocked out the noise.

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