Trying To Breathe

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Try to breathe I hear everyone say to me,

As I struggle every day to do just that,

They try to calm me by saying that, 

But it is just so much work, 

A burden I have to carry,

I try to breathe,

I really do, 

By there are hands strangling my lungs,

Squeezing all the air out of them,

Making me beg for breath,

Making me beg to live, 

And sometimes I don't try to breathe, 

But people force me to, 

They make me breathe and continue my life,

They are the ones that don't know my mind, 

And what I think about,

Becuase not even my therapists know the true me, 

Because every time I try to tell them how I feel,

My feelings suffocate me and tell me to keep it in, 

It tells me to give the therapists bland answers, 

But I feel I am living in a dream, 

In a horrible dream turned nightmare that has turned into reality, 

And I want to wake up,

I really do, 

But the hands squeezing my lungs refuse to move,

They refuse to leave me alone, 

The creatures in my mind won't leave me alone either,

 I am left in perpetual struggle, 

Against myself, 

While I try to breathe, 

For my friends and family, 

Who wants me to live my life,

Though sometimes I don't,


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