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●Detroit, 2038●

The year is 2038, the world has changed tremendously with technology never seen before in the last 20 years. People no longer have to risk their lives or have a full time job now because androids have been created to do so things.

These androids have become much like us even picking up every small detail a human can do such as expressions, they are too much like humans.

It's terrified me to say the least.

I never expected to live in a world with androids lurking around every corner and household.

My name is Alice and this is my story of how Detroit almost got destroyed and how androids changed the world..


"This our newest trainee. I expect all of you to be kind and show her around the place." My newest boss introduced me to a small crowd who gathered around his office in the Detroit police department.

I smiled warmly at them, first impressions always work.

"My name is Alice, nice to meet you all."

No one replies back. A man wearing a brown coat rolls his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest. "Can we return back to our desks boss? Some of us have work to do."

"Of course."

I followed the crowd out the door and what caught my attention was a man with silver hair slowly walk over to his desk. He seems off? I carefully make it toward him.

"Umm sir, are you okay?"

The man burps and I can smell alcohol. I wave off the smell and stared directly at him, "What ya want kid? Let me breathe here."

I looked down and read his name on the table. Hank Anderson. I stood back straight and the man lazily ran his hand to his hair and yawned.

"Lieutenant Anderson. I'm Alice. The boss informed me that I will be your trainee from now on until I-"

"Fetch me some coffee will you kid?" I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at Hank trying to stay awake.

"Why don't you fetch me some too?" The man from earlier said when he stopped by us. He smirked looking at me. "I'm Gavin Reed."

I force a smile. "Nice to meet you, Gavin. But I work for Hank Anderson not you, so I'm afraid I cant get you your coffee."

Hank choked on his water and fought back a laugh, this made Gavin look at me surprised but he smirks right after. "You're a feisty one. I like you." I internally frowned and went ahead to grab some coffee.

I waited patiently in my seat, hoping something would come up, all Hank did was sip his coffee and his secret bottle of alcohol he brought into and typing away in his computer.

Not a single moment did Hank talk or glance at me. The same routine happens everyday until a single year went by. I worked hard maybe even more than Hank but got no promotion, I was still a trainee.

I shot down someone on the shoulder an hurried to handcuff them and pushed them inside the DPD. This android was about to steal a stote when someone hidden called the cops and I was the only one available.

"Good job, Al." Gavin said using the nickname he uses. I continued ignoring him and did my job. "Shut up, Gavin." I simply replied and placed the android inside the cell.

I walked past Hank who kept his eyes on me and grabbed myself some coffee and placed it in front of him without saying a thing.

"You re a tough one aren't you?" This made me look at Hank from my spot and I tilted my head. "What do you mean?"

"Kid, you're young I get it but this isn't how work should be done. I've seen the way you handle humans and androids like they're the same-"

"Aren't they? They deserve the same punishment as humans. I thought you'd understand that-"

Before i could finish Hank shot up from his seat and glared at me, "You don't know do it about me kid, so stop digging your nose where you don't belong."

I glared back at him and quickly turned away and got away from Hank not wanting anymore trouble. It that the reason why he hasn't been taking me on missions?

I tiredly closed my eyes and heard the news on th big screen behind me. "This just in the man who had capture a little girl has been shot. The family are expressing gratitude to have their little girl safe, but are extremely upset that the person who rescue her isn't a human, but an android. Cyberlife continues expressing us with their work. But can this mean that androids will replace policemen?" I huffed and fought the urge to laugh at the reporter.

"The world is getting crazier every day." I hear Gavin say while he takes his coffee. Say when are you gonna agree on that date night with me?"

And he keeps on asking that question. "You tell me about it when you're done flirting with women."

"I'll stop it if it bothers you."

Just turn the doors open and in comes an android, and RK-800 dressed in his finest out for and fixing his tie. He scans around and his eyes stop to look at me.

I feel intimidated.

"Hank, Alice. This android will be our newest addition to the Police department, together the three of you will take together."

The android looks between us and his led brights blue. "Hello. My name is Connor, I'm the android sent by Cyberlife. You must be Hank Anderson and you?"

Hank rolls his eyes and I turn to look at him confused then at the android looking down at me. Its terrifying how human like he look up close, his skin looks real and every single detail on his face.

"Alice. Thought you had scanned me by now." I joke and bitterly laughed.

The android tilts his head, "I can't seem to scan you."

I laugh at it and turn to Gavin who's a re few apart from us. "I guess Cyberlife didn't do a good job with this model."

When I saw this the androids led turns red. "I do not understand what you are trying to say. It this what you humans call an insult?"

"You can take it as whatever you'd like." I tell him and his led turns to normal. I turn around and began typing on my laptop ignoring the android but it was hard since he decided to sit in front of me and stare at me.

"May I ask, what is it that you are typing?"

"Something private." I simple reply thing away.

But I guess this only makes it more curious. "Is it a journal. I've read that human liked to write about their daily lives, it can also be called a diary."

I clench my fists and glared at it. His brown eyes stare into my matching ones. Even his eyes seem too realistic.

"You're that android who saved the little girl, right?" The android nods his head. "I was the only one fit for the job or the mission would have failed."

I nod absentmindedly and leaned into my seat and saw Hank glaring at us both. "What you think of him?" I ask.

The android looks at Hank then at me again. "I am not sure. I met Lieutenant Hank Anderson two hours and 5 minutes ago at a local bar. He drove his way here leaving me, so I am not sure what you mean."

I facepalm and slowly looked back to it. "Cyberlife. Is it filled with many androids like you, if so are they are dumbfounded as you are."

It tilts his head inspecting me and sits up straight. "I'm afraid that is classified information. Lieutenant Alice, may I know why you hate my kind."

Why is he still talking to me?

I stay silent and looked back at it. "I'm not a lieutenant, your software should've informed you that and second that is classified information." I repeat what he said and smirked.

"Why don't you make yourself useful and bring me more coffee?" I ask annoyed by its presence.

The android gets up and walks over to the coffee machine and in less than a minute it comes back and Gavin who hurries behind it and seems to want to kill it.

"Bastard." We both look back and see Gavin glaring dagger at the droid. "This piece of metal poured the last bit of coffee, as if he needs to drink."

"The coffee is for me idiot." I mutter and the android placed the cup in front of me and looked back at Gavin.

"I apologize. I'll go prepare some more if you'd would like." He offers. Gavin seems surprised and took his tie and wanted to punch the android.

I stand up and angrily look at him. "Gavin. I hate androids as much as you but if you damage it, you'll have a huge dept with Cyberlife."

Gavin angrily walks away leaving me and the android alone. "Is there a specific reason why you were sent here?" I continue with my questions since I don't trust it.

"As you may know I was designed by Cyberlife specifically to investigate and deal with deviant androids."

So this makes him the very first android to have been designed and sent out in the same month. What is Cyberlife up to?

If these deviants have been coming out why did they send this droid till now? It is November.

"I can tell that you must be questioning yourself on why they chose me for this." I give him a fake smile when he tells me that.

"Because androids can be restored if they get 'killed' us humans don't get restored. That's the only reason why they sent you. We can handle the rest."

"Indeed you can but more androids have become deviant, therefore I come in the picture. I can see things humans can't and detect where they were and what what were doing." He points out.


"I'm gonna go take a bite..where's Anderson?" I look and see he has gone off again. Jimmy's bar again.

"Lieutenant Anderson has gone off again. We should hurry before they decided to not let us investigate the crime scene."

"You mean the one where an android killed its owner." I ask waking side by side with the droid who begins to play with some coin in his hand. And how he's a show off.

"Precisely. This android has seemingly killed Carlos Ortiz."

I get into my car and the droid gets in as well. "I might as well hurry up, maybe this time I'll get a promotion and become a lieutenant." I excitedly tell myself and gripped the steering wheel. I turn the engine on and we went off to retrieve Hank once more.

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