A Different Choice(Avengers One-Shot)

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Hello there, readers. This is my first Avengers One-Shot in this New Random Book. So after reading comments about Steve/Cap's ending  in Endgame and the events of WandaVision and The Falcon & the Winter Soldier shows(SPOILERS for those who are not watch yet!), I decide to do about what happen if Steve make a different choice instead of staying in the Past.

DISCLAIMER: I do not OWN the Avengers and anything. It belongs to Marvel & Disney. Thank you.
After returning the Infinity Stones to the rightful places, Steve Rogers hold the Soul Stone as he makes stop in Vormir. He began to make a choice: Return the Soul Stone to Vormir and decide to stay in the Past to be with his love, Peggy Carter. However, the other part tell something different. If he stays in the Past, it means he ABANDONED the Avengers---the family he always knew the day he woke up from the ice. It was an insult for his & Tony Stark's legacy.

So he made a different choice.

After meeting with the Red Skull and the whole "A soul for a soul" thing, he let go the Soul Stone as a bright light appears on him. When he wakes up, he saw Vormir changes into a beautiful red skies(similar from the Soul Realm). As he look around, he heard a voice that he thought was gone.

???: Steve???

Steve turns around and saw it was Natasha, still wear her Black Widow suit and more beautiful than ever despite her shock and confusion on her face. He went close to her.

Steve: Natasha? You're alive.
Natasha: What happened, Steve? Did we win?
Steve: Yes. We won but a cost of life.
Natasha: *shocked face* Tony,  is he...?
Steve: I know.

They both hugged each other while mourning Tony's sacrifice.

Natasha: What are we gonna do?
Steve: We're going back. This time, it's just you and me.
Natasha: *smiles* I waited for that answer you said.

They both smiled and kissed each other. After this, they press the buttons and time travel back to the Present.

~One year after the Blip~
The two arrive in the hidden room where the now dismantled Quantum machine was. The two look confuse.

Natasha: Steve, this isn't the right year.
Steve: I think we press the wrong coordinates.

The door slides opens and the two turned around. It was Bucky, now his hair was cut short and wears a denim dark blue suit. He was shocked and confuse.

Bucky: Steve? Natasha?
Steve: Bucky, what's going on?
Bucky: I thought you were stay in the Past.
Steve & Natasha: What???

At that moment, Sam enter the rooms.

Sam: Bucky, what's going...Steve? Natasha?
Natasha: Sam, what year is it?
Sam: It's 2024. One year after the Blip.
Steve: So we time travel accidentally one year after Thanos' defeat.
Sam: Yeah. And you supposedly stay in the Past, right?
Steve: *confuse* I originally plan to do that but I made a different choice.
Bucky: Wait a minute! If that Steve did stay in the Past, *points of this* who is that?

Silence was occur until Steve broke it.

Steve: Bucky? Sam? What's going on after I left you guys?

The two were in the living room, wearing civilian clothes as Sam and Bucky explained the events after Steve left.

Natasha: So an old man version of Steve and give you the Shield?
Sam: That's right. And I saw a wedding ring and asked who he married, he did not say the name but he said, "No. I never will."

It was an akward silence.

Steve: So I stay in the Past and be with Peggy? That was original choice but it also means that I abandoned the Avengers--my family I knew the day I woke up from the ice. I don't know what I have to say.
Natasha: Me too, Steve. I wonder how Clint, Laura, the kids and Wanda right now after I died.
Bucky: It confuse me. If Steve did stays in the Past, why did that Steve here?
???: Perhaps I can tell you.

A portal appears and came out Dr. Strange.

Steve: Dr. Strange.
Dr. Strange: It's good to see you again, Captain and Miss Romanoff.
Natasha: What's going on?
Dr. Strange: I can explain. The day Steve left and stays in the Past, he created alternate timeline where he live together 'till the old life. However you(Steve) on other hand, made a different choice by choosing the Present and yet, here you are.
Steve: What does it mean?
Dr. Strange: It means the Steve from the Past grew old and passed on this timeline but you and Romanoff returns to this timeline, altered his(Past Steve) timeline and was forgotten.

This was unexpected reactions of 4 heroes after Dr. Strange explain. Sam looks shock, Bucky was confuse and Steve & Natasha were but skeptical about what Past Steve had done.

Steve: I don't like what he(Past Steve) did but abandoning the Avengers really upsets me!
Natasha: I agree, Steve. That's not the Steve I know.
Dr. Strange: You did the RIGHT choice, Captain Rogers. However, strange things happen after the Blip.
Steve: Tell us.

Sam switch on the TV and shows the events after the Blip. The Elementals attacking London, fighting against Peter Parker aka Spider-Man and Quentin Beck aka Mysterio.

Sam: After you..ahem...Past Steve left, these beings known as Elementals appears out of nowhere and attacking London. On that same day, Peter Parker aka Spider-Man was there in a field trip with his school classmates. And that guy with a bowl on the head is Quentin Beck aka Mysterio.

Bucky: But things getting stranger. Peter was called by Nick Fury and Maria Hill to assist Beck to fight the Elementals. But Peter is not alone. Before the trip, Peter encountered a silver haired cat-themed black suited thief called "Black Cat" which unknown to him, she was Felicia Hardy, the new student of Peter's school and one of his friends. She was among the students in the field trip in London when this happened. Felicia as Black Cat met Peter as Spider-Man(in a stealth suit) in an akward situation but they teamed up to stop one of the Elementals.

Steve remembered the time he met that kid in Queens back in Germany where he almost outmatched him due of his incredible skills.

Sam: However, it soon learns that Beck try to manipulate Peter to get EDITH, an AI installed of the glasses because his hatred towards Tony Stark because Stark took his technology before the Civil War fiasco. But Peter found out the Elementals were actually holographic drones by Beck to create an illusion to made Beck a hero. So he and Black Cat fought him. Despite Beck's Illusions, both of them managed to beat him. One time, Black Cat found out a video that Beck try to expose Peter as Spider-Man to the world and made him a 'menace' while himself as a 'hero'. So she destroyed it and it copies. After the London incident, the two and their school mates return home for good while at the same time, Peter and Felicia are dating after they found out their identities during the battle against Beck. Currently, both of them became vigilantes to protect their city. They did introduce to us a few months ago.
Steve: I'm glad for that kid. Tony would be so proud.
Natasha: And that Black Cat? Did she just idolizes me because I'm the Black Widow?

The 4 heroes laugh a bit.

Sam: However, it turns out after London, it reveal that Fury and Hill were shape shifting aliens known as Skrulls.
Steve: What???
Natasha: Where is the real one?
Bucky: Unfortunately, his location is unknown.
Dr. Strange: *clears throat* Sorry to interrupted but you have to change the TV. There's something worse happening.

The 4 look skeptical about this as Sam change the TV. On the channel was Westview but then it changes into some kind of family sitcom drama show in the 40s or 50s, suddenly they saw a familiar person enters.

Steve & Natasha: Wanda?!
Bucky: What the heck?!
Sam: What's she doing there and why she is wearing some kind of 50s sitcom drama clothes?

However, another familiar person appears beside her, wearing a 50s socialite business suit.

Natasha: Vision? But he's dead. We saw his damaged body after Thanos' took out the Mind Stone.
Dr. Strange: That's why I came here. Wanda turns Westview and the people into a reality sitcom show using her Chaos magic and hex. It lead into a consequences that will effect the realms of both Human and Dark Dimension.
Steve: Why did she do that?
Dr. Strange: Perhaps her grief towards Vision and Miss Romanoff. Not even Clint and his family try to help her grief. It seems that the Past version of Steve might have affected her to do this.
Steve: Oh god. What I have done?
Natasha: It's not your fault, Steve. That was the past one who created a stupid alternate reality for his own selfish desires. You on other hand was selfless man who just moving on and became who you are now.

Steve look at Natasha and realized she was right. He and the past self were different people.

Steve: You're right, Nat. We have to save Wanda.
Dr. Strange: Indeed but you have face another obstacles.
Bucky: We received a report from Agent Sharon Carter that a new organization called S.W.O.R.D. was there, investigate the happenings in Westview. Their leader has a nefarious plans against Wanda.
Sam: If S.W.O.R.D. found out Wanda is up to, it can turn bad to worse.
Dr. Strange: Not just that, there was a dangerous entity called "Nightmare" who was more powerful than Dormammu that I faced back in Dark Dimension. I sense it began growing and growing due of Chaos and hex powers of Wanda.

Steve and Natasha were left in shock and confusion about these recent events. But one thing for sure, this is gonna be worse than Thanos.

Steve: We gotta save Wanda.
Natasha: I join with you.
Steve: Great. *To Sam* You kept my Shield?
Sam: *akward tone* I give that to the Museum, along with the suit.
Steve: *sigh* Looks like I'm gonna take it back.
Natasha: *grin* Good luck, Steve. Are you gonna come, Bucky?
Bucky: Yes but me and Sam have a mission. It's Zemo.
Steve: Zemo?
Bucky: He got escaped from the Raft and we all know what's he planning. Don't worry, I'm gonna call Peter and Felicia to join with you.
Steve: Thanks, Buck. All right, let's go.
Dr. Strange: Good. I must go back to the Sanctum and wait until you brought Wanda so I can fix her.
Steve: We'll do.

Dr. Strange nods as he opens the portal and returns to Sanctum.

~A little later~
Steve, in his Cap suit(Endgame suit) and his Shield and Natasha, in Black Widow suit with electric around(AoU) were waiting in the Quinjet when Peter in Spider-Man suit(Far From Home) and Felicia in Black Cat suit arrives.

Peter: *shock tone* Woah! Captain America? I thought you were dead.
Steve: It's a long, complicated story but glad you two are here.
Felicia: *look at Natasha* Hey. I'm Felicia. I'm a big fan of you. *try to shake hands*
Natasha: *smiles and shakes hands* Nice to meet you.
Peter: So what's our mission?
Steve: We have to save Wanda.
Peter: Her? You mean the girl in a red jacket with red powers on her hands? What happened?
Natasha: Let's just say she made a bad things that will endanger everyone if she continues to do so.
Steve: All right! Let's go and save her.

The 4 heroes went to Quinjet and flies, headed to Westview to save Wanda.

And that's a wrap. I did not watch WandaVision and The Falcon & The Winter Soldier shows but after seeing Wanda will turn into villain as well as the US Soldier might have been a MCU version of Hydra Cap, things getting darker and bleaker about this.

2 years later after I watched Endgame, I read some fanfics regarding an issue about Steve's decision to stay in the Past. It was a biggest slap in the face moment for Cap and Romanogers fans around. They ruined Steve's arc and his character development by showing that ending. It shows that Steggy ship was a toxic ship and it belongs to same category along with CW's Olicity and WestAllen ships.

As for Spider-Man: Far From Home movie, I changes some bit parts where Peter meets Felicia/Black Cat and them, teaming up to fight the Elementals and Beck/Mysterio. And Felicia destroyed the video that expose Spider-Man as a 'menace' by Beck to the world, save Peter's identity and Peter ended up dating her instead of him and Michelle Jones. Although Zendaya was great actress, her character was NOT the same MJ. I love him and Mary Jane Watson in the comics(except One More Day that ruined their relationship) and him & Felicia/Black Cat being the second. So I decide to bring Felicia into the MCU and she was played by the actress, who played Betty Cooper in Riverdale.

Anyways, I hope you like it. And keep safe from COVID-19.

Completed: March 29, 2021
Updated: October 2, 2023

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