Killing Paul(Spider-Man One-Shot)

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Hello, everyone. It's been a few months since I post this "My New Random Book" fanfic but now I'm back because I read ShiroWhiteWizard's opinion towards Spider-Man New Timeline comics. And boy, the author hated it. Some guy named Paul ruining Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson's relationship by her having kids with him which pissed the author and so myself too. This another add for hatred of MJ by Spider-Man fans since the infamous "One More Day" comics. Even worse, Marvel confirm that Peter and Mary Jane were BROKE up which another ship of mine ended in tragedy because of some idiotic writers.

It's so sad that Peter and Mary Jane are one of my first comic book couples I love thanks to Sam Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy before Steve Rogers/Captain America & Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow appears in the MCU. And the writers decide to ruin MJ such as the aforementioned One More Day storyline and that crappy new timeline to led her to be hated by some fans. Not only those writers made her a divided character but also insulting her creator, the late Stan Lee(he is the one who created Mary Jane in her comic debut with the famous "Tiger" line).

So I decide to create an One-Shot where Paul get his comeuppance. Originally, I suppose to use Bully Maguire but then, I watched the scene where a character named Paul got killed by someone with an axe which brought me an interesting idea. So any of you don't like Mary Jane but like the New Spider-Man Timeline in the comics, I suggest to BACK-OFF or I report this nonsense. Thank you.

DISCLAIMER: Spider-Man belongs to Stan Lee(R.I.P.) and Marvel. I own OC only. Thank you.
~New York City~

It was a typical night in New York. Inside a bar, two men were having conversation. One guy named Paul Rabin sitting on the left and the other is Patrick or Pat for short.

(This is Paul Rabin, the most hated character in the new Spider-Man comics. 😠)

(This is Patrick or Pat, my OC. Just imagine him in a normal, modern day clothes.)

Paul told Pat that a one year ago, he dated a redhead woman named Mary Jane Watson and had a few drinks before he slept with her(who was drunk at that time). Of course, Mary Jane was shocked upon what happened last night and decide to leave but Paul urged her to be with him but she refused and left. Then, he heard she was pregnant and knew that child was his so he went to her apartment to confirm his child as his but Mary Jane denied it and told him to leave. But Paul told her to have a DNA test which she obliged. After a few weeks, Paul was the first one to show the results and discovered it was NEGATIVE. The child Mary Jane was not his. So he create a fake DNA test paper to made Mary Jane's unborn child was his.

After the story, Paul told Pat that tomorrow morning, he will reveal this DNA test paper to her in-front of her current boyfriend Peter Parker. He was gleefully smile that what happen next. But Pat who was listening the story but remain silent. However deep down, he did not like Paul's idea to reveal this because this man is gonna ruin that poor woman. It turns out Pat was a neighbor of Mary Jane and has been friends with her and Peter. One night, he heard an argument about the one night stand of Mary Jane and Paul which both have emotional wreck but a few days later, both of them reconciled and apologize each other.

But now, Paul is gonna ruin both Mary Jane and Peter's lives with the fake DNA test. So Pat has his own plan. While Paul was talking the story earlier, Pat secretly put a drug on his drink and later after the story, Paul drinks it which he did not know there was a drug on his drink. After a few rounds, Paul was now drunk and drugged as Pat carry him to an unknown apartment.


The living room floor has been meticulously covered with

Paul is slumped drunkenly in a white Eames chair, a glass
in his hand as Pat is looking through a CDs until he found one.

Pat: Hey, man. You like Huey Lewis and the News?
Paul: Yeah...why?
Pat: Let me tell you some info. Their early work was a little too New Wave for my taste. But then Sports came out in 1983, I think they really
came into their own, commercially and artistically.

Pat walks to his bathroom, taking large ax(Like this: 🪓) out from the sink.

Pat: The whole album has a clear, crisp sound and a new sheen of
consummate professionalism that gives the songs a big boost.

While he's talking, Pat comes back out moonwalking and leans the ax against the wall before he walks to the foyer and puts on a raincoat, watching Paul from behind all the time.

Pat: He's been compared to Elvis Costello or Elvis Presley but I think
Huey has a more bitter, cynical sense of humor.

Paul is absent-mindedly leafing through the Barneys

Paul: Hey, Pat.
Pat: Yeah man?
Paul: Why are there copies of the Style section all over
the place? Do you have a dog or painting cans to paint something?
Pat: No.
Paul: Is that a raincoat?
Pat: Yes, it is.

Pat moves to the CD player. He takes CD out of its case and slides it in the machine. He puts on "Hip To Be Square." was played.

(Play the Song at the top)

Pat: In 1987 Huey released this, "Fore!", their most accomplished album. I think their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip To Be Square," a song so catchy that most people probably don't listen to the lyrics. *walks and proceed to get an axe* But they should because it's not
just about the pleasures of conformity and the importance of trends. It's all a personal statement about the band itself. *raising the axe raised over Paul's head* Hey, Paul?

As Paul turns around, he was horrified as Pat screams, swinging the axe.

Pat: *screams* Aaaahhhhhh!!

Pat hits Paul with an axe on his head. Blood sprays onto the white raincoat and his face before he yanks the ax out.

Paul drops to the floor. His body falls out of the frame and stay on his legs twitching mechanically as blood pulses onto the newspaper-covered floor.

Pat: *Raising the axe and screaming* Try getting to ruin Peter and Mary Jane's relationship now, you
stupid bastard!!

Pat continue to hack Paul with the back of the axe until he finally stops and saw the now lifeless body of Paul.

Pat: *panting* Stupid bastard....

Then, Pat took off his bloodied raincoat as he pulls out his phone and calls the "Cleaners" to clean the body and blood. Moments later, the Cleaners arrives and clean the blood while taking care Paul's body to a body bag. After the apartment was clean, Pat gave them a Continental coin before the Cleaners left the area as Pat sits down on his couch, smoking while holding the fake DNA test before he burns it with his cigarette.

Pat: Don't worry, MJ. Paul will not bothering you again.

The next day, Pat mailed the real DNA test that was negative result to Mary Jane and she was sighed in relief. She later asked Pat where Paul is but the latter replied that he moved to another city for a new job.

Several months later, Annie May Parker was born as both Mary Jane & Peter's child. The Avengers were invited for baptism including Steve Rogers and his wife Natasha along with their child, James Rogers. Pat was also invited as the honorary uncle. And everything felt great.


Zeb Wells and the writers were busy creating a new comic strip to made Spider-Man miserable more when he smells something.

Zeb: Was that gas?

Outside of Marvel building, an explosion occured as smoke & fire comes out from the window where the writers are. Deadpool appears and drops the detonator.

Deadpool: And that's how Spider-Man ends up with Mary Jane in a positive note, fans.

And then, he walks away.
DONE!! I hope you like this, ShiroWhiteWizard.

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