The Conqueror's Eye(Avengers One-Shot)

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Hello there.

This is another One-Shot of the Avengers with a certain Conqueror. SPOILERS for those who had not watch Disney+ Loki series.

DISCLAIMER: The Avengers belongs to Marvel & Disney. I do NOT own anything. Thank you.
Elsewhere in a dark room filled dark green, numerous screens that look like a future version of a televisions. There was a figure sitting what looks like a hover chair. He was watching the numerous screens. He was wearing a green & purple armor suit while his face was covered with blue visor on it.

The figure was....Kang the Conqueror. The time warlord was witnessing some of the events of a certain of group of superheroes known as "The Avengers".

He witness the Avengers' first appearance in Battle of New York, Battle of Sokovia, a Civil War fiasco in Germany and in Wakanda where the Mad Titan Thanos snaps half of the universe with the Infinity Gauntlet. He also witness them, time traveling to get the Infinity Stones which he was disappointed about messing up the time with reckless consequences which led to a death of one of them.

There, Kang witness the biggest battle event of the Avengers.

It ends with Tony Star aka Iron Man snaps Thanos & his army out of existence but a cost of his life. Kang, despite being a warlord, respect this man for his sacrifice, on his life for his family and others.

However, what's next will discover the anomaly of time.

After he saw Steve Rogers aka Captain America returns an old man and gives his Star Shield to Sam Wilson, he saw him stayed in the Past and be with Peggy Carter to have his happy ending in a new timeline.

While Kang respects Tony, he was not respect to Steve. His hand clenches into fist.

Kang: So it was YOU. You are the reason why my timeline was disrupting the continuum effect because of that.

Before this, Kang was benevolent warlord on his time. Then, a time altering continuum effect affected his time that led some of his conquered places cease to exists. Realizing something went anomaly with time, he was checking on numerous screens that shows the other timelines. When that screen shows, Kang finally found the anomaly.

Kang: Captain America, the first Avenger. A man out of time. You are the one that the created the Avengers that consider to be my worthy as my adversaries . And yet, you abandoned your team you knew and chose that moment.

He also witness the original timeline that Steve left was in chaos & confusion. He saw a woman turns a town into a sitcom show that bear consequences and ends with her becoming a Scarlet Witch.

A sentry soldier came behind him.

Sentry Soldier: My lord, our armies and the fleet is ready to deployed.
Kang: Good.

Kang stands up as the screens were turn-off as he walks to the balcony.

Kang: Prepare the armies and fleet for a mission.
Sentry Soldier: What mission?
Kang: We will show the true power & true order! We will conquer every timelines, events and others where the heroes exists! Destroy them! Destroy the Avengers!

He arrived where the armies on the ground & fleets hovering above the skies.

Kang: *he turns to the screen and cold tone* Starting with Captain America.

Kang raise his arms above as the army raise their fists in salute as the fleet flies above.


Kang the Conqueror is the next Big Bad in future MCU films. It showed at the finale of Loki(SPOILERS!) series where the god of mischief may have been meet one of Kang's incarnations.

This One-Shot was inspired an episode from Avengers: Earth Mightiest Heroes animated series where Kang witnessing Captain America frozen to sleep that woke up in the Present time years later, which led into alteration of his timeline and decide to attack the Avengers in a Present timeline.

I have my own theory about what & why Kang the Conqueror's goals against the Avengers. One reason was he blamed Steve Rogers' staying in the Past to be with Peggy Carter in a new timeline at the end of Endgame. It result a dreadful consequences. Ruining Steve's arc and his years of character development(after CA:The Winter Soldier movie) with that ending made me hated two years later. 😒

The ending of Kang with his army & fleet was similar to Lord Drakkon in Power Rangers: Shattered Grid video.

I hope you like it. Thank you.

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