The End of the Journey(Pokèmon)

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After 25 years and 25 seasons, the story and journey of Ash Ketchum has finally come to an end. To me, this will be emotional yet fitting end to one of my childhood Anime of all time. This One-shot also be a tribute to not just Ash and Pikachu but to others who made the series so beloved and iconic today.

Thank you, Ash and Pikachu. The end of an era.
He finally DONE it. After years of ups and downs of his journey to become a Pokemon Master, he finally DID it!

Ash Ketchum finally became a Pokemon World Champion after defeating Leon with many odds. It was the biggest moment of his life. He finally became a Pokemon Master.

After the tournament, he and Pikachu still traveling to other places with his fellow trainer Goh and the rest is history.

Then after that, it's time go home.

~Pallet Town~

Ash and Goh finally arrived to Ash's home town, Pallet Town.

Ash: Well, I guess this is goodbye then.
Goh: Me too. Thank you, Ash. After traveling with you, I learned more about the experience and relationship with Pokemon and other people.
Ash: You're welcome.

Both of them shakes hand.

Goh: Well, this is it. Goodbye, Ash.
Ash: Goodbye, Goh.

Goh wave at Ash and then, he left. As Ash saw Goh's figure began fade into distance, he look at Pikachu.

Ash: Are you ready to go home, Pikachu?
Pikachu: *smiles* Pika~chu!
Ash: All right then, let's go.

As he walks to his hometown, he began to reminisce of his past from the beginning until the end.

After a long walk, Ash finally arrive at his house. He knock the door and the door opens, revealing his mother Delia.

Delia: Ash?
Ash: Hello, Mom. I'm home.

The two hugged each other with a smiles.

Delia: Welcome home, Ash. How are you now?
Ash: We're fine with Pikachu. Right?
Pikachu: Pika! Pika!
Delia: Good. There's someone waiting for you.
Ash: Who?

So Delia let Ash enter the home and waiting there was Grace and her daughter...and Ash's friend/crush, Serena.

Ash: Serena?
Serena: Ash! You finally home!

Serena runs and hugs him, which Ash hug her back.

Ash: Yeah. I'm home. *Looks at Serena* What are you and your mother doing here?
Grace: We're just visit here as your mother told us about the events that you won the World Champion Tournament. Congratulations!
Ash: Oh. Thanks.
Serena: Congratulations, Ash. I'm so proud of you.
Ash: *blush while scratch his hair* He he he. Thanks, Serena.

Pikachu snickered in amusement.

Delia: If you want to spend you two alone, you should go outside if you want.

Now it was Serena's turn to blush.

Serena: Alone...with Ash?
Ash: Oh. I think I should visit Prof. Oak's Lab to see my old Pokemon.
Serena: I'm going with you.
Ash: Sure.

Both Ash and Serena leaves as their mothers watched in delight.
Grace: You know, I think the two made a great couple.
Delia: Yes. Yes, they are.

Delia looks at the picture frame of 3 on a nearby table desk. It was Delia sitting on a chair with young Ash sitting on her lap and a black raven haired man standing behind her who quite resembles of Ash but in red, white and black Trainer clothes that similar to Ash's first Trainer clothes he wore.

Delia: Our son is finally grew up and became the Pokemon Master. If only you are here to see it, Red.

~A Few Minutes Later~

After reunited with Prof. Oak and his old Pokemon with more bonding, Ash is now alone with Serena as the two were standing on the sea as the sun began to set while Pikachu was still playing with other Pokemon at the ranch.

Serena: So what's next, Ash? You're now a Pokemon World Champion and a Master.
Ash: *deep breath* I guess this is the end.
Serena: The end?
Ash: My journey. After years of my hardships and dedication with my other Pokemon, I finally did it! And now, it's time.
Serena: Time for what?
Ash: It's time to retire as a Pokemon Trainer.
Serena: What???
Ash: You heard me right? My time and journey to become a Pokemon Master has come to an end.
Serena: Ash, that's...that's the right decision you had.
Ash: Yeah. Because right now, I'm gonna focus the next journey. *Looks at Serena* You.
Serena: *blushes* What? Me?
Ash: Serena, when I met you back in Pokemon Summer Camp when we were kids because...I like you.
Serena: Y-You like me?
Ash: Yes. Even after you left, I always thinking about you. Despite I met some girls like Misty, May and Dawn, my heart belongs to you.

Serena look at Ash as her face is now covered with red. For the first time in her life, Ash is still liked her and always remember her. Ash hold her hands.

Ash: Serena, there's something I want to tell you. I(cuts).
Serena: *shush him with a finger* Shhhh. *Smiles* I know.

And then,

Ash and Serena finally kissed each other as the sun looks over them with a wonderful smile.

Meanwhile, a certain trio watching afar from the couple as tears began appear on their faces & smiles.

Jessie: Finally~!
James: After years of waiting, they finally did it!
Meowth: *raise his paws in joy* Yeah! The ship is sailing~!
Wobbuffet: Wobbuffet~!

Ash and Serena broke the kiss and smiled each other. Their silence was broke when Pikachu appears and smiles.

Pikachu: Pika~chu!
Ash: You saw it, did you?
Pikachu: *nods* Pika!
Serena: *giggles* Oh Pikachu.
Ash: Come on. Let's go home.
Serena: Yes. Let's go.

Pikachu climbs over Ash's shoulder as he and Serena walk home, holding hands as they went home as the sunset occured.

The journey of the Pokemon has come to an end but a new door is open for a new adventure.
AND DONE! The end of an era. Thank you, Ash and Pikachu as well as the creators for giving my childhood Anime an epic and fitting end of the story. And yes, I am an Amourshipping as Ash and Serena finally kissed and became a couple. Yahoo! And so, to end the story with the quote from Narrator:

Narrator: And so, the journey of Ash Ketchum has finally come to an end. Thank you, Ash and Pikachu. Until we meet again.

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