XIV - Revelations

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I have wasted much of my life. I spent ten years waiting for a heavenly being to return to my side. In those ten years I sat around and wished that he had stayed to say goodbye. In actual fact I was moping, not wanting to live and wasting every opportunity that I had in life. And there was many opportunities that I missed. I missed people I could have fallen in love with. I missed every promotion and let it pass me by, not wanting to spend more time at work when I could have been at home listening to old tapes of his voice, the only proof I had that he was a real person and not just a figment of my imagination.

Now ten years after the last time I still miss him. I want to show him what I have done in the past decade. I know he would be proud of me. I know he would be happy with what I had achieved and I want to share it with him with every fiber of my soul.

"Come out and talk to me Lucifer!" I yelled out into the night, from the bridge I was standing upon.

I have come to this bridge many times over the past ten years. Sometimes it was only to remind me of the times that I almost took my own life. Sometimes it was for all the lost opportunities that I allowed to pass me be. Other times I came just to watch the sun set, hoping that he would appear and come to me, even though I knew it would take an entire decade before he would appear again. That is why I am on this bridge once more.

"Lucifer! I know this is your night," I said into the night sky, not seeing the cars that sped by behind me, just enjoying the view for the very first time. This evening I saw what Lucifer saw when he looked out into the world. Thousands of people going among their life, not knowing they were living a huge lie that determined everything that they did.

They did not know that they were killing and judging because of a story they did not know the beginning about. Things were different for me now. So I just waited, wanting to see the one person who actually knew the truth once more. I needed someone like-minded to talk to. I still had questions I needed to ask. I needed to know where Cain currently was. I wanted to meet him and ask him to make me immortal just like him so I could be with Lucifer forever. Yes, I have never stopped loving him at all in the past decade. In fact absence just made the heart grow fonder, for he understood my soul and I knew it.

"I told your story. I published a book and it became a best-seller. Yes, many did not agree with me, but my story has started something new. There are people thinking for themselves. Yes, I know they aren't many, but I have tried my best, and I know it will grow. "My night with Lucifer" will be told forever more, I believe that with all my heart. Some people call me the "speaker-of-lies", others call me "the truth", and it is those people that I need to reach for you, and tell them your truth.

"My life has changed a lot since you left me that night when you called me Adam. I still do not understand why, but I heard the tape. I have the same description as you gave God himself. With the blue eyes and the dark hair. We do look alike. I can see that now. But I do not care about the past, unless it is yours. I care about my present only. And here and now I still have a purpose, although I cry every night, wanting to join you in eternity."

I spoke my heart out on that bridge that night. I talked and talked until morning came, not stopping to catch my breath. Doing everything I could to draw Lucifer near, but he never came. I waited until the sun was high in the sky, almost contemplating to jump, just so Lucifer would show up. All I wanted was a glimpse of him. Just the sound of his voice once more. He was the one that gave purpose to my life and made me who I was. The lost opportunities, the happy memories, the sad times, everything. It was all because of him. And still he never showed.

As I left the bridge I knew that I would never return. Lucifer has told me his story. My purpose to him was done. I wrote his book. I told his story. I made the truth known for all to see.

So I left.

I went away into the light, feeling Lucifer burning on my skin.

"The bringer of light," I whispered as I put sunglasses on to shield me from the magnificent light he was burning with.

I knew that somewhere out in the world someone else was waking up, knowing that their life now had purpose and that the truth was finally revealed to them. It made me smile. A sad smile, but still a smile as I thought of the words that was thousands of years old and would live for thousands to come. I knew in my heart that the truth would always reveal itself, no matter how fast the lie was running.

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